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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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I don't think he's passed out. He's just fallen over and his hair's ended up glued to the road.

Could be a joke photo for all we know, I doubt his mates left him outside did they?

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I think way too much is getting mad of this. It's not the greatest image to have taken with him all passed out in the street like that. I'm pretty sure he won't be doing it during a season so i can't see the harm. 

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He's enjoying the few weeks in the year he gets to eat and drink what he likes.


Everyone has a camera on them at all times these days, photos of folks in compromising situations is a reality of our time.


Better this than abusing women.

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I think its very naive from a lot of people on the subject as if they were expecting Jack to be some milk drinking superhero


Not at all.


If that was an image of Jack drinking a pint, it doesn't make the papers.


You honestly can't see this?



but its only a photo, I would rather see a video as proof before I make up my mind what really happened



Too bad the papers can't print videos, eh?

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There's getting drunk, and there's passing out on a street. Maybe it isn't as bad as it looks, but he still must have shit for brains if he can't see that doing stuff like this won't put him in a bad light.

He needs to grow up fast.

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It's not like he's done it during the season. Should be allowed to act like anybody else on his holiday.

Lying in the street passed out from drinking shouldn't be normal for anyone. Like it or not he's a professional athlete and he shouldn't be doing that. Drink and have fun in the summer, sure that is normal but don't be that stupid.

Ok, to rephrase. Something that is not uncommon for people of his age while on holiday. Sure, he shouldn't make a habit of doing it to that extent but still a bit of a non-story isn't it?

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On a Sherwood post I said the world has gone soft and mad! Role model please superman is a hero and role model look at what he wears!!! All this should no better stuff come on!!! 19 living the dream goes a bit mad!!! Good lad McGrath Merson Carew and many others had nights like that and are heroes and so he will be! have fun mate play your heart out on the pitch and off it well tell every f£&@er to mind their business!!!!

On a Sherwood post I said the world has gone soft and mad! Role model please superman is a hero and role model look at what he wears!!! All this should no better stuff come on!!! 19 living the dream goes a bit mad!!! Good lad McGrath Merson Carew and many others had nights like that and are heroes and so he will be! have fun mate play your heart out on the pitch and off it well tell every f£&@er to mind their business!!!!

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I'm not saying he's as good as Messi but the similarities are there...



cant believe these footballers would ever get drunk

Nothing wrong with having a few drinks but ending up in the middle of the road with no one around you doesn't look good. At least messi has Xavi there to support him!

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I'm glad to see most of the comments on here are supportive / don't seemed fussed by the event, however a few of the comments on here are utter ridiculous.

He's a teenager, enjoying the summer and his youth with his friends. Admittedly it may seem like he's enjoying it a bit too much, but he's not the first and wont' be the last to have one too many.

The press theses days go to such lengths to reveal every little detail about a celebrity or sportsperson's life that we as a nation now feel part of that life, and that they should live their life to the rules and philosophies that we as a (intruding)public set. I genuinely feel for Jack.

I will concede that he is under contract by the club and so should act in a manner that represents the value of the club etc. etc.

But Jesus Christ, let the guy live a little.

This sounds very hypocritical Gillz. In one breath you're calling people utterly ridiculous, noting how he's enjoying his youth with his friends.... then next you say that he is under contract so should act in a manner that represents the value of the club... ?

Well what is it? Is this behaviour acceptable or not?

If you think this is just a lad having fun, and we should be supportive of that, then would you be happy if another photo comes out tonight of him on the floor again? And how about on Friday again.... and then on Sunday..... and next Tuesday also.

That's fine right? Because it's normal behaviour and most lads his age will be doing the same thing?

If that isn't acceptable, then why not? As you've said: He's on holiday, he's young and he's enjoying the summer.



Upon review I can see how you may view my post as hypocritical so let me clarify.


Yes, it is not the best behaviour but I feel people's reactions are disproportionate to what has happened. With regards to acting as an ambassador for the club, he obviously isn't in this particular situation but its not worthy as the front page news article it currently is on the BBC.


Does It damage his reputation? yes, slightly, but that's his own choice

Does it damage the clubs image? Not at all

Will it have been forgotten about it in a week? By most people, probably.


Furthermore acting as an 'ambassador and role model' is becoming increasingly hard for players these days. These players are under constant scrutiny and so any mistake or negative news is ballooned out of proportion, whilst any good behaviour/activity isn't reported because it doesn't sell papers.


As for you question of would I be supportive "if another photo comes out tonight of him on the floor again? And how about on Friday again.... and then on Sunday..... and next Tuesday also." Obviously not because that would pretty much be alcoholism - However there are no photos or proof of that, so can we get off the lads back and not label him as a drunk and irresponsible because of one photo from on night out! 


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He's enjoying the few weeks in the year he gets to eat and drink what he likes.


Everyone has a camera on them at all times these days, photos of folks in compromising situations is a reality of our time.


Better this than abusing women.

Like the verbal abuse his brother gave a woman on twitter you mean?

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I agree that way too much is being made out of this, but I do think Kevan is being very foolish in that Twitter conversation, he risks making the story get an awful lot bigger than it already is. I always liked him as a poster on here, but he needs to really dial it down like a million notches. 

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I don't think he's passed out. He's just fallen over and his hair's ended up glued to the road.

Could be a joke photo for all we know, I doubt his mates left him outside did they?


no I doubt they did, but I would imagine his mates thought it was funny to all move away and take a photo of him like that so it looked as if he was all alone and passed out. 

I would imagine in reality, they helped him up and took him home shortly after taking the silly photo. 

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I agree 100% with Richard in this, Grealish should know better and shouldn't get so plastered that -HE PASSES OUT ON THE STREET-, and I can't believe I have to say this again, it's no wonder that english young footballers pisses away their talents, watching english football closely from another country and having outside-look on the english culture surrounding football, I gotta say that I haven't seen so much undisciplined young athlete prats as in english football, and you (I mean english generally) still wonder why your young talented players won't reach the potential they have?


I really really hope that someone gives Grealish big kick on the arse and teaches him to have his head screwed on right so he won't piss away his talents like so many other young english playeres in the past 10-15 years.

it's exactly the same in Poland. Once you start playing in an academy, you become Billy big bollocks, dye your hair and become the coolest kid, hardly paying attention to extra training. I know because I have experianced it first hand. Of course, I am being overly general here, but I do wonder about the football cultures in Belgium. Holland and Germany... Anybody living there could maybe give us some insight?

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