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TheStagMan last won the day on August 22 2020

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    Exiled in the South East

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  1. Well, we all know that VAR is usually wrong
  2. He is staying in a cosy B&B near Southend. Back on Tuesday.
  3. As opposed to Troy who was a chinless wonder trying to be a footballer and failing, and now trying to be relevant, and failing - that's just who he is.
  4. This aged well ! So happy for Ollie.
  5. No, it is "we had £100m of other people's money, now we have £7m of other people's money and some angry looking dudes with a cement truck have turned up"
  6. They might be right. I was laughing at them so hard that I very nearly shat myself.
  7. Saint Jood scored for Engerland last nite fells. Time for dem to retire is shirt numba in the Engerland squad innit.
  8. Very likely, they will not need a stadium that big in about 5 years. A gazebo in the local park should do it.
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