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The banker loving, baby-eating Tory party thread (regenerated)


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11 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

I'd have thought someone who won't watch a film because of it's misogynist content would have been quite offended by that tweet  and that May empowering women would have struck a chord with them  , guess not  .. well ok definitely not the May striking a chord bit :) 

What am I supposed to be offended by? That somebody thought it was noteable that a Conservative PM would attend a conservative political conference with a bracelet depicting the face of a woman who - amongst other things - is known as somebody who dated Trotsky? I honestly don't follow your argument. As best I can tell, you appear to be annoyed that Ms Parkinson didn't include a capsule Wikipedia biography of Frida Kahlo in her tweet. But why on earth would she do that? If May was attending the annual gathering of the 'I Think Mexican Art Is Shit' Society then wearing the bracelet would be surprising or noteworthy in a different way, and then presumably Ms Parkinson's tweet would have been about how Kahlo was an influential Mexican painter, not about how she used to date Trotsky. 

And what any of this has to do with 'Kingsman', I haven't a clue. 

For the record, I quite liked May's bracelet. She has an interesting taste in fashion. It's one of the few things I find in any way relateable or intriguing about her. 

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15 minutes ago, bickster said:

In some respects the side show is only taking place because the actual content of the speech was so underwhelming. We apparently need 100,000 houses yesterday so the solution is to build 5,000 council houses a year... that really is a drop in the ocean. In 20 years time how many houses will we need when they’ve built the 100,000 that we need now. I’ve seen it mentioned in many places that the new ideas / policies in that speech are Labour Lite, they aren’t really, they are just an attempt (a very poor one) to bring straying voters back into the fold. It won’t work, this is the Tory Party, no one apart from the hard core faithful believe them. 

For all their attacks on Labour during the conference, to then go and try to appease voters with extremely watered down Labour policies is an indication of exactly where the Tories are. A party riven by divides trying to maintain their core vote whilst trying to gain ground but most importantly they are actually bereft of ideas, or at least ideas that the electorate will respond to.

Speaking as someone living in an area where every field has someone trying to put a housing development on it , do we actually need any houses ?  latest data shows there are 200,000 houses in England that have been empty for 6 months or more ....of course people would rather live in Surrey than Cornwall when it comes to jobs etc  but surely instead of just building for the sake of it and so the Parties can play whose built the most houses Top Trumps , why not utilise the empty property first and foremost

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Just now, tonyh29 said:

Speaking as someone living in an area where every field has someone trying to put a housing development on it , do we actually need any houses ?  latest data shows there are 200,000 houses in England that have been empty for 6 months or more ....of course people would rather live in Surrey than Cornwall when it comes to jobs etc  but surely instead of just building for the sake of it and so the Parties can play whose built the most houses Top Trumps , why not utilise the empty property first and foremost

How do you determine what is an empty property?

Serious question as every method I’ve thought of generally equates to unacceptable levels of state snooping

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More to the point, even if you know a property is empty, what do you do about it?

Tax it until it becomes uneconomical? Most people with several homes aren't going to be priced out too easily.

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33 minutes ago, bickster said:

How do you determine what is an empty property?

Serious question as every method I’ve thought of generally equates to unacceptable levels of state snooping

I found a website  called Empty homes  their FAQ page gives some pointers  ..there is a degree of snooping suggested , not all state snooping though

they do also link to a govt site that has a breakdown by county of these properties (look for table 615)

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I'm sad. I'm sad that the party in government has come to this garbage end product. I'm sad that the party that is supposed to be in opposition only managed to get slightly closer to that thing called the conservatives when they are this much of a mess. Corbyn's missed an open goal and he's treating it like he's won the league. The conservatives won't be this weak for long.

If this is all we have to offer up in the two main parties we are in deep shit. 

Jeremy "I got really close comrades, let's celebrate like we won!!" Corbyn and Theresa "trong and stable" May. Hands down the two worst leaders of their parties for as long as I can remember.

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2 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

Speaking as someone living in an area where every field has someone trying to put a housing development on it , do we actually need any houses ?  latest data shows there are 200,000 houses in England that have been empty for 6 months or more ....of course people would rather live in Surrey than Cornwall when it comes to jobs etc  but surely instead of just building for the sake of it and so the Parties can play whose built the most houses Top Trumps , why not utilise the empty property first and foremost

Yes, I agree it's definitely not as simple as building X number of houses. It needs to be a bit more grown up and joined up than that.

Taking steps that reverse, or stop, the long trend of Gov't favouring the South East for pretty much everything. Steps to adress the number of unoccupied proerties where there's a shortage, and to allow people to want to move to areas where there's no shortage of homes, but a surplus of empty homes.

Stop selling off social housing to private owners. Start building social housing, and enforcing the planning regs so that developers actually have to build affordable and social housing  into new developments.

People with multiple homes, especially empty homes, should be "encouraged" via the tax system to sell them. Private rent needs regulating to stop profiteering...there's loads to be done

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10 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

I'm not a Labour supporter but Labour have had worse leaders in the last 10 years. Corbyn has engaged voters recently that other leaders struggled to engage with.

Indeed ... it can be argued he hasn’t really changed much from Miliband in regards to a lot of policy it’s just Jeremy can eat a bacon sandwich without  looking an idiot ... either that or he gets his cult to revise history and say there never was a bacon sandwich :) 

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7 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

Indeed ... it can be argued he hasn’t really changed much from Miliband in regards to a lot of policy it’s just Jeremy can eat a bacon sandwich without  looking an idiot ... either that or he gets his cult to revise history and say there never was a bacon sandwich :) 

I think he’d look a complete idiot eating a bacon sandwich, considering he’s a staunch vegetarian.

