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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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6 hours ago, TheAuthority said:


So rude. I haven't been on holiday in Europe for a number of years and I'd forgotten. We went to visit some caves today and we are all waiting until the tour starts and then they all push past us (wife is pregnant) just to get to the front. They had no problem banging you and bumping you when they want to get by, and acting like they aren't doing anything. No apologies just acting like they own the place and a far superior. I ended up trying to be as awkwardly in the way as possible rather than enjoying the caves. The blue collar lad in me wanted to start humming 2 World Wars....

They display the worst kind of entitlement.


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I've spent a fair bit of time in Germany this year and its definitely right they just don't have it ingrained in them in the same way we do, i would say trains are the worst ive experienced, if you have that lucky thing where the doors stop right where you're stood you still aint getting on first, the strange thing about it being its not a general impoliteness thing, I've found to be very nice friendly accommodating people, they just cant queue, my German missus at the airport when i wheel out the "it wont take off without us" line...she wants to stand up and join the back of the 80 person deep line or cut in from the side where we are sat, I'm perfectly fine sat down and waiting for it to shorten

the other thing is when you're in a supermarket queue over there you realise how far they are behind us, I've never seen a self checkout, i would say 50% at best have contactless, its still a majority cash payment country, its a much slower system, not sure why

that said she cant get her head around how we eat, the impatience at being served and then how quickly we smash it down without talking before demanding the bill and leaving, she considers that incredibly rude, my mom at a restaurant is like a meercat watching everyone and moaning like **** if someone who ordered after us gets served before us, blows the German girls mind, she hates it

the worst bit about the germans though is easy - their music is utter **** shit

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12 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

All forms of minority have had it against them for ever. Literally, forever.

Women have had restricted little lives for thousands of years because of social mores that say they can't do stuff, they can't even own stuff. Hell, legally they basically were just stuff.

Just in the last hundred years or so, men have felt the world was fine as it was with women not voting. Men believed the world was just fine when women weren't allowed to work. When they weren't allowed to play football. Men believed the world was fine as it was when women weren't entitled to fair pay. Men have thought women are just for looking at tits. Women have had to stay sober and cover their skin because if they didn't do that and got raped, well, that's their fault.

Girls can do knitting and cooking. Except when we want schoolgirl slut strippers. Women lost their property once they married. 

Thousands of years of that shit were not reset with some equality legislation. Girls are still expected to be pure and pretty and quiet and thankful and feminine.

Now take all that shit, and apply it to ethnic minorities, to gays, to the disabled, the poor, the poorly educated, to anyone that is othered by those in power. Those in power being male. Not 100% male, I'm sure we can all think of one female boss that wasn't nice.

A little bit of that balance is being redressed in very recent times. It's less socially acceptable now to smack your wife about. It's less easy to grope up the females at the office party. Getting pregnant by a rapist is unlikely to get you committed to the asylum. These are positive recent steps.

If 'silly man' adverts genuinely undermine you and your confidence, report it. if pictures of a buff bloke in white enderpants make you feel uneasy and make the women in work think they can cop a cheeky feel up, report it.

Do not expect perfection from all females because men have been told to be less shitty. Man up, or inform women on why they need to change. Personally, I think we've had the upper hand for long enough to be able to stomach 30 or so years of quite a gentle push back.

Hopefully you've seen nothing condescending in that. 

You had me right up to women playing football



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12 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

All forms of minority have had it against them for ever. Literally, forever.

Women have had restricted little lives for thousands of years because of social mores that say they can't do stuff, they can't even own stuff. Hell, legally they basically were just stuff.

Just in the last hundred years or so, men have felt the world was fine as it was with women not voting. Men believed the world was just fine when women weren't allowed to work. When they weren't allowed to play football. Men believed the world was fine as it was when women weren't entitled to fair pay. Men have thought women are just for looking at tits. Women have had to stay sober and cover their skin because if they didn't do that and got raped, well, that's their fault.

Girls can do knitting and cooking. Except when we want schoolgirl slut strippers. Women lost their property once they married. 

Thousands of years of that shit were not reset with some equality legislation. Girls are still expected to be pure and pretty and quiet and thankful and feminine.

Now take all that shit, and apply it to ethnic minorities, to gays, to the disabled, the poor, the poorly educated, to anyone that is othered by those in power. Those in power being male. Not 100% male, I'm sure we can all think of one female boss that wasn't nice.

A little bit of that balance is being redressed in very recent times. It's less socially acceptable now to smack your wife about. It's less easy to grope up the females at the office party. Getting pregnant by a rapist is unlikely to get you committed to the asylum. These are positive recent steps.

If 'silly man' adverts genuinely undermine you and your confidence, report it. if pictures of a buff bloke in white enderpants make you feel uneasy and make the women in work think they can cop a cheeky feel up, report it.

Do not expect perfection from all females because men have been told to be less shitty. Man up, or inform women on why they need to change. Personally, I think we've had the upper hand for long enough to be able to stomach 30 or so years of quite a gentle push back.

Hopefully you've seen nothing condescending in that. 

You had me right up to women playing football



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12 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

Man up, or inform women on why they need to change

Um....in an otherwise “right on” post about feminism and minority oppression etc. That phrase looks a tad incongruous.

