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Xbox One


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Time to collate all the titles I want to play on my 360.

And finish off the classics on the GameCube.

And actually have a crack at Shenmue on my Dreamcast.


Then I have Dishonored to play on my Mac.



...then, with prices coming down, I will probably buy a PS4, unless Sony cock it up and focus their console entirely at the casual/kinect/watch TV on a TV that I can watch TV on market.

Bad moves Microsoft, I'm a'comin'back to Playstation.

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The idea of Microsoft limiting second hand ownership puts me right off. I'm a casual gamer, I very rarely buy titles when they come out. I wait a year or two and get the games I want then, for cheaper. 


Plus, I don't want a kinect, they're shit. 


My first impression is that the Microsoft One is not for me. 

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Xbox Live Arcade is being scrapped and Microsoft will no longer allow indie devs to self publish games. All downloadable games will go in to the new version of the Xbox Marketplace, and any indie devs will have to aquire a traditional publishing deal.

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I'm still intrigued by the PS4 but wouldn't look at getting one for at least a year or two after release. Xbox looks to be everything I don't like about console gaming wrapped up in a big clunky plastic shoe box so barring a huge turn around that's out of the question.


As it stands putting the money into a significant PC upgrade instead is a no-brainer.

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I can't believe I'm likely to lose my bet. I made it assuming that Microsoft would be launching a games console. Knobs.


There's still time for them to announce a "lite" version with iplayer, 4oD and netflix as the only games.

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You have got to be kidding me...

A patent reveals that the new Kinect will count the number of people in a room and if it exceeds the number of people a license allows for (imagine the definition of "home viewing" vs. a public license for watching/broadcasting a blu-ray) there may be "remedial action", like making you buy more licenses!

Xbox One: Kinect 2′s visual DRM functions found in patent file – report

Xbox One will come bundled with Microsoft’s new Kinect sensor bar, and a new patent filed by the company suggests the device will impose certain DRM restrictions based on who it sees in the room, and more.



Microsoft has contacted MCV with comment, which reads, “Microsoft regularly applies for and receives patents as part of its business practice; not all patents applied for or received will be incorporated into a Microsoft product”.

Which is not a denial, so do keep an open mind on everything in this post for now.


ExtremeTech reports that the patent is for tech that sees Kinect monitoring how many people are in a room at once. If the number exceeds the amount allowed on a game or film’s license, then you the owner of the content, must pay for an extended license.

Below you’ll find an image from the patent, and while it’s an old one, MCV reports that sources have confirmed to the site that this will be implemented in Xbox One.


The bottom line is that the filing reads, “The users consuming the content on a display device are monitored so that if the number of user-views licensed is exceeded, remedial action may be taken.”

‘Remedial action’ could mean the purchase of a new, extended license, or worse. The problem is that we’re not yet sure.

If true, is this wrong? Should Microsoft be answering these questions now? Let us know below.

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