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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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My internet has stopped working for all sites and services except for VT... weird.

The government are telling you to stop fapping over bad vidoes and 90s wrestling.

But but, Sable had nothing but body paint on her boobies!

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That I can't grow a proper beard, the sides/cheek part is too patchy, not alopecia like but just very patchy. I really want a Bray Wyatt style beard though :(


I bet yours is still better than mine. Mine grows on my tash, chin (not the connecting bits though) and under my jaw but on my cheeks and sideburns it's so sparse. I'm 28, near 29. I just don't think a beard is ever going to happen for me and that sucks balls. I already have a babyface that makes me look ten years younger than I actually am. I'm sick of having the whole thing when I meet a new person and they can't believe I'm as old as I say I am. Some even ask to see my licence like they don't believe me! Bell ends. 


It's not fair. My brother has a beard, my dad has a beard, hell, even my cousins who are 7 years younger than me can grow better facial hair than I can. Why does God hate my face?

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That I can't grow a proper beard, the sides/cheek part is too patchy, not alopecia like but just very patchy. I really want a Bray Wyatt style beard though :(

I bet yours is still better than mine. Mine grows on my tash, chin (not the connecting bits though) and under my jaw but on my cheeks and sideburns it's so sparse. I'm 28, near 29. I just don't think a beard is ever going to happen for me and that sucks balls. I already have a babyface that makes me look ten years younger than I actually am. I'm sick of having the whole thing when I meet a new person and they can't believe I'm as old as I say I am. Some even ask to see my licence like they don't believe me! Bell ends.

It's not fair. My brother has a beard, my dad has a beard, hell, even my cousins who are 7 years younger than me can grow better facial hair than I can. Why does God hate my face?

A nice bit of crack will sort you out; it gives you that "lived in" look, plus I've heard it's really moreish.

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the sky news headline that states

Investigators believe William Vahey, who worked at an elite London school, targeted dozens of boys over 40 years.


clearly if they are over 40 they are men , not boys ....

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