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Tony Xia (no longer involved with AVFC)


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47 minutes ago, sidcow said:

I believe he's on gardening leave, removing weeds, turning over soil and the like. 

Is He the contractor doing the pitch ? Or would that be Hoe ?

Edited by dukes
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10 minutes ago, NurembergVillan said:

If you know, you know...


Ah, ThunderCats, a popular TV show in the 80's written by Theodore 'Tobin' Wolf Aka 'Ted Wolf'. 

Tobin Wolf fancied himself as a bit of an inventor and holds quite a few patents in America, one of which being an 'combat action figure'. A series of action figures that fire projectiles at each other from a spring loaded weapon. 

It's all starting to come together. You know who has action figures? Larry Ellison. Larry Ellison has action figures.*


* Probably. 

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10 hours ago, ViewFromT2 said:

This scenario makes perfect sense in the real world....but I fear Xia lives in some parallel universe. We can only guess what's going on in his head at the moment!

Don’t be silly, that’s easy.   ??+%??x??

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20 minutes ago, Sam3773 said:

Ah, ThunderCats, a popular TV show in the 80's written by Theodore 'Tobin' Wolf Aka 'Ted Wolf'. 

Tobin Wolf fancied himself as a bit of an inventor and holds quite a few patents in America, one of which being an 'combat action figure'. A series of action figures that fire projectiles at each other from a spring loaded weapon. 

It's all starting to come together. You know who has action figures? Larry Ellison. Larry Ellison has action figures.*


* Probably. 

I like your style.

I was just going with "Thundercats Hooooooooo!".

But I like your style.

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I spoke to somebody in the footballing world. He has is pretty confident that a takeover is happening/talks are ongoing and quite advanced. He doesn't have a name but heard that a group was leading the chase about 10 days ago. I've asked him to get the tables...sorry, thought I was Bubba Ray, I've asked him to get info.

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2 minutes ago, Dick said:


I spoke to somebody in the footballing world. He has is pretty confident that a takeover is happening/talks are ongoing and quite advanced. He doesn't have a name but heard that a group was leading the chase about 10 days ago. I've asked him to get the tables...sorry, thought I was Bubba Ray, I've asked him to get info.

Any sort of info on if it's a positive, good group, from where etc etc?

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Does that mean we can expect one more tweet saying thank you and goodbye and this chapter in "Today at the Villa" is over?! Next week Villa enter administration and a transfer embargo is enforced.

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5 hours ago, jackbauer24 said:

That never ending circle of ITK respect... People scared to question it for being seen as negative, others lapping up every word out of desperation.

My issue with 99% of people who claim to be ITK is the self important censoring they imply they have to do to protect people.

If you have some information you are not allowed/not comfortable to share then say nothing. Really, what is the point of saying 'I know something but I can't say what' on a chatboard?! The only reason that makes sense is they like to look important on a board that means nothing. Quite pathetic really. If I have privileged information at work then I use my professional judgement to decide whether it stays completely confidential (I.e. shut up) or I share either snippets or the whole story. What I don't do is walk in to the staffroom and say "I've heard something that impacts you all but I can't tell you anything at all". Worse still, I don't return day after day giving pointless snippets of non-information like "well you might find out something on Wednesday about any tiny facet of your job that I can attribute to my prior knowledge"

Assuming I have info I feel I can share I'll give them a real heads up with actual facts but ensure that it can't be traced to me if I wasn't supposed to say anything! In this instance it'd be something along lines of "there will be a statement this week about a takeover, can't say anything else yet/ don't know what it's about". Not something may happen on some day unless things change.

I've had a bad day too and I'm sick to death of people full of such self importance or pathetic enough to need people to read their crap and then whine they're not being respected.

If you can't say anything then DON'T say anything. 

I don't think its always as sinister as you portray.

some folk, genuinely want to share some good news, but have to be careful not to lose people( their source) jobs.

I get your point about saying nowt at all.....but folk being folk.

Edited by TRO
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5 hours ago, MapleVilla said:

Next week Villa enter administration and a transfer embargo is enforced.

So there's no transfer embargo yet? Let's go sign some of those World Cup players then (I assume Bruce has identified his targets already) so get it done! :D

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6 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

I personally enjoy the ITK, even if it doesn't come off. It still gives us something to speculate on.

I don't enjoy it per se but I don't usually mind it. I had a tidbit about Jack Grealish recently, and it was straight from the horses mouth so to speak, I shared it on here and let people take it for what it was, it's the borderline narcissists that feel they have to defend there little secret.

Just post your "ITK" and move along, don't poo poo every comment that's in the negative, we genuinely don't care that much. 

#XiaOut #OnTopic

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9 minutes ago, Hoof hearted said:

I don't enjoy it per se but I don't usually mind it. I had a tidbit about Jack Grealish recently, and it was straight from the horses mouth so to speak, I shared it on here and let people take it for what it was, it's the borderline narcissists that feel they have to defend there little secret.

Just post your "ITK" and move along, don't poo poo every comment that's in the negative, we genuinely don't care that much. 

#XiaOut #OnTopic

I personally liked your bit of ITK! I want more good ITK like that. Any ITK that is good news and gives us a bit of hope is fine by me. Really hope what you heard is true.

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1 minute ago, Okonokos said:

I personally liked your bit of ITK! I want more good ITK like that. Any ITK that is good news and gives us a bit of hope is fine by me. Really hope what you heard is true.

Hope so too mate, on the flip side I wouldn't be surprised if it was way off the mark, as we all know football is a fickle friend to us Villa fans, hence the take it for what it is disclaimer. 

Anyho (pun intended), it's Tuesday, where's my news?! 

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1 minute ago, ismail-villa said:

I had a dream the Villa got liquidated, all the Claret and blue colours around the stadium were all white and everyone was crying. Very weird. Must've been that late night milkshake..

That was the Japan v Belgium match you watched last night fella! 

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Regarding Tortilla Tuesday,  I have had a LOT of involvement with takeovers, many of my clients have been taken over or have taken over others.

The one thing you can guarantee with absolute certainty is that no deadlines are ever, ever met.  Things just slip and slip and slip.  I can't think of a single one which has gone ahead smoothly on the date aimed for.

If something is 100% being announced today which people were knowing last week or at the weekend, I very much doubt it's about a takeover.

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