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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Mate of mine (electrician) popping round tonight to help me with a broken outdoor socket. Great, however, He didn't specify a time and I've got other stuff to do...

Difficult to ring and ask when he's coming without sounding like an ungrateful moaner!

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Mate of mine (electrician) popping round tonight to help me with a broken outdoor socket. Great, however, He didn't specify a time and I've got other stuff to do...

Difficult to ring and ask when he's coming without sounding like an ungrateful moaner!


if he's like every other tradesman in the world he'll have forgotten and been in the pub or on the gulf course since 14:00

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Mate of mine (electrician) popping round tonight to help me with a broken outdoor socket. Great, however, He didn't specify a time and I've got other stuff to do...

Difficult to ring and ask when he's coming without sounding like an ungrateful moaner!


if he's like every other tradesman in the world he'll have forgotten and been in the pub or on the gulf course since 14:00


The Gulf course? You are the English / French policeman from Allo Allo I claim my 10 Euro's

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Mate of mine (electrician) popping round tonight to help me with a broken outdoor socket. Great, however, He didn't specify a time and I've got other stuff to do...

Difficult to ring and ask when he's coming without sounding like an ungrateful moaner!

if he's like every other tradesman in the world he'll have forgotten and been in the pub or on the gulf course since 14:00

The Gulf course? You are the English / French policeman from Allo Allo I claim my 10 Euro's

I was pissing by your town to give it to you when I was attacked by a minkey who stole it

No idea how it went in as gulf when I typed gulf ...

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Mansion Tax. Don't implement it because the filthy rich will defer their tax until they die and do you know what that means!? They'll leave less money in their will to charities.

Well now I've **** heard it all.

I believe it's tradition to refer to how many nurses this tax will pay for when referring to it. :)

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my cousin and her fella normally take my grandad xmas shopping every year but she rang up the other day and said she would not have time, funny that because the day before she asked him if he would lend her 3 grand which he refused. she and her mum and brother should be put up a wall and shot because they are nothing but dirty scumbags, really really cannot stand them.

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People who wear festival bands way after the festival has finished. There was a bloke on the tube today with a Bestival wrist band on. Bestival was in facking September! WTF!?

Erm yeah I definitely didn't wear my Reading 2002 wristband for a whole year.

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People who wear festival bands way after the festival has finished. There was a bloke on the tube today with a Bestival wrist band on. Bestival was in facking September! WTF!?

Disgusting isn't it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk in my right hand with my Glastonbury wristband wrapped around the wrist

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Christmas, all things **** Christmas


I **** despise this time of year, if I hear one more person say 'Christmas gets earlier every year' one more time I'm going to take a shit on someones head, its infuriating, it doesn't get earlier its been the same for **** years, its just fashionable to cry about how early it starts coming around.

The german **** market why do people get so **** excited about it? it hasn't changed one **** jot in ten years its exactly the same apart from the fact they charge more and more each year for the privilege of standing outside freezing your knackers off, **** the german market **** father **** christmas and **** the donkey that gave baby jesus a carrot or whatever.


be pissed off at the amount of money you will inevitably be spending on people you ultimately dislike enjoy your dinner and shut the **** up about it

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I like Christmas in so much as I bugger off somewhere warm on holiday


December is usually my busiest month of the year work wise so I kind of work some crazy hours right up to the 23rd and then don't come back to work until the New year  , as my clients shut down as well its probably the only time of the year when I'm truly on holiday  , no emails , no office related crap etc

Edited by tonyh29
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I think I've said this before, but I think I like Christmas so much because I spent 6 years of my life working in a restaurant. Ok it was part time, but christmas was absolutely manic.


Plus my mom and 2 sisters worked at the same place so Christmas was hectic for the whole family. It wasn't a holiday, it was our busiest time of the year (especially my mom). Christmas day was an hour of present opening followed by 8 hours of work (except for my dad who'd probably spend the 8 hours playing with my christmas presents!)


These days, none of us work on christmas day. I usually have 2 weeks off work and spend a lot of that back at home chilling out, eating food and spending time with the family.


I can see why people hate it. But for me it's bloody brilliant.

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