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Watched this the other night. If you're a fan of horror movies with a bit of (very) black humour and are not particularly quesy you should give it a go. It's helped greatly by a couple of great performances, particularly Robin McLeavy as the demented Lola, and the fact that although it's extremely violent it doesn't stray too far into 'torture porn' territory, mostly due to the humour and storyline.

A few reviews here.

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Saw the curious case of benjamin button last night. Total unoriginal and boring crap.

In a nutshell it's the old woman in titanic telling forrest gump backwards. It's a disgrace of lazy unoriginal hollywood.

Worst movie I've seen in many years.

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Saw the curious case of benjamin button last night. Total unoriginal and boring crap.

In a nutshell it's the old woman in titanic telling forrest gump backwards. It's a disgrace of lazy unoriginal hollywood.

Worst movie I've seen in many years.

It also takes massive liberties with the book. Not always a bad thing in a film, but it is in this case.
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It's a perfect example of lazy hollywood and it's drive to remake or reuse anything that was slightly successful in the past. The fact that it was nominated for like ten academy awards is a further indictment on the oscars.

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Why is it a perfect example, that doesn't really make much sense to me.

Its not a remake, it has a similar story.

Is every film set in space a perfect remake of 2001?

Let Me In is a remake, blatantly and openly.

Benjamin Button is a lot of things but unoriginal is a bit of an odd statement imo.

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Ok, it's just rehashed and repackaged cinema. Everything is just one step away from the whole Forest Gump story. They even hired the same writer to adapt a loose short story, the reverse ageing is simply a gimmick that serves no purpose. It felt so unoriginal because it is.

Remakes can be original too. They can be fresh, for example take the new Batman movies. Very fresh and original take on the same story.

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Continuing the aquatic theme watched this last night thought it was great.


Do you ever watch anything that's even slightly worth watching?

Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.

The whole idea behind this and other Asylum films is that they are so bad that it's amusing. The cg is done by six yr olds, the actors clearly can't act and the dialogue is horrendous at best. Everything about these films scream "avoid at all costs" but there's something compelling about watching something so bad. I think most people will admit to watching popcorn flicks every once in a while but in this case there is no pop and it's all corn. Seriously, give it a go :)

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True Lies is the best movie to have been so deliberately over the top and ridiculous that to many it just seemed a bad action movie but to the more clued in it was a comedy masterpiece.

The difference with that mega piranha etc is that it is only a delineate rubbish movie, it can't be mistaken for something else.

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Question for the throbbing VT film collective; is Darabont's "The Mist" worth watching?
Yes. Quite an under-rated and enjoyable flick.
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