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Ghost last won the day on July 27 2013

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  1. Seems like a really intelligent and switched on guy. Looking forward to seeing him play in claret and blue!
  2. Lion is facing the wrong way.
  3. Anyone else find the timing of the release on Twitter weird? Almost like when a political party announce some kind of policy at 5pm on a Friday.
  4. A yellow lion on blue just doesn't work. It's completely washed out, even with the drop shadow (urgh). I was holding onto a shred of hope that the leaks might've been misdirection or works-in-progress, and the club would eventually reveal a creat that made sense, but bloody hell, that is hilariously bad.
  5. Villa Twitter Admin - Sneaky sneaky... Also, captioning Prepared after a 5 nil defeat is pretty funny.
  6. These boys are still hungover from the Awards party lol
  7. Despite winning the 2021 Copa America and the Golden Glove, despite winning the 2022 World Cup and Golden Glove, despite being awarded the 2022 Best Goalkeeper in the World, and despite winning the 2023 Yashin Trophy... he's still criminally underrated by football fans and the media in general - it's crazy.
  8. I don't know how some people find the energy to wake up in the morning, with such defeatist attitudes.
  9. If your watching the Optus stream, I think its Efan Ekoku. He's always dour when I've heard him.
  10. Movie? What movie? Jokes - I know they made a movie but it was such an abomination that I'd rather forget it exists
  11. As I said in my original post, I consider the animation one of the best cartoons I've seen, so I had high hopes for this. Especially after the trailers, I was all aboard the hype train. But yeah it didn't live up to my expectations unfortunately. Was still "ok" though, and I'm interested to see how it progresses if they continue with the next season.
  12. Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender - The original cartoon is one of my favourite animations of all time, but this adaptation is hit and miss for me. Casting seems on point, and watching some of the scenes remade in live action are just as I'd imagined them, but I was left questioning what the writers' logic was in changing certain elements and combining plot lines. Not sure if a second season has already been green-lit, but I'd still be keen to see it continue. Green Eye Samurai - Amazing visuals, story and voice performances. Really enjoyed it.
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