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Baselayers last won the day on February 15 2014

Baselayers had the most liked content!

About Baselayers

  • Birthday 03/07/1980


  • Title
    Bronzed Goddess

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  1. Just keep taking drugs until they are not shit
  2. A long sleep in the cocoon
  3. It's like alive but with less planes and more porn
  4. ... Yeeessss
  5. Savages
  6. What happened did he die?
  7. Estate agents are pure scum
  8. What happens when there is no room left for more cemeteries?
  9. Ya dirty yolk !!!! christ man!
  10. Old gits driving at 30mph on a 60mph road then stopping without indicating, and wondering why you are going mental at them. Fackin knobhead
  11. Baked potato with corned beef on a cold day. YAY
  12. It's all a bit posh.
  13. OOOF. What happened to him? Did he die or lock sunny is his basement?
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