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The Tim Sherwood Thread


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You're not my choice I doubt your credentials I dont think you'll be here long term and we still have major issues at the club, but good luck.  I hope you win us the cup and keep us up then we go on a winning run that takes us to the top four and beyond


You have a point to prove to a few people and I hope that spurs (!) you on


Fully Agree - Im not a fan but I want to be proved so Wrong!

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i reckon he will stick with marshall until summer then get his own men in 


the Williams article above says he's looking to get an assistant and a first team coach in this week if they are right for the club and available.

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8 min press conference on Facebook

Where? I may not be following the same things as you!

Someone posted it in a group 'aston villa fan club' biggest unofficial fan club. Sorry I don't know how to post it on here

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I love this quote from the OS:


"I don't know the group yet. I've been looking from the outside. But, I think they need to play on the front foot a bit more".


"You're going to win games and going to lose games between now and the end of the season".


"But let's have a go fighting and start throwing a few punches ourselves".


I like that kind of talk! It's been far too long since a Villa team showed some fight and hopefully he can instil that into them. I am sure Hutton is looking forward to that!


Speaking of players; I reckon he will keep Given in goal for his first game. They are old teammates and he did well against Leicester in the cup game. It is also noticeable how Grealish got on the pitch yesterday. I reckon that he will start getting a few games too.

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Just have to say that the 2nd half against Leicester was the first time I have enjoyed watching Villa play for the whole season, possibly last season as well.


If that's a sign of things to come, I am really looking forward to Sherwood's reign.


Mind you, yesterday showed we still have a massive problem with Benteke. His first big challenge is to get him fired up again.

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Speaking of players; I reckon he will keep Given in goal for his first game. They are old teammates and he did well against Leicester in the cup game.


It is also noticeable how Grealish got on the pitch yesterday. I reckon that he will start getting a few games too.


Given is a decent shot stopper but not dominating on crosses - a backward step if he replaces Guzan


I don't think Grealish will start any games this season barring a serious run of injuries - too lightweight at the moment, certainly not what you need for a relegation dogfight

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Just have to say that the 2nd half against Leicester was the first time I have enjoyed watching Villa play for the whole season, possibly last season as well.


If that's a sign of things to come, I am really looking forward to Sherwood's reign.


Mind you, yesterday showed we still have a massive problem with Benteke. His first big challenge is to get him fired up again.

Couldn't agree more. We played the entire half with attacking intent, even after scoring the first goal and then second goal (Benteke having that shot in injury time was the wrong thing to do, but at least he had a go and was obviously wanting to score more goals).


Long may it continue. If we win 6 and lose 7 of our last 13 games, playing like that, I will be happy!

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This is all im going to post about our fecked up club and this appointment! He may turn out to be fantastic and im going to get behind him 100% from here on, but he should never ever have been appointed.


There is a school of thought among some English ex-footballers, pundits and managers that English managers don't get treated with the same respect that foreigners do: the Sam Allardici argument.

This has always flown in the face of all the evidence, and the career of Tim Sherwood is the clincher.

If a foreigner had Sherwood's record, there is no way on earth that he would be getting the job at Aston Villa. Sherwood was manager of Spurs - in itself a position he would never, ever have got if he came from Buenos Aires rather than Borehamwood - for just 28 matches. And then he got sacked. Now he's the best man to save one of England's greatest (and most screwed-up) clubs from relegation? Seven League Titles, seven FA Cups, a European Cup… and this is the best they could do?

image: http://www.espn.co.uk/PICTURES/CMS/79600/79643.5.jpg

Every chancer needs a gimmick... Sherwood's is the gillet © Getty Images


Sherwood's job will be made the harder because the Villa chief executive Tom Fox is also inexperienced; and the club are currently advertising for a director of football operations. Will that person be working above or below Sherwood? If it's below, what sort of experienced operator would choose to be under Sherwood? He is also, at time of writing, looking for an assistant.

At the absolute minimum, it's a big gamble. So why have Villa taken it? What does Tim Sherwood bring?

Sherwood has become something of a totem for ex-players in England. What he has, in spades, is a bunch of noisy and high profile mates in the media. Alan Shearer, Paul Merson and Jamie Redknapp are just three who have been touting him.

The press are keen for him to get the job because he's permanently peeved and angry; and likely to do and say things he shouldn't. That wins every time over a sensible technocrat. He also gets how to talk to the media, in a way that the man he replaced at Tottenham, Andre Villas Boas, never did.

Shearer was stating Sherwood's claims on the BBC yesterday. "We saw at Spurs that he is not afraid to ruffle feathers and upset people," said the England great. Translation: he shouted at the fancy foreign types and kicked them in five-a-side matches where possible.

Football has made vast leaps in terms of conditioning and preparation over the last few years, but for English players and indeed fans of a certain vintage, there's just nothing better than yelling at some Portuguese glove-wearing poseur in the Queen's English. They don't like it up 'em.

