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Gabby Agbonlahor


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I absolutely get a thrill, when i see a player that i don't fancy turning it on.


Its not about self indulgence and proving yourself right.....its about seeing our players perform, whether we like the individual  or not.


Its all about the team.....and the more that contribute the better.

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He's been very poor since MON left. He had a bit of good spell when we first started the counter attacking style under Lambert, but then faded again.


Sherwood's direct style (sometime long, sometime short, but always quick and direct) should suit both him and Benteke. I expect him to pull up trees before the end of the season otherwise I suspect he won't be here next year.


The good thing about Sherwood is that you just know he won't pander to anyone not performing.

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Once Gabby is under pressure from a defender and doesn't have time to think, he'll usually hit the target. When he's clear through, you worry


thats a bit of a myth though. He got a few goals when he has been well clear of the defence and had lots of time to think


interesting these are his 5 favourite goals and surprisingly a lot of variation but his positioning in these indicates his problems of recent seasons


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Don't want to sound churlish, but one swallow does not make a summer. Get ready Gabby fans for another run of complete dross.


Oh man, I was just about to post this before reading back a page... lol

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I absolutely get a thrill, when i see a player that i don't fancy turning it on.


Its not about self indulgence and proving yourself right.....its about seeing our players perform, whether we like the individual  or not.


Its all about the team.....and the more that contribute the better.

I agree, I lovin being wrong about Clark atm.

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Once Gabby is under pressure from a defender and doesn't have time to think, he'll usually hit the target. When he's clear through, you worry


thats a bit of a myth though. He got a few goals when he has been well clear of the defence and had lots of time to think



There are exceptions to every rule. Look at his worst misses and they're typically when he's got time

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Gabby's goal against Arsenal was the one that sums up his qualities for me - probably my favourite one he scored and probably made Mark Halsey cry into his gunnersaurus mug when he saw it.

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Noticeably most of those goals were when he was either in the box or going through the middle. Maybe he just plays well as an out and out striker, as opposed to his last 3/4 seasons playing on the flanks

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Some really nicely placed goals with head and both feet there. Whatever we say of Gabby's limitations, not that many players can do that (yeah, okay, he doesn't do it that often either, but still...).


I remember he got a perfect hat-trick against someone five or six years ago too, but no memory of who against.


With his pace and strength it seems there are a lot of good attributes to our Gabby when he's on form, which I guess just adds to the feeling of frustration we all get with him at times (over the majority of the past few seasons).


Here's hoping Sherwood has it in him to bring the best out of Gabby more consistently. I love watching him when he's in one of his imperious moods every bit as much as I'm frustrated with him when he ambles about pointlessly in wider positions.

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I remember he got a perfect hat-trick against someone five or six years ago too, but no memory of who against.


Man City I think?

First game of the season one year. We beat them 5-2. Just before they got good I think. might have been the season they signed Robinho

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I remember he got a perfect hat-trick against someone five or six years ago too, but no memory of who against.


Man City I think?

First game of the season one year. We beat them 5-2 I think. Just before they got good I think. might have been the season they signed Robinho



Yeah... that was the one! Good memory!


It does seem most of Gabby's golden moments come pre-2010, which is a sad reflection on how toothless in general he and we have been for bloody ages now. It's also why performances like Tuesday give me hope. People talk about the Beast getting back to his best and saving us, but if Gabby can awaken from his 5 year slumber and rediscover the form that made him such a handful in the remaining games that could be an equally significant fillip for us, I think.

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The point about him playing out wide is a good one too. He's never been very good out wide.


He's hardly prolific as an out and out striker but he's definitely better up top than on the right.


Problem is, in an age where it's more and more popular to play with one striker, he might find opportunities to play up front very limited. Certainly at this level. And out wide he just hasn't been good enough.

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He was pretty decent I thought the times he played as a lone striker in MON's counter-attacking teams, but that was very much playing to his strengths and even then like you say he was never in danger of being a 20-goal a season man. Did well there though, all in all.


It seems from what we've seen so far that Sherwood prefers a two-man strike-force, though, and there's definitely a major contribution to be made for an in-form Gabby in that system.

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Once Gabby is under pressure from a defender and doesn't have time to think, he'll usually hit the target. When he's clear through, you worry


thats a bit of a myth though. He got a few goals when he has been well clear of the defence and had lots of time to think


interesting these are his 5 favourite goals and surprisingly a lot of variation but his positioning in these indicates his problems of recent seasons



Nice watching those goals. Also spotted myself in goal number 4, against Arsenal when the crowd's going nuts, and i'm just stood there  :o


If that happened now i'd go **** crazy.

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He has a long contract and if he can keep the effort of Tuesday then he's worth his place in the team. Trouble is he let's his game drop off far to often, maybe it's the position he is playing or the way under TSM2 the team were playing but whatever it is he needs to sort it out as otherwise I can't see Sherwood sticking with him next season.


I want to see the Gabby that we saw under MoN.

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I think the bottom line is Gabby should be a squad member.


He CAN be effective when he's on his game. But he has far too many off days to be an ever present, which he pretty much is.

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