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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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22 minutes ago, Okonokos said:

If he stays then great. If he's off then he can do one. All the "My Club" stuff would have been nonsense all along and I'd sincerely hope he never wins a single trophy in his career.

Either way, VTID.

I just don't get this attitude and all these kind of posts really annoy me.

He's shown commitment and loyalty WAY beyond any other player in the modern era.   He could and really should have left many times before.

I won't begrudge if he does decide to go and wish him well, it's been an absolute privilege to watch him play these last few years.   

I am sure he meant what he said but how can you blame anyone for wanting to rise to the very top of their profession and show everyone they are the best there is by playing at the highest level.

I don't think he's going and I pray to go he isn't but he'll go with my best wishes.  He's proven over and over again what this club means to him. 

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3 minutes ago, ThunderPower_14 said:

He's going to be wealthy beyond the wildest dreams of the average person playing for Aston Villa. 

I don't think it'd be about the money. I think Jack would be weighing up playing for one of the biggest clubs in the world, winning lots of trophies at all levels, going deep into the Champions League, locking himself into the England setup for the next decade. 

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Why sign a contract after a relegation battling season though? Then after a season of huge progression move on? Direct quotes from Jack, “ after I heard the owners plans for the club  I had to stay”  he clearly see’s and thinks we’re going places or we would have gone every other seasons he’s been linked away.

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6 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

Not that simple unfortunately 

The rumours are generating traffic on social media, that traffic can be converted in to marketing pounds

Even if Jack has absolutely no intention of leaving he can let all this guff happen whilst in the background him and his agent can be on the phone to Nike, to nivea, to Hugo boss to whoever else they choose with evidence that the most talked about PL player this summer is Jack Grealish, the most in demand player this summer is Jack Grealish 

The speculation is great for him even if he's not going

You could also make a claim that it's great for the villa too for the same reasons... 

Very good points. He has over 3m followers on his Instagram now. That has grown very rapidly indeed! 

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5 minutes ago, Mazrim said:

Football needs to get rid of agents asap. Go to Independent FA appointed representatives for those too thick to understand a contract package.

They are actual parasites. Why tolerate them?

And also, imagine after all the corruption charges Man City are facing, and all the debacle over the ESL, having to hand them our best player and captain?

I'm a pretty tough cookie, I can stomach a lot, have been through a lot. But I would struggle with that.

I know from our old h&v days Maz how much you detest city - it would be a tough blow to take ☹️

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Any player who doesn't play for Aston Villa is effectively competing against us and therefore trying to beat us. 

Grealish leaving us whilst we're on the cusp of becoming a top team in a few seasons will leave a bad taste. 

I couldn't care less about him being a Villa fan he's a truly world class player that we need to keep to realise the dream of winning things.

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27 minutes ago, juanpabloangel18 said:


I'm guessing you're on of those that boo'd Gareth Barry after giving us 12 years

I recall hearing something along these lines when Shay Given left Newcastle for Man City.

Someone saying he deserves to go after giving us 12 years loyal service, and his mate counter acting by saying and Newcastle have been loyally depositing £60,000 per week in his bank account for 12 years.

Edited by withes_shin
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2 minutes ago, It's Your Round said:

I still don’t think he’ll leave but if he does, then my love of him will disappear overnight. He’ll have the same kind of status as someone like Barry (Gareth, not Fry) and I’ll join the thousands of fans that criticise him for being a greasy diving cheat.

He’s got the chance to be Villa’s greatest legend. I hope he can see that for what it is and make the right choice. 

If he does go then I'll look forward to McGinn going through him when we play City at VP

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3 minutes ago, ThunderPower_14 said:

He's going to be wealthy beyond the wildest dreams of the average person playing for Aston Villa. 

I don't think it'd be about the money. I think Jack would be weighing up playing for one of the biggest clubs in the world, winning lots of trophies at all levels, going deep into the Champions League, locking himself into the England setup for the next decade. 

One of the biggest clubs in the world...

They're a medium sized club, artificially bloated by the ill gotten gains of successive corrupt regimes. There's nothing special about them at all, and their house of cards is going to collapse soon if there's any justice.

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11 minutes ago, ThunderPower_14 said:

He's going to be wealthy beyond the wildest dreams of the average person playing for Aston Villa. 

I don't think it'd be about the money. I think Jack would be weighing up playing for one of the biggest clubs in the world, winning lots of trophies at all levels, going deep into the Champions League, locking himself into the England setup for the next decade. 

Man City ? One of the worlds biggest clubs ? They are 4th biggest club in Lancashire 🤣🤣🤣

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Don't mistake having some of the best players in the world currently with being one of the biggest clubs in the world. Two very, very different things. $hitty will always be smalltime.

Edited by Okonokos
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2 hours ago, Delphinho123 said:

it's the £100m question.

If there is a release clause, and wants to leave, we're f***** and we'll get around £90-100m. 
If there isn't a release clause. and he wants to leave, we're probably f****** but we should get around £125-140m (closer to his market value). 
If there is/isn't a release clause and he wants to stay, happy f****** days. 

I'd actually be a lot happier if they'd bid £100m already and we'd rejected it. The 'potential' release clause is the absolute killer in all of this and probably only a handful of people in world football know if it exists and what that figure is. 

If there is a release clause I doubt its 100 million. Percy said it was to protect us from the big clubs. To me that suggests it's at least 120.

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7 minutes ago, Annoyman said:

I can't even imagine how much of a knob I'd be if I was in Jack Grealish's shoes. Crashing into parked cars and demanding more money every five minutes would only be the start of it

But would you wear furry slippers 😉

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16 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

It’s Cherry Hill road and he hasn’t sold. 

Funnily enough I was cycling up there the other day and thought it was the most likely place for him to be. I'm sure various ex Birmingham pop stars live up there too.

This is just what I got told:


You ok buddy ? My estate agent friend has just sold jack Grealish’s house in Barnt Green… I’ll find out where he is moving too - Audley Edge ?
Definitely Man City.. according to estate agent ..
Darren M: All goo thanks mate
 You joking?
No serious
It could be gossip
And end up at a bigger club like Brighton
But house in BG is definitely sold ..
Darren M: I'm sure I heard his house was up for sale anyway but just to move somewhere else round here
 Maybe .. perhaps he’s moving closer to his drug dealer
Darren M: 😆

Perhaps the estate agent was lying about it being Jack's house then?

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35 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

As in never played at all, even at amateur level? I do see your point, just find it hard to believe how people can understand the ins and outs of the game without having played it.

It depends on what ins and outs you mean.

I feel confident having a debate with Dean Smith or any other manager on the game on matchday......I would feel totally lost at BMH and all the training and all the other behind the scenes work that goes on.....football as we know it covers a vast amount of factors, that only people in the industry would understand.....commenting on the game, is another matter....we are discerning fans, we do know a thing or two.

I once had an hours conversation (like I mentioned) with Tony Barton in a Hotel on the Hagley Rd after a pre season game.....I felt I held my own, but his indepth knowledge blew me away, he was complimenatry/ courteous to me on my input.

We fans can't know all the aspects, they cover in the course of their job......but on matchday, we do know a fair bit.

Graham Taylor once said to me....." you just see a small window" of the actual match......i said " but Graham, thats all we are privvy to, so that's all we can comment on".....he said " fair point "

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