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‘Well, at least I didn’t shit myself,’ says relieved May


Clown show Prime Minister Theresa May’s first words to aides after her wacky conference speech were, ‘Well, at least I didn’t shit myself’.


It had been thought that the speech, which left topical humourists with very few places to go as it featured a fine prank, a collapsing slogan and a nasty cold, couldn’t have got any worse.

However, from what has been reported from her initial meeting with aides – it certainly could have.

“I felt it just in the bit when I was trying to pretend that building 12 council houses would make any sort of difference at all,” she reportedly told them.

“I got that cramp in my stomach, you know that cramp I get?”

Her aides then nodded furiously, eyes bright with dreadful knowledge.

“Then it just got worse and worse as I went through all that guff about normal people being decent, and the whole thing was genuinely touch and go through the standing ovation at the end.

“Luckily that wasn’t too long.

“In fact, I’m fairly sure that the first letter fell off the slogan after one violent cramp when I had to clench so hard that the entire stage shook.”

The aides then believed the worst was over as Theresa May made plans to head back to Number 10

“Come on,” she said, “I want to get out of this ghastly Northern-”

She then stopped, let out a grunt and a foul odour filled the room.

“Bugger,” she said.

“I’m going to need some new pants and a big wet wipe.”


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1 hour ago, magnkarl said:

I'm sad. I'm sad that the party in government has come to this garbage end product. I'm sad that the party that is supposed to be in opposition only managed to get slightly closer to that thing called the conservatives when they are this much of a mess. Corbyn's missed an open goal and he's treating it like he's won the league. The conservatives won't be this weak for long.

If this is all we have to offer up in the two main parties we are in deep shit. 

Jeremy "I got really close comrades, let's celebrate like we won!!" Corbyn and Theresa "trong and stable" May. Hands down the two worst leaders of their parties for as long as I can remember.

Jeremy Corbyn speaks well, tends to avoid just bashing the other party and has clear views on what he'd do should he be Prime Minister.  I don't agree with all of it, I'm not a "Labour" person (although I did vote for them (for the first time ever!) during the last GE) but he is a country mile ahead of every other political leader in this country at the moment.

Theresa May speaks terribly, is **** clueless and uses every single opportunity to slag off the opposition - even after that Lee Nelson "prank", she says something like "I want to talk about someone who I'd give a P45 to - and that's Jeremy Corbyn!".  Aye, love, it's all you ever do!

Unfortunately, and the true sadness here, is that we're a nation apparently mainly inhabited by morons who vote for things like "Brexit" and "Theresa May" when it comes to massive issues that actually matter.  Unsurprisingly, we are ****.

But, y'know, democracy and Corbyn is a dangerous man and stuff.  Strong and Stable.  ROFL Boris - u so funny.

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16 minutes ago, bobzy said:

Unfortunately, and the true sadness here, is that we're a nation apparently mainly inhabited by morons who vote for things like "Brexit" and "Theresa May" when it comes to massive issues that actually matter.  Unsurprisingly, we are ****.

I don't claim to speak for other people so you  speak for yourself  ;)

I'm sure people will be along to say ah that's different , but are the people in Catalonia  also morons ?


regarding "voting for" May (which unless you live in Maidenhead  you aren't technically) , I guess people can only vote for what's put in front of them ..end of the day the other alternatives didn't convince enough people they were credible  or a better choice  ...  I suppose you could blame the people , but personally I'd blame the leader / people that failed to convince ...

When I pitch for a project and don't get it , I suppose I could just say the clients are morons , rather than accept the fact maybe my pitch wasn't good enough ?



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24 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

When I pitch for a project and don't get it , I suppose I could just say the clients are morons , rather than accept the fact maybe my pitch wasn't good enough ?


But if the reason that you don't get it is because the winning pitch is a pack of lies and falsehoods that a ten year old should be able to see through, then you might end up revisiting the "morons" option.

Edited by ml1dch
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41 minutes ago, bobzy said:

Jeremy Corbyn speaks well, tends to avoid just bashing the other party and has clear views on what he'd do should he be Prime Minister.  I don't agree with all of it, I'm not a "Labour" person (although I did vote for them (for the first time ever!) during the last GE) but he is a country mile ahead of every other political leader in this country at the moment.

I can sort of agree that he speaks well, but that is only if he's selected what he's to speak about. He's got a history full of gaffes that are very inedible to a lot of voters and if you can't get closer than what he did with Labour during an election where the conservatives had one of their worst performances in history it's not really much to brag about.

Both parties are shadows of their former self - Corbyn has purged Labour of anyone who has moderate views and the Conservatives are acting like three parties in one. Look at their front benches, the fact that Diane Abbott and Rees-Mogg are big hitters in their parties now speaks volumes of how little quality they have to offer.

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1 minute ago, magnkarl said:

I can sort of agree that he speaks well, but that is only if he's selected what he's to speak about. He's got a history full of gaffes that are very inedible to a lot of voters and if you can't get closer than what he did with Labour during an election where the conservatives had one of their worst performances in history it's not really much to brag about.

Both parties are shadows of their former self - Corbyn has purged Labour of anyone who has moderate views and the Conservatives are acting like three parties in one. Look at their front benches, the fact that Diane Abbott and Rees-Mogg are big hitters in their parties now speaks volumes of how little quality they have to offer.

Considering how low their approval ratings were when the election was announced 6 weeks before  (due to a two year long smear campaign), I'd say we saw one of the biggest surges of support in a short amount of time ever.

There simply wasn't the time for Labour to catch them.  Considering everyone had Labour down as a cert to be more or less wiped out of parliament, they performed brilliantly.  Hold another election now and not saying it would be a Labour majority but it would certainly be a different story.

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