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Tony Xia (no longer involved with AVFC)


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The problem Dr Xia is going to have is he is too willing to communicate, inevitably there will embarrassments, mistakes and quite likely a few overly optimistic statements that will come back to haunt him. I don't think undertaking the complete lack of communication his predecessor took is the route to take but more structured, careful communication needs to be considered otherwise people are quickly going to get irritated, frustrated or simply angry at his ownership.

If we look at the short term he promised three new players imminently, then it was that patience was needed. A few weeks back it's that we would spend £30/40/50m on players. Now the transfer market is a tricky beast but if we get to September having bought only a new striker, offloaded a few players and having spent £15-20m he's going to have opened himself up to criticism, rightly or wrongly. There will be people who will be disappointed but others, still wary due to past owners, that believe he is a liar and chancer who spouts off without substance.

If he'd just said, "the manager will be backed with whatever he needs" that covers both eventualities but doesn't leave him open to the same criticism should squad restructuring be more difficult than first assumed.

Personally speaking I think he may be being too excited/ optimistic about either his plans and/or his means to improve our club. I can forgive that as long as his intentions remain true, but a lot won't if all they see is broken promises.

Dr Xia needs to make sure his PR setup is as professional as every other aspect of his business.

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10 hours ago, limpid said:

You can't be found innocent. Not in the UK and not in America. You are always innocent until proven guilty.

To your point. What if no-one was charged because there wasn't anything illegal? It's the FBI's job to be suspicious. They investigated and found nothing.

That's true. I guess people just look at it the 'no smoke without fire' way. Even if it is their job to be suspicious. Which in all fairness, isn't actually a very fair way to look at things.

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ASTON VILLA chairman Dr Tony Xia has taken the stage to sell the Claret and Blues to China – hours after being duped into retweeting a ‘tribute’ to disgraced star Jimmy Savile.

Xia kicked a ball around on stage in Beijing as he was joined by boss Roberto Di Matteo and CEO Keith Wyness for a Chinese charm offensive (What?).

But the press conference for around 150 journalists came in the wake of Xia being fooled (you've already told us he's been duped) by an internet prankster.

Xia started using Twitter earlier this month to communicate with Villa fans, in addition the regular posts he sends to fans in his homeland on Chinese social media site Weibo.

The move has been welcomed by Villa supporters who were furious (bit ott) at the lack of interaction from former owner Randy Lerner, who seldom gave written interviews – let alone televised ones.

An account named ‘thisispreece’, which was later deleted, sadistically (really?) requested a retweet for “my Uncle Jimmy”.

Xia then replied: “Happy Birthday to UNCLE Jimmy.

When he realised his error, the Villa chairman then served up an apology, with Villa fans blasting (cool) the user who had tricked Xia.

One fan posted: “Full respect to new Villa owner Dr Tony Xia for chatting and engaging with fans. Just a shame about the few idiots on here.”

Another said: “I like having our owner on here, reaching out to fans after years of silence from Randy Lerner, good on ya."

------- Below has literally nothing to do with the story, and is just filling up space, using quotes from interviews from days ago, quality journalism right there -----------

Tycoon Xia, 39, paid around £75million to buy Villa from Lerner last month.

He also admitted that he was open to the idea of Chinese players joining Villa - if they were good enough.

The Italian boss said: “[It was] a house that needed to be knocked down and start afresh.

"That’s so far what I have seen.

“I don’t want to put it into numbers. I’m certainly looking to freshen up the squad … [but] I don’t know if it is one more, three more or four more.

“Obviously if there is a Chinese player that has the quality and the ability we will certainly be looking to recruit.

“[But] I think the main focus is to get promoted with Aston Villa. That is the main focus of the chairman, the owner and everyone involved in the club."



Oh wow I hate The Sun, look at all those sensationalist adjectives.


Edited by lapal_fan
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I worry that he's not ready for twitter.  He seems almost too honest and thin-skinned for what he's going to deal with.  He can't be reacting to every negative article because the more he reacts, the more negative articles there will be, and the more he will give them to write about.  He either needs to stay on point re- Villa goings on, or stop altogether.

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8 minutes ago, jonno_2004 said:

I hope he decides to employ someone to manage the account for him or at least sieve through the rubbish as a first line of defence.

Anyone know if Nicky Keye is a dab hand with Twitter?

Has she still got a job?

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1 hour ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

Whats the problem? Fair play to him. 

Just playing devil's advocate for a minute. Would you have reacted in a similar way had Randy Lerner replied to your concerns in a similar manner last year?

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1 hour ago, jonno_2004 said:

I hope he decides to employ someone to manage the account for him or at least sieve through the rubbish as a first line of defence.

Anyone know if Nicky Keye is a dab hand with Twitter?

I hear General Krulak is available ?

Seriously though.  It can only end one way, however long it takes, so IMO he'd be better stopping right now.  A monthly or quarterly organised chat through the Official Site and with local media would be spot on for me.

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1 hour ago, BOF said:

I worry that he's not ready for twitter.  He seems almost too honest and thin-skinned for what he's going to deal with.  He can't be reacting to every negative article because the more he reacts, the more negative articles there will be, and the more he will give them to write about.  He either needs to stay on point re- Villa goings on, or stop altogether.

I agree. 

In all honesty, I'm not a fan of him being on Twitter at all. It just doesn't seem professional to me. But then again, I was also someone who didn't mind the silence of Randy Lerner, in fact, I quite liked the way he went about business (though, the business he actually did was shocking). 

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1 hour ago, Pilchard said:

Just playing devil's advocate for a minute. Would you have reacted in a similar way had Randy Lerner replied to your concerns in a similar manner last year?

If someone had questioned Randy Lerner last year about the level of investment he is able and ready to provide and he came back with a similar comment, people could rightly point to the previous years of constant struggle with a fairly limited budget and bad decision after bad decision and call bullshit.

Xia has been the club owner for less than two months. He's not done anything to necessitate people jumping down his throat when he provides a retort when he is asked how much he has.

Now, we could well find ourselves still working on a shoestring and making bad decision after bad decision under Xia, we don't know. But for the time being, such a question comparing the two is slightly redundant and unfair as we had years of shit under Lerner. We have had, at worst, around 6 weeks of curious uncertainty under Xia.

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There's plenty of folk in the public eye who are on twitter with no problems. There's no reason to believe Tony X will be any different at the moment. 

Some people (i.e. James Blunt) are actually very good at taking the negativity and throwing it back at the protagonists.

Our Tony's a smart guy. He's not going to leak sensative information on Twitter or get himself into too much trouble I would have thought.

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That's about the size of it @Shropshire Lad.  But I suspect the 'journalist' knew that.  He has now lucked into a successful fishing expedition where he has caught a whopper without even trying.  Expect the targetting of Dr.X to ramp up in the near future as they know they have a vocal and not 100% fluent owner on their hands.  A perfect combination for the English gutter press. Tony needs advisors now.

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