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Stan Petrov


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Information about Petrovs treatment from now on...

He is now out of hospital and that means he is finished with the intensive chemo treatment and his doctors will know how he has reacted to the chemo, hopefully he has made remission (he propably has) and now he will begin his after treatment. After treatment consist for most part of chemo in pill form and you stay at home for most part, if you dont get infections and stuff. After treatment consist of 13 periods each lasting 12 weeks and in week 1,2 and 3 he will travel to the clinic/hospital and get intravanous chemo, one bag ( i call them that any way, a bag of poison :)) week one Vinkristin, two bags week two Vinkristin and Doxorubicin and one bag week three (first day of each week), except period 10, 11, 12 and 13 where Doxurubicin are replaced by Cytosar and is more than one day, treatment is fast and you go home right afterwards, some get sick of it some arent bothered. Along with this the first three weeks you are on pills called Dexamethasone wich are steroids and are the kings of side effects. Week four are Metotrexathe pills, week five, six and seven Puri-nethol pills, week eight is Metotrexathe again, then week nine, ten and eleven it is again Puri-nethol and finally week twelve it is Metotrexathe.

It is pretty straight forward unless you get ill and have to pause treatment and so on. I myself got diagnosed with Leukemia in July 09 and are still in treatment. I am soon finished with period eleven and i am 24 weeks away this wednesday from calling myself an Leukemia (all) survivor. Actually iam getting very good at this having leukemia thing, i am more worried about getting back to having a normal life afterwards...

By the way i am finishing my treatment on the 19th of December, looking forward to christmas this year :)

Thanks for posting that and good luck with your own treatment :)

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I myself got diagnosed with Leukemia in July 09 and are still in treatment. I am soon finished with period eleven and i am 24 weeks away this wednesday from calling myself an Leukemia (all) survivor. Actually iam getting very good at this having leukemia thing, i am more worried about getting back to having a normal life afterwards...

By the way i am finishing my treatment on the 19th of December, looking forward to christmas this year :)

Really informative post mate but most importantly good luck with your on going battle. You have clearly been through a hell of a lot and its great to hear you can now see light at the end of the tunnel.

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We all come on here fretting about if player x is coming. if player z is good enough - and really its all a load of shite compared to what these guys have on there plate - top post from Milenko - all the best mate - and to stan of course

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Great to hear that you're reaching the end of that horrible thing! :nod: Having survived that you'll do great in your life after it. And thanks for that information. Very interesting read.

Support Stan and Milenko

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Thank you everybody :)

The hardest part of Stans treatment is over in medical terms but now comes the patience part...

The positive part is that he will after a while be able to take part in every day life again, easy working out (for his own sake), meeting his team mates and so on and the most important again being able to be a father and husband again :)

Actually i think its worse for the people closest to him, for him it is just his life now, he dont have a choice...

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Best of luck to you Milenko, and well done thus far.

Keep fighting Stan.

I'll be applauding in the 19th minute as per. Until Stan is fully recovered. :)

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Petrov's been in today to training to meet all the players & Cully & Karsa - on his birthday.

According to Ian Taylor on that tweety thing...

Brilliant news he's out of hospital.

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Petrov's been in today to training to meet all the players & Cully & Karsa - on his birthday.

According to Ian Taylor on that tweety thing...

Brilliant news he's out of hospital.

Nevermind the new staff being appointed...that has made me very happy indeed.

He really is a top bloke. Super happy to see him out and about. Keep fighting Stan!

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Nevermind the new staff being appointed...that has made me very happy indeed.

He really is a top bloke. Super happy to see him out and about. Keep fighting Stan!

I've just watched the video on You Tube AVFC official put up - he obviously get's upset - so hoping he comes out of this OK.

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Nevermind the new staff being appointed...that has made me very happy indeed.

He really is a top bloke. Super happy to see him out and about. Keep fighting Stan!

I've just watched the video on You Tube AVFC official put up - he obviously get's upset - so hoping he comes out of this OK.

Jesus, and we moan about Twitter. That got me. **** love you Stan!

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