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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Christmas, all things **** Christmas


I **** despise this time of year, if I hear one more person say 'Christmas gets earlier every year' one more time I'm going to take a shit on someones head, its infuriating, it doesn't get earlier its been the same for **** years, its just fashionable to cry about how early it starts coming around.

The german **** market why do people get so **** excited about it? it hasn't changed one **** jot in ten years its exactly the same apart from the fact they charge more and more each year for the privilege of standing outside freezing your knackers off, **** the german market **** father **** christmas and **** the donkey that gave baby jesus a carrot or whatever.


be pissed off at the amount of money you will inevitably be spending on people you ultimately dislike enjoy your dinner and shut the **** up about it


Sadly, there is no escaping it.


Hating Christmas is as much of a tradition as being a simpering sentimental **** about it.


So until you can manage true indifference you are as guilty of participating as everyone else.


At least that is what I will keep telling myself.

Edited by MakemineVanilla
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Inspired by Nays in another thread. ****ing teenyboppers wearing band t shirts. The number of 12 year olds walking around with Back In Black T-shirts, Ramones of Rolling Stones lips. Name 3 ****ing albums you abhorant toss rags.


Also.... Movember. Lots of people do it, hardly anyone donates to the charity as was originally intended, you look like a clearing in the woods and are basically giving Gillette free advertising on your face for 30 days.

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Inspired by Nays in another thread. ****ing teenyboppers wearing band t shirts. The number of 12 year olds walking around with Back In Black T-shirts, Ramones of Rolling Stones lips. Name 3 ****ing albums you abhorant toss rags.


Also.... Movember. Lots of people do it, hardly anyone donates to the charity as was originally intended, you look like a clearing in the woods and are basically giving Gillette free advertising on your face for 30 days.


Oh, bugger!


That's ruined my Christmas shopping list.  :(

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I always loved Christmas, but not I'm living down by the missus' family I'm not looking forward to it for the first time.  Too many kids, loads of presents to buy, unwarranted pressure and I don't get my mom's Christmas dinner this year.

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The word removed in my office, who couldn't stop what he was doing for 2 mins, and reflect on why everyone had stopped what they're doing for those 2 mins of silence. You're not so important that you can't stop using the scroll dial on your mouse, and just think about the sacrifice that was made for us, you utter utter ******* word removed!

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People who wear festival bands way after the festival has finished. There was a bloke on the tube today with a Bestival wrist band on. Bestival was in facking September! WTF!?

I know of someone who got kicked out of reading festival and they cut his wrist band off. After trying to work out how he was going to get home he realised they'd cut last years band off, so he just walked back in.

So it can have its benefits..

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things that piss me off about christmas:



sentimental adverts



I was thinking that the John Lewis advert would have been a lot better, if it had ended with the penguin being eaten, with the Dad figure saying something like, 'Sorry son, but it's been a tough year, for me and your mum!'

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things that piss me off about christmas:


decorations going up at the start of november

sentimental adverts

consumerism no. 1: the equating of buying + giving gifts and caring about someone

the stress put on people who struggle to make ends meet

christmas pudding

reruns of television from the 70s

christmas specials of shows that should have left it where they ended

that it never snows

consumerism no. 2: toys TOYS TOOOOOYS


the pretense of it all, esp. people being joyful & considerate for one week of the year, and still really only towards friends and family.

that christianity is still around

liz's message

two months of hype for one day

local tree lighting events with z list celebrities

novelty christmas singles

consumerism no. 3: the obligation people feel to buy stuff even if it just means a pair of socks

that people don't understand why some may not enjoy the 'season'


advent calenders

christmas plays

that people turn up and drink your alcohol

michael bay


Hard to disagree with much of that.


Though, I am in the minority who don't hate Michael Bay.

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things that piss me off about christmas:


the stress put on people who struggle to make ends meet


Good list that.


I'd like to add:


The depression/loneliness that can be felt by many at that time of year, who may not have many friends/family. 


It's 'traditionally' a family time, and those without do sometimes suffer. It can certainly exacerbate the problem for those with a tendency of getting low.

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things that piss me off about christmas:


the stress put on people who struggle to make ends meet


Good list that.


I'd like to add:


The depression/loneliness that can be felt by many at that time of year, who may not have many friends/family. 


It's 'traditionally' a family time, and those without do sometimes suffer. It can certainly exacerbate the problem for those with a tendency of getting low.



Good post Jon


Worth remembering there are people out there who dislike Christmas for reasons like they lost a loved one over Christmas in years gone by. So next time someone refuses to come out for a drink over Xmas, it might not be because they are anti-social, it might be because it's a really hard time for them. 

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