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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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21 hours ago, johnny from donny said:

People who cut corners why turning right at junctions. I mean, ok, we've probably all done it by a few inches or even a foot of so; but the ones who nearly clip the kerb with their right hand front wheel are just arseholes who shouldn't be allowed to drive.

Also, when there's one of those right turn lanes in the road. You know where there's traffic going both ways, so they've marked out a lane for anyone turning right (and having to cross traffic) 

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And there's always some word removed who wants to turn right but doesn't use the lane properly, so they end up blocking the traffic anyway.

How **** retarded can you be?

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Also, while we're on the subject, these stupid **** traffic chicanes




I get the need to slow down traffic. But on the way to work there is a long, straight, busy road. With one of these chicanes halfway up. And my side on the way to work is the side that doesn't have right of way.

So 5-10 minutes every morning we're sat at that stupid thing waiting. A car can go every 30 seconds or so because there's so much traffic coming the other way.

Just seems so stupid when the road beyond that on our side is completely clear. A massive queue of cars all being held up by that stupid chicane.


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People who wear too much aftershave or perfume.

There is a woman in the office that has put much so much on it's like being on the fragrance floor in a department store. I can barely breathe when she walks past!

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So i drive round to a few electrical wholesalers like a plonker to find a convector heater with a timer, because the fella wants a model with a timer. 

Once fitted i ask him what times he wants me to programme and he says 'its ok we switch it on and off at the spur'

Is this bloke winding me up? :crylaugh:

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3 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

Also, while we're on the subject, these stupid **** traffic chicanes




I get the need to slow down traffic. But on the way to work there is a long, straight, busy road. With one of these chicanes halfway up. And my side on the way to work is the side that doesn't have right of way.

So 5-10 minutes every morning we're sat at that stupid thing waiting. A car can go every 30 seconds or so because there's so much traffic coming the other way.

Just seems so stupid when the road beyond that on our side is completely clear. A massive queue of cars all being held up by that stupid chicane.


I actually prefer these things to bloody speed bumps. That's spectacularly bad design though, just having one of them. There's a couple on a road by me, but there's one on each side of the road at different ends, so it staggers the traffic. 

4 roads to my house, one of them is this one, the other 3 have **** speed bumps for a mile each. Why the **** are they all 30mph roads if they've got speed bumps all of the way down, that's what I want to know.

'Traffic calming' is a misnomer if I've ever heard one.

Edited by Davkaus
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Having to listen to somebody's music blasted from their mobile on the whole train journey home. Now I get this happens on buses a lot but it's the first time it happened on a packed out train. It really done my nut in. I would have moved if there was somewhere to move to. 

No doubt most felt the same way. 


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The selfishness of people using public transport is astounding at times.

Worst offences being taking up a double seat with coats/bags etc.., talking extremely loudly on the phone with no regard for anyone around you and as above playing music from your mobile phone.

Also a special mention to people who have no idea what a queue is.

It takes a special person to commit these offences, I have no idea what to blame exactly but the arrogance is hard to believe at times.

Edited by AVFCDAN
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38 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

I actually prefer these things to bloody speed bumps. That's spectacularly bad design though, just having one of them. There's a couple on a road by me, but there's one on each side of the road at different ends, so it staggers the traffic. 

4 roads to my house, one of them is this one, the other 3 have **** speed bumps for a mile each. Why the **** are they all 30mph roads if they've got speed bumps all of the way down, that's what I want to know.

'Traffic calming' is a misnomer if I've ever heard one.

Oh there's two of them, but the one on my side where I don't have right of way is the second one so the traffic coming the other way is "uncalmed".

I can understand them on quieter roads. But this is a busy road. The traffic gets so backed up and it just seems so ridiculous that you have a queue of traffic about 30 cars long, with completely empty road in front of them. All just waiting at that chicane.

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I've just been to my doctors, on the way out I need to book a blood test at the reception. Ahead of me was a woman who seemed to be signing up to the practice, and the receptionist was explaining she needed to complete a form. 

The woman was astoundingly rude. The receptionist is rattling off what she needs to fill in where and this woman, with voice dripping with attitude and disdain, tells the receptionist to stop shouting. She wasn't, she was talking to her. Her every response to every question was aggressive, accusatory, spoiling for an argument. I get really sorry for the receptionist, who basically had to deal with an arsehole looking for fight in a **** doctors waiting room bizarrely, with someone just trying to help them.

