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1 hour ago, KenjiOgiwara said:

This has hit the world much harder than I thought, but have an iffy feeling this hasn't quite reached the US yet. Wonder how the financial markets will react and I wonder how well they can contain it when it's basically private across the board there. 

How will they contain and control sick people without medical insurance? 

The US has it. They just aren't testing much and as such they're only picking up the worst/most obvious cases. Washington is in a grim situation and for every number confirmed you can probably chuck at least a couple of zeroes on the end.

If we were able to test everyone the numbers of cases would send the planet into a blind panic.

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Anywho, on the work front...

We're now having to have reports from every office on illnesses daily. We also have had to urgently update private contact details and there's been a test of the emergency contact system again. We've also been advised to urgently contact our IT people to get remote working set up.

So yeah...

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10 hours ago, Chindie said:

Also New Street this morning was obscenely quiet for a Wednesday morning.

M5 jct 1 to 2 this morning, i was almost all the way through it before I realised it was just moving like regular motorway. But i don’t know how much that is because it’s now ‘open’.

Same on the way home, no delay at all at the Newport tunnels. Absolutely unheard of.


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The number of people dying in italy are frightening, not just the old but young aswell.  There was a lady on channel 4 news from the world health organisation saying she believes mass gatherings like football matches just be cancelled, , i have to agree, Im very concerned

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16 minutes ago, Chindie said:

The US has it. They just aren't testing much and as such they're only picking up the worst/most obvious cases. Washington is in a grim situation and for every number confirmed you can probably chuck at least a couple of zeroes on the end.

If we were able to test everyone the numbers of cases would send the planet into a blind panic.

I know they got it. When I say 'reached the US' I ment in terms of media, financial markets etc. how hard this will hit the global economy. It seems to me they haven't quite had the realisation moment we've had in Europe. 

Then again Dow is down 1600 now, even after a bank bail out, so maybe things are about to change. But what do I know 

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3 minutes ago, wazzap24 said:

If I makes you feel better, I got 3 paltry likes for easily the best one so far!

I should be be on the leaderboard for Wuhan Clan alone, but come on - Bat-soup out of hell as well?!?! 

@ml1dch got more for his low effort Police one FFS! 

I hate VT, I’m wasted on you lot. 

have a like you god damn beggar

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13 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

We have got a work from home test on Friday. Except not for me as I am the tester that's making sure there aren't issues. 

Did ours last Friday. Thankfully we are all up in private cloud so I could administer everything from the sofa. 
I’d presumed everyone would treat it as a day off (I work with what I thought were a bunch of lazy swines) but most were logged on for 8+ hours. No doubt they knew I’d be watching and reporting back to the other directors but it’s probably strengthened the CEO’s belief that we don’t actually need offices and everyone should work permanently from home. I guess we say goodbye to our offices when the current leases expire. 

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6 minutes ago, wazzap24 said:

If I makes you feel better, I got 3 paltry likes for easily the best one so far!

I should be be on the leaderboard for Wuhan Clan alone, but come on - Bat-soup out of hell as well?!?! 

@ml1dch got more for his low effort Police one FFS! 

I hate VT, I’m wasted on you lot. 

I feel your pain. I can only presume my Kung Flu Fighting only got one like because it was the last post on the page. 

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35 minutes ago, Awol said:

Italy’s Case Fatality Rate is up at 6.63%. That’s not the 1% the CMO was warning us to expect! 



this guy says is about preparedness in one section, why china and those countries who had SARS will converg down to 0.6-0.9% but those without a clue / are slow it will be 3-5% 

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7 minutes ago, wazzap24 said:

If I makes you feel better, I got 3 paltry likes for easily the best one so far!

I should be be on the leaderboard for Wuhan Clan alone, but come on - Bat-soup out of hell as well?!?! 

@ml1dch got more for his low effort Police one FFS! 

I hate VT, I’m wasted on you lot. 

I actually thought ‘My Corona’ was genius too.......got 2 shitty likes.......not wasting my talents on you lot any longer........

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21 minutes ago, bickster said:

If you can't see that this government is going for the big spike, get it over with but with lots more death approach

This tweet might show you


It would be funny, if it wasn’t so serious. 

Things like giving out ferry contracts to companies with no ferries, not knowing how important the port of Calais is and generally just not knowing your arse from your elbow is one thing, but they are actually going to kill people. 

I’m deadly serious when I say we’d be better off under Army rule right now. 

They are an absolute disgrace and should be overthrown immediately.  

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Where I work called every worker in a room one by one for them to fill out a questionnaire asking if we have holidays booked, do we own a laptop, do we have a landline, are we willing to work from home, is there any vulnerable people at home yada yada yada

for what its worth I said that I would under no circumstances want to work from home, I'd stop washing, I wouldn't have any contact with any other humans other than the delivery drivers, I'd probably start drinking at 9am or decide it would be a good idea to send abusive Emails to customers at 2am in the morning after I've been on the piss,  my home is my castle, it ain't my office.

If they said they were going to let 50% of staff work from home to try and stop or slow down any possible infections I'd happily be one of the ones to travel into the office.

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3 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

Best one? Bollocks. Wuhan Clan is a pedestrian one. Ai no covidea takes work. It takes finesse. 

Yeah, but I threw in the 36 isolation chambers too for the Brucie bonus, and it was my game, so sod off! 😉 

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11 minutes ago, wazzap24 said:

If I makes you feel better, I got 3 paltry likes for easily the best one so far!

I should be be on the leaderboard for Wuhan Clan alone, but come on - Bat-soup out of hell as well?!?! 

@ml1dch got more for his low effort Police one FFS! 

I hate VT, I’m wasted on you lot. 

If it makes you feel worse, I nicked it from the Spectator podcast which used it as their outro music the other day.

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