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Super film this. Lead guy is terrific, and the more I think about it afterwards, the more I appreciate the third act, seemed a little predictable initially but a very enjoyable suspense thriller. ( 7.5/10)

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- Well paced.

- Sounds great.

- Looks great.

- Monsters suitably menacing.

- Ken Watanabe

- Good Monster fight.

- No cheesy wisecracks

- Generally does everything a monster movie should.




- Criminal underuse of 1) Juliette Binoche and 2) Elizabeth Olsen

- Beefcake Military Man to the rescue is tedious. Especially when all wife does is cry and look worried. Stop it, Hollywood.

- Allusions to Spielberg films only serve to highlight the biggest flaw - the characters are dull. Spielberg films hinge on good characters, not the spectacle.

- Not enough threat. What I mean is, there was never a moment in which I felt anything could happen. It was predictable, especially when Godzilla's motivations were clear.




Totally agree.


Went to see it last night in normal 2D and came away a little disappointed.The major flaw of the film is it's two main characters which had less presence than our defence. So wooden and the young male lead needs some speech therapy as it was very hard to make out what he was saying. The mean look is no longer enough to carry a film.


6/10 is about right but it was better than the last Matthew Broderick effort.

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Millers Crossing (1990)  Reading the reviews of this film before i watched it,you either love it or hate it.I am in the former, i really enjoyed it and thought it was really good. Good story and plenty of action 7/10 


Can't really fall off with the Cohen Brothers.

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'Stories from pooligan's youth' is a thread that needs to happen.


A born again pooligan, only to be king again.


-------------In Other NEWS>>>>>>>>>>>


There's going to be a Postman Pat Movie coming out soon where Ronan Keating's playing Pat's singing voice.




I like the fact that I am alive in a world where something so crazy can happen :)

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So... Godzilla.


I quite enjoyed it!

Bit of a slow burn, but I think the pay-off and final battle at the end was worth it.

I agree with many of CED's positives and negatives, but it didn't detract away from the experience as a whole for me.

While some characters were a bit one-note and others were underused, the issues with the film are more to do with script rather than acting I think. Some contrived story elements and dodgy logic also detract from the plot.

I still enjoyed it for what it was, and it looks like they've greenlit the sequel which will hopefully be better.



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Just back from Godzilla

Was expecting it to be pants ......

Surprisingly it wasn't , I quite enjoyed it and it's just over taken Cloverfield as the best monster film (IMO) of course

Thought the cgi was well done , they will do well to top that this year

Film gets and extra point for making Godzilla look like a cute pet , all be it a rather big one , maybe a pet for a giant boy , loses half a point for no gratuitous nudity, Elizabeth Olsen really needed to get them out and another half point for no Godzuki

All in all though a good popcorn movie ( salted caramel flavour tonight mmmmmmmm caramel )

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Why have Hollywood decided that all monsters need to make an acoustic sound though , Cloverfield , transformers , pacific rim and now Godzilla to name but a few

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I saw Godzilla on Monday night and it was pretty much what I expected. Good popcorn flick with some cool monsters and fight scenes. Plus the atomic breath at the end was cool as ****. 6.5/10


I watched This is the End and Spring Breakers recently, too. 


This is the End was again pretty much what I thought it would be - a nonsensical comedy with actors taking the piss out of one another. The Exorcism of Jonah Hill scene was hilarious. 6/10


Spring Breakers. Ehhh. I can see what the director was aiming for but it was just a bit too weird and artsy for me. Found myself bored as **** about half way through. I'm reluctant to give it a rating as I don't feel it was great, but I can totally see why some think it would be, if that makes any sense.

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Another one just back from Godzilla.


I could complain about Bryan Cranston getting pretty much just a cameo, I could complain about the fact that Aaron Taylor-Johnson has either forgotten how to act or has simply failed in trying to emulate a Gosling-in-Drive-esque nuanced approach, I could complain about the fact that the plot seemed to jar somewhat disruptively from one act to the next, but none of that matters BECAUSE THEY GAVE GODZILLA HIS FREAKING ATOMIC BREATH.  When I saw those blue flashes up his spine I jumped in my seat like a little kid.  Fan-bloody-tastic.


I knew you'd get it Gareth, I just knew it <3

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Appreciative of the Godzilla reviews...however, there still hasn't been anything at the top end on the Chindie Scale™, like I was hoping for...

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Watched The Wolf of Wall Street last night.


Absolutely loved it. There were times when I wasn't sure whether to laugh my ass off or be absolutely horrified. It was brilliant and the three hour running time just flew by. Scorcese and Di Caprio are a winning combination.

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Watched The Wolf of Wall Street last night.


Absolutely loved it. There were times when I wasn't sure whether to laugh my ass off or be absolutely horrified. It was brilliant and the three hour running time just flew by. Scorcese and Di Caprio are a winning combination.


Brilliant film, I haven't seen it since I last saw it, which was a while ago I'm sure you'll agree.



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