It took every fibre of my being to not tell her to shut the **** up, have some semblance of politeness, and stop making someone trying to do their job uncomfortable because you've decided you like being a word removed. I'm in a fairly foul mood myself at the moment and could feel the taste boiling as I'm stood behind this word removed.

As it was I walked out hoping the woman got some bad and/or embarrassing news.

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Re traffic.

Probably time to get used to 'traffic calming measures' and other traffic control mechanisms. The council very openly explained it's way of dealing with traffic getting worse in the city as it develops was to simply discourage cars in the city. So expect any developments on the roads, particularly around the city centre, to make driving even worse. It was part of 'The Big Town Plan' stuff a couple of years back. The aim being to basically cause traffic to build up whilst aiding public transport and make everyone hate driving because the city centre can't cope with the volume of cars.

I actually think they're doing some of this already. I've driven back from work and been sat in traffic identical to what happens when someone breaks down in one of the really shitty places in the route. But there was nothing. Same time as usual, no more volume that usual that I could see, but traffic worse. Only thing I could see was the lights seemed to be on a different schedule. I literally passed one junction and the traffic vanished. Before that, horrific. This has happened quite a lot recently.

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I'm working my notice at work at the moment. My boss wouldn't let me use almost two weeks of annual leave I am owed to finish earlier even though I was due to move roles anyway and my position is covered so I'm working above template. There's no point in my being here, I'm doing the basics but because I'm an extra person all work was done by 11am this morning and there isn't anything else to do. I hate just sitting around wasting time, especially knowing I could be starting my new job earlier and learning that. Plus the guy who has taken my role has an incredibly strange sense of humour and is driving me mad. 

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1 minute ago, Tegis said:

They usually fail at addressing this part, and chaos emerges

In general it seems this means killing 2 birds with 1 stone - they're making more bus lanes. Reduce the space for cars and give buses clear runs.

In theory.

What actually happens is the traffic builds, and at junctions where buses either need to join the normal flow or cars need to cross into the bus lanes to make left turns you get havoc everywhere. And the buses end up bunching up.

Birmingham basically needed an underground system and it never happened and never will. The council send to think trams will help. Hahaha.

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21 minutes ago, This Could Be Rotterdam said:

I'm working my notice at work at the moment. My boss wouldn't let me use almost two weeks of annual leave I am owed to finish earlier even though I was due to move roles anyway and my position is covered so I'm working above template. There's no point in my being here, I'm doing the basics but because I'm an extra person all work was done by 11am this morning and there isn't anything else to do. I hate just sitting around wasting time, especially knowing I could be starting my new job earlier and learning that. Plus the guy who has taken my role has an incredibly strange sense of humour and is driving me mad. 

You should have stuck to your guns and insisted on using your holiday.  There's absolutely nothing they could do to prevent this.

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6 minutes ago, Risso said:

You should have stuck to your guns and insisted on using your holiday.  There's absolutely nothing they could do to prevent this.

This. And if they haven't let you, don't they need to reimburse you for that time? 

(Genuine question, I'm unsure about that)

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1 hour ago, AVFCDAN said:

The selfishness of people using public transport is astounding at times.

Worst offences being taking up a double seat with coats/bags etc.., talking extremely loudly on the phone with no regard for anyone around you and as above playing music from your mobile phone.

Also a special mention to people who have no idea what a queue is.

It takes a special person to commit these offences, I have no idea what to blame exactly but the arrogance is hard to believe at times.

Worst example I've suffered of this is at Newark airport. I was in some sky train or whatever, on crutches and a young couple put their bags on the only seats and stood up themselves, when I was there with a huge rucksack on crutches. I still don't know how I din't volley them in the jaw.

With regards to general public transport etiquette, in Poland, you give up your seat to old ladies. I am always scared I'll be too polite and give up my seat to a younger old lady who will be offended I thought of her as old.

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My favourite is dickheads who just try to get on trains before they let people get off. I used to just get frustrated and try to shuffle past them. After working out and bulking up for a while, I just brace myself and keep walking. Good fun. :) 

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16 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

This. And if they haven't let you, don't they need to reimburse you for that time? 

(Genuine question, I'm unsure about that)

Yes, any untaken accrued holidays have to be paid.  Likewise any holidays taken over and above the entitlement can be deducted from final pay.

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13 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

 With regards to general public transport etiquette, in Poland, you give up your seat to old ladies. 

Not an especially Polish thing that, is it?  I'll always offer a seat on the tube if there's an elderly person who's standing, it's just basic good manners.  I've brought my kids up to do the same.

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