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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I don't read anything that isn't a message or a tag of me on Facebook at all. I check it every so often as some people only use it to communicate.

If they left it I'd delete my account

Free yourself from it for a trial period of six months and you'll probably see that it offers less than you think.

People seem to worry that their social life will implode if they don't use Facebook, but I have never had an account, but guess what? I stil have a normal social life; I still hear about all the gatherings my family/friends are having because they're people close to me and they make contact in other ways. I still know how the people important to me are and what they've been up to.

If you care about seeing pictures of the kid of some schmuck you haven't spoken to for several years, or you need to retain visibilty of mindless willy waving/bragging about how amazing someone's life is then I guess you'll need it.

Otherwise, you won't: the people you want to stay in touch with/who want to stay in touch with you will do it by other means. Everyone else is just an electronic acquaintance on a list; and if you do ever really, really need to contact them them there's always a way.

I'm sure you have the email addresses and phone numbers of those people that you need contact details for. For everyone else, you could put a message on your wall to say you're deleting your account, so please can people send their details on before you do. I imagine some people won't bother because they won't give a rat's ass about keeping in contact - you're just a list filler for them so that they can feel more popular.

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I think facebook is great for numerous reasons, like messaging a group of mates all at once or uploading photos of a party/wedding and seeing everybody else's photos of it too.


But other than that, I'd be happy to delete my account. I think it's mad that I'm friends with people from school on there that I didn't even speak to back then, but now I know what they're doing on a Tuesday evening. I'm particularly not interested in their thoughts about some nobhead on X-factor. 

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I think facebook is great for numerous reasons, like trawling through that girl from work's bikini snaps from her week long jaunt to Magaluf.


But other than that, I'd be happy to delete my account. I think it's mad that I'm friends with people from school on there that I didn't even speak to back then, but now I know what they're doing on a Tuesday evening. I'm particularly not interested in their thoughts about some nobhead on X-factor. 



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Paddywhack, on 11 Sept 2013 - 2:13 PM, said:

I think facebook is great for numerous reasons, like messaging a group of mates all at once or uploading photos of a party/wedding and seeing everybody else's photos of it too.


But other than that, I'd be happy to delete my account. I think it's mad that I'm friends with people from school on there that I didn't even speak to back then, but now I know what they're doing on a Tuesday evening. I'm particularly not interested in their thoughts about some nobhead on X-factor. 

but you are interested in what pisses off people you've never met before on a football forum :P

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Paddywhack, on 11 Sept 2013 - 2:13 PM, said:

I think facebook is great for numerous reasons, like messaging a group of mates all at once or uploading photos of a party/wedding and seeing everybody else's photos of it too.


But other than that, I'd be happy to delete my account. I think it's mad that I'm friends with people from school on there that I didn't even speak to back then, but now I know what they're doing on a Tuesday evening. I'm particularly not interested in their thoughts about some nobhead on X-factor. 

but you are interested in what pisses off people you've never met before on a football forum :P


You got me there!  :D


I did notice my hypocrisy when typing it, but I quite like people on here; generally like-minded Villa fans. I went to school with arseholes. 


I don't read other people's posts anyway.  ;)

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People who consider politics to be a career. Being an elected representative is not and never should be a career.

Surely Everyone knows you just use it as a stepping stone to get you a place on the board of a large corporate when you get booted out by the electorate
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