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The now-enacted will of (some of) the people


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2 minutes ago, V01 said:

Scotland's place in Europe is currently as part of the UK, How exactly can they leave and say they're still in the EU?

Well, we don't know if they can or can't. As I said, it's unprecedented. 

At the end of the day, it would probably depend whether the other EU members wanted Scotland in. It's their club, they can make up the rules as they go along. 

My personal feeling is that there won't even be another referendum, as the conditions aren't right for a Yes vote, but we're all just guessing here. 

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Sturgeon is moving so quickly as she is attempting to get Scotland into the EU by remaining under the UK conditions , basically not having to go through full application as for one their current deficit would not allow them membership.One of issues in the INDY vote in 2014 is the SNP couldn't gurantee and indy Scotland could join the EU so sensing this oppounity she is going to argue to stay in EU then go for Indy Ref2 .

That still doesn't eliminate the issue of Barnet Formula payment loss and diminishing Oil returns for example or that this time the argument of the pound is mute , they would have to take the Euro.They also export something like 80% to the rest of UK so then independent and part of the EU they would have to abide with any trade deal the EU does with the remaining UK

It's an opportunist move on her part as like Farage and UKIP the SNP soley exist to get away from the UK , England 

Re running the vote , no chance really 2mil is still 15mil off the winning vote so its a not starter.Also consider that as soon as the leave announcement came through Junker was quick to point out the new terms of membership agreed in Feb were off the table.The EU at that level who never wanted to negotiate new terms in first place are happy we are out.Merkal on other hand has asked for calm and time to debate terms.

The Torys are likely to appointment a new leader than call a GE.Until that happens ( and Corybn is likely replaced ) the negotiations won't start despite Junkers attempts to rush it through. 

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19 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

Spain will veto any and every plan Scotland come up with, they've not got a hope of entering the EU on their own.

What's the reasoning for this? Merely asking out of ignorance. Concern over precedent for Catalonia alone?

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I see David lam ya has called on a vote to "overturn this madness"

first time in how many years I have agreed with a labour mp. But won't happen the riots that would happen if that was the case.

cant believe how many thick people voted as a protest vote out against government. Hope they suffer the most for all the problems we are going to have short term. 

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45 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

I see David lam ya has called on a vote to "overturn this madness"

Bit of a stupid thing to say, i thought remain voters were meant to be highly intelligent.

Not a chance in hell.

Edited by AshVilla
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35 minutes ago, gharperr said:

Stolen from reddit.....Interesting read though. Was in comment section of guardian. Probably all been said already in this thread but ive been out of it for awhile


Interesting read.

I don't blame Cameron for not invoking Article 50. Let someone else take that step. 

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2 hours ago, Davkaus said:

Spain will veto any and every plan Scotland come up with, they've not got a hope of entering the EU on their own.

I can perfectly understand Spain's reasoning for why they wanted to veto Scotland's chance to stay in the EU two years ago, they wanted to punish potential break away provinces as a warning to for Catalonia. They were saying 'If you leave the UK you must also leave the EU'. 

This situation is a little different though. Scotland are trying to maintain their current union with Spain but are being forced to break it off against their wishes. I can see Spain being a bit more sympathetic to that point of view. It no longer holds a direct parallel with Catalonia. 


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2 hours ago, gharperr said:

Stolen from reddit.....Interesting read though. Was in comment section of guardian. Probably all been said already in this thread but ive been out of it for awhile


I'd had though re camerons resigntion without invoking article 50 along these very lines very soon after he did so, though I never fleshed it out like this one

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6 hours ago, Xela said:

HSBC to potentially move 1000 jobs to Paris if UK leave single market


My sister is a dual Australian/British citizen working for Morgan Stanley in London, with her contract up at the end of the year and a heap of uncertainty about what happens next for her and her colleagues, with talks that the offices will move to Dublin or Frankfurt depending on trading agreements


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