The boys in the studio will be hailing him for England manager within a year

This is not to say that getting in people's faces is Sherwood's only skill. Far from it. Professor Merson had also done his homework on the debate, commenting: "Tim doesn't mind throwing younger players into the team, as we saw during his time at Spurs."

"Selecting slightly younger players" might seem like a bit of a thin basis for a professional reputation, but if it's good enough for Merse, then who can argue with that? If only the likes of Ancelotti, Van Gaal and Mourinho would cotton on to the idea of picking young players, they could really go places. Come off it, Merse,

In addition to having a sizeable cheerleading squad in the world of punditry, Sherwood is a determined and disciplined self-publicist. His method so far has largely involved staring at the camera as if he is about to chin it, and telling everyone who will listen how good he is at managing. Sunday's game with Leicester was a case in point, when a few half-time pearls of wisdom in an advisory, popping-in capacity apparently won them the game.

If you're a chancer, you need a good bedrock of support, which Sherwood has. You need a gimmick, like the gillet. You need a bit of charm and a knack for the grand gesture, which he showed he definitely has, with the Adebayor salute. You also need a message that is simple and alluring and anyone can grasp. In Sherwood's case, that's a back-to-basics get stuck in, hit the big man and don't take any prisoners. The boys in the studio will be hailing him for England manager within a year, I guarantee you.

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This is all im going to post about our fecked up club and this appointment! He may turn out to be fantastic and im going to get behind him 100% from here on, but he should never ever have been appointed.


There is a school of thought among some English ex-footballers, pundits and managers that English managers don't get treated with the same respect that foreigners do: the Sam Allardici argument.

This has always flown in the face of all the evidence, and the career of Tim Sherwood is the clincher.

If a foreigner had Sherwood's record, there is no way on earth that he would be getting the job at Aston Villa. Sherwood was manager of Spurs - in itself a position he would never, ever have got if he came from Buenos Aires rather than Borehamwood - for just 28 matches. And then he got sacked. Now he's the best man to save one of England's greatest (and most screwed-up) clubs from relegation? Seven League Titles, seven FA Cups, a European Cup… and this is the best they could do?

image: http://www.espn.co.uk/PICTURES/CMS/79600/79643.5.jpg

Every chancer needs a gimmick... Sherwood's is the gillet © Getty Images


Sherwood's job will be made the harder because the Villa chief executive Tom Fox is also inexperienced; and the club are currently advertising for a director of football operations. Will that person be working above or below Sherwood? If it's below, what sort of experienced operator would choose to be under Sherwood? He is also, at time of writing, looking for an assistant.

At the absolute minimum, it's a big gamble. So why have Villa taken it? What does Tim Sherwood bring?

Sherwood has become something of a totem for ex-players in England. What he has, in spades, is a bunch of noisy and high profile mates in the media. Alan Shearer, Paul Merson and Jamie Redknapp are just three who have been touting him.

The press are keen for him to get the job because he's permanently peeved and angry; and likely to do and say things he shouldn't. That wins every time over a sensible technocrat. He also gets how to talk to the media, in a way that the man he replaced at Tottenham, Andre Villas Boas, never did.

Shearer was stating Sherwood's claims on the BBC yesterday. "We saw at Spurs that he is not afraid to ruffle feathers and upset people," said the England great. Translation: he shouted at the fancy foreign types and kicked them in five-a-side matches where possible.

Football has made vast leaps in terms of conditioning and preparation over the last few years, but for English players and indeed fans of a certain vintage, there's just nothing better than yelling at some Portuguese glove-wearing poseur in the Queen's English. They don't like it up 'em.

The boys in the studio will be hailing him for England manager within a year

This is not to say that getting in people's faces is Sherwood's only skill. Far from it. Professor Merson had also done his homework on the debate, commenting: "Tim doesn't mind throwing younger players into the team, as we saw during his time at Spurs."

"Selecting slightly younger players" might seem like a bit of a thin basis for a professional reputation, but if it's good enough for Merse, then who can argue with that? If only the likes of Ancelotti, Van Gaal and Mourinho would cotton on to the idea of picking young players, they could really go places. Come off it, Merse,

In addition to having a sizeable cheerleading squad in the world of punditry, Sherwood is a determined and disciplined self-publicist. His method so far has largely involved staring at the camera as if he is about to chin it, and telling everyone who will listen how good he is at managing. Sunday's game with Leicester was a case in point, when a few half-time pearls of wisdom in an advisory, popping-in capacity apparently won them the game.

If you're a chancer, you need a good bedrock of support, which Sherwood has. You need a gimmick, like the gillet. You need a bit of charm and a knack for the grand gesture, which he showed he definitely has, with the Adebayor salute. You also need a message that is simple and alluring and anyone can grasp. In Sherwood's case, that's a back-to-basics get stuck in, hit the big man and don't take any prisoners. The boys in the studio will be hailing him for England manager within a year, I guarantee you.

What a shit article.

that article is a load of crap obviously the researcher knows **** all about Louis van Gaal managerial history for a start

That's one of the worst articles I have read in a long time.

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