”mansplain to the little ladies what they’re doing wrong and why they need to stop”

this post is sponsored by the holier than thou, safe spaces for snowflakes and sjw troll co-operative.

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1 minute ago, tonyh29 said:

You had me right up to women playing football

My local club has just launched a women's disability team!

Football. For. Disabled. Women.

World is spinning out of control.

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2 minutes ago, blandy said:

Um....in an otherwise “right on” post about feminism and minority oppression etc. That phrase looks a tad incongruous.

”mansplain to the little ladies what they’re doing wrong and why they need to stop”

this post is sponsored by the holier than thou, safe spaces for snowflakes and sjw troll co-operative.

I was on a roll.

If I had my life over again, I'd change that line.


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12 hours ago, Ingram85 said:

There is a generation of young boys growing up out there who are being taught they are evil, demonising and sexist pigs. It’s no better than what the generations of women before had to put up with.

I understand your frustration a bit, Ingram.

But this is quite an astonishing extract if you really believe that's true.

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12 hours ago, Morley_crosses_to_Withe said:

If you stand on each side of the fence and listen to the inane chatter, you can’t help but observe how batshit crazy this all is on both sides. 

Don’t worry if they’re mansize, it’s just a box of tissues. Don’t worry that they’re no longer called mansize, it’s just a box of tissues.

I doubt Yorkie bars not being for girls had a lasting impact on anyone’s mental being, worldview or lifetime prospects. Or maybe it did. I might call my sister and ask whether her path to medical school was almost ruined by a chocolate bar. 

I dunno. Maybe I’m just being too blasé with something that seems pretty trivial. 

The not for girls advert was always nothing but harmless ... but from a marketing  POV  alienating customers is bonkers , I mean fancy naming a bar of chocolate after Yorkshire 

Edited by tonyh29
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16 hours ago, Ingram85 said:

Keira Knightly won’t let her daughter watch Snow White because the prince kisses her without consent. 

Doesn’t she kiss Jack Sparrow without his consent in one of the pirate films , as she handcuffs him to a mast so the Krakon can eat him and save her own arse ? 

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6 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

First and foremost for me is this is a footie forum and a haven to come and unwind rather than do that urgent quote on my desk  it’s irreverent and banal most of the time with the occasional grown up thread about politics and the special one for  remainers to whine to themselves in  ...I appreciate from time to time lines get crossed  and the naughty step beckons , but where else on the web can a topic about a brutal execution turn to best music to hack someone to pieces to 




Agreed. But I can't help feeling that if they all just evolved a bit more and thought like I do, imagine what a world that would be!



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I'm not necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with the reasons Keira Knightly has banned certain Disney films in her house, but I don't agreeing with banning them.

Wouldn't it better to let your kids watch them and enjoy them like you did and then maybe explain later on why you don't like/agree with their messages, if that's your thing?

Genuine question, because I don't know, but banning them seems stupid to me.

Also, The Little Mermaid was made in 1989 and we now have the strongest, most independent generation of women ever, which includes Keira herself. Makes me think films/TV shows and video games don't have as much effect on people as some like to think.

I find it quite interesting discussing this kind of stuff, shame it usually gets vitriolic.

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33 minutes ago, Paddywhack said:

I'm not necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with the reasons Keira Knightly has banned certain Disney films in her house, but I don't agreeing with banning them.

Wouldn't it better to let your kids watch them and enjoy them like you did and then maybe explain later on why you don't like/agree with their messages, if that's your thing?

Genuine question, because I don't know, but banning them seems stupid to me.

Also, The Little Mermaid was made in 1989 and we now have the strongest, most independent generation of women ever, which includes Keira herself. Makes me think films/TV shows and video games don't have as much effect on people as some like to think.

I find it quite interesting discussing this kind of stuff, shame it usually gets vitriolic.

Yep. Same with stuff like the name of the dog in The Dambusters, statues of Cecil Rhodes, etc. It's an opportunity to talk to your kids about history, and the way in which values and attitudes change. 

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2 hours ago, mjmooney said:

Bach and Beethoven say 'hi'. 

Continuing the 'B's,' so does Anton Bruckner.

"While Gustav Mahler spent his whole life searching for God, Anton Bruckner knew him intimately for his whole life." - Deryck Cooke

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Yorkies are Nestle and Nestle can **** off.


On the other theme that's running here - A few sources carried this a few weeks ago.

There's lots more responses should you search for them.


When activist Danielle Muscato asked the women on Twitter what things they would do if men were not allowed to be outside after 9pm, she didn’t think all the answers would have such a dark theme. Almost every answer included being able to walk freely at night, with no particular plans, but just walking without any restraints such as fearing for safety. The comments made some of the men reading realise that some of life’s simple pleasures are in fact gendered privileges. ‘Me, I’d walk everywhere,’ wrote one woman. ‘I’d grocery shop late at night when it’s quiet. I’d take public transit all the time and could sell my car. I wouldn’t worry about my girlfriends when we were out listening to music, I’d go to the beach at night.’


I staggered four miles alone across busy and quiet London in the early hours of Saturday morning last week, because I was pissed and wanted to.

We take this sort of stuff for granted, don't we?

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