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Eric Black


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Like a few of our recent managers, talks a good game (certainly what the fans want to hear) and then ruins it all with woeful team selections.

On what planet did Richardson, Sinclair and Bacuna justify keeping their places after last week. It was easy to take out Lyden but Old Trafford would've been a good experience for him.

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recently ive noticed alot of the facebook trolls have been slating black without fully knowing all the facts, maybe they need to get themselves on villatalk to be honest.

i for one am past caring what selection or tactics black plays now to the end of the season, we dont have a winning team at all so what does it matter!

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1 hour ago, supernova26 said:

He said he thought the players were "outstanding" today? Get this shit house out with the rest of the animal rectums. 

And that they showed 'pride for the shirt'.

This guy is a **** bellend. I don't expect anything from a caretaker manager, but I think this guy should **** off with the players at the end of the season. Pride for the shirt, what a **** tool.

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1 minute ago, AndyBM said:

he still needs these jokers of player to attempt to perform till the end of the season, if that means blowing smoke up their ar*es then so be it


But does he?

We're down now - as a statement of intent from the club, the players who won't be featuring next season or can't be arsed to put in some effort can train on their own.

The likes of Gabby, Richards, Lescott, Richardson, Bacuna, Guzan, Sanchez aren't worth parading anymore.

For the next home game, field the players that want to be here along with the youth who are more than likely going to be making up the numbers. If it means a team meeting and actually giving them the option of the door, then so be it. At least the club will know.

We need to start the rebuild now - weed out and sideline those who don't want to feature. Begin to form the nucleas of the side now and get some harmony and cohesion going. 

As fans, we've booed and hissed enough - we're down, those responsible know who they are and the fans have let them know too. Now we need players to cheer and make the remaining games in the Premier League a party atmosphere.

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is it that simple though?

we still have to make these dog turd players look appealing if the club is to offload them, from what im aware of so far only nzogbias contract expires this summer, which is a slight relief but all the others are still value-less, nobody will want them.

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their agents will be working overtime to keep the gravy train rolling.

we may have to take some financial hits to ensure moves but we should be able to shift a fair few off the books.

its gabby I'm worried about though, that's a tough sell!

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35 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

He is abit shit but you can't blame him really for what he has been left with.

Yes you can blame him 100% after this bullshit

Eric Black post match interview: "I said a week or so ago we wanted to try build little steps and certainly today the fans can go away proud of what the players delivered for Aston Villa in terms of their energy and their workrate. They stuck to the plan".

So what the f*** was the plan eric, maybe to bore the shit out of the fans one last time................

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He said that the young players need to EARN their place against Man U

Do you know when, you know what folk mean.....but for christs sake don't say it.


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1 hour ago, AndyBM said:

he still needs these jokers of player to attempt to perform till the end of the season, if that means blowing smoke up their ar*es then so be it

I would prefer to see ......a size 12......at 100mph.

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23 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

Yes you can blame him 100% after this bullshit

Eric Black post match interview: "I said a week or so ago we wanted to try build little steps and certainly today the fans can go away proud of what the players delivered for Aston Villa in terms of their energy and their workrate. They stuck to the plan".

So what the f*** was the plan eric, maybe to bore the shit out of the fans one last time................

Well it worked for Mcleish. Remember those happy halcyon days when we came 16th and won 4 home games? We were spoilt rotten and didn't even know it. 

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I just don't understand how he can look at Grealish, Traore, and Kozak and then say that Richardson, Bacuna, and Sinclair will start in from of them. Then to not even sub any decent subs. Terrible selections. Much worse than Sherwood was at picking an XI. 

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