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Petitioning for change?


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Whose mad?

Just think its stupid for you to tell others what they can't mention when backing up their opinion, one which you disagree with.

But we all know your opinion, you've stated more or less the same things consistently since you joined.

You always mention how pants we've been over the last 2.5 years.

You think Benteke is amazing and can't do any wrong (despite finding himself offside more times than Angel ever did).

You think Lambert should be sacked.

You're not a fan of Lerner.

So, apart from Benteke, being a villa fan must be pretty sad for you right now, because everything you say is negative.

Shame for you i guess.

It is a shame. Wish I was watching things through your eyes because I'm struggling to see where the good things are to enjoy? Please share so we can all bask in them.

And as for repeating things, we all know you don't like other villa fans yet you keep banging on about it.

Wrong, I just don't like some villa fans, the fans that are objective, can see the wider picture, the reasons why we're in this mess in the first place, why - a protest will achieve absolutely diddly squat - are absolutely great in my eyes. It's the ones that can't see further then the end of their noses, who go to the game and shout and ball and scream even though the people (see teenager/20 odd year old kids) they're shouting at can't hear them - so having absolutely no effect, apart from further annoying the people around them - the people who are desperately clamouring for someone to blame, even though really, that person is actually a large group of people, the people who expect things to happen, because we're Aston Villa, because we've had success in the past, like we've some God given right to beat everyone who lies below us in the table or with a lower reputation than us, or to give the large clubs a really good, tight game where we don't get embarrassed, because - y'know, we're Aston Villa and for some reason, people get embarrassed by a bit of stick they get at work and take it as a personal reflection on their entire being - yea, I don't like them, because they're deluded and take the actions of a football club personally.

What do I enjoy? Well it's not the current football, but saying that, I didn't enjoy watching in MONs final season, I remember when we drew 2-2 at home with Everton and I thought "I'm not getting a season ticket next season, because I'm bored and I think I'll have better things to do with my time". So you could say I have fairly high expectations when it comes to the standard of football.

I don't enjoy looking week after week at us drawing games we should be winning, and losing games we should be doing better in, see Leicester, we were awful, why would anybody enjoy that shit?

I don't enjoy where I think we'll end up if this crappy situation we find ourselves in continues, but I think it'll get worse before it gets better.

I don't enjoy coming on here any more (on-topic anyway) and seeing the same stuff going round in circles, week after week, with endless negativity.

So what do I like? I enjoy the hope that something good will be on the horizon, I like it when we get good buys and we can anticipate how they'll do, how long it'll be before they get cherry picked by a big club, or when they'll decide to leave on a bosman for nothing :)

I enjoy that we have a manager that - despite how poor he's doing currently - seems to actually be proud of being here, and treats us like a big club.

I enjoy looking at other opinions on here, apart from if they're too negative, because what good does that do? It's not that I just hate negativity either, everyone is entitled to vent, but for the last XXX years it's just the same old shite isn't it? Everyone knows losing to Bradford over two legs is about as shite as it gets, but after 18 months - let it go.

I enjoy being a Villa fan, you don't change teams when the going gets tough do you? I stopped going because I grew tired of football as a whole - at a time when we were finishing 6th, I had other interests that I was getting into like buying a house, cricket and other stuff, so I stopped going. I wish the fans that so obviously don't enjoy it didn't go, because they are the people that make the people who do want to be there a misery.

But I'm the sort of person (I think) that can take a step back, look at the reasons why we're still employing a guy breaking all the bad records, and still try and look at what we're doing with a little optimism. I can see that we're trying to change the philosophy of the club, I can see that we're buying young players who mostly, are doing a good all things considered. But ultimately, I know that even though in the foreseeable future, we're more or less doomed, that in the unforeseeable future, we'll be absolutely fine and might even win that pesky F.A. Cup.


Good post and agree with quite a bit of it. I think the vast majority are objective and know there's plenty of reasons for our current mess, but at the same time I think this season is certainly pushing it more towards the manager. I also think the focus on the manager is because that seems to be the most realistic thing that could change at the moment.

You may have in your head that I'm one of them shouting at players as I'm negative on here but i'm really not and I'd enjoy villa park more if everyone was positive but I don't think its realistic and i can understand why.

Fair enough, you don't get as worked up about it and as you said maybe people should just stop going. But then not going if you don't enjoy it and keeping frustrations quiet during a game are rational acts and if all football fans were rational you wouldn't go completely mental when a millionaire wearing your shirt kicks a ball into a net.

It is boring going over the same stuff but I think that goes for both camps. The Bradford stuff comes up in response to someone saying the manager is doing OK and likewise if someone is saying how useless he's been the financial constraints will be immediately produced again.

I'm not sure I agree with your optimism regarding the philosophy of the club, our only plan seems to be survive on the cheap and we've gone from young and hungry to experienced free transfers with long ball football and possession football in the middle of the pitch. I think the lack of a clear footballing philosophy, or at least ones that's implemented and stuck to has been one of the numerous issues we've had ever since MON walked out of the club.

I'd also disagree that Lambert treats this like a big club, his recent comments on unrealistic expectations are quite shocking when you think how bad its been.

I hope we can turn things around with either Lambert or when the club is eventually sold and that the feel good factor returns. Like you say I think the club is truly doomed if nothing happens and we just continue on this path.

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I'm with Steve, I've no idea what we are protesting here and even if I did, the press don't/won't. The message is lost already.

Come back when you have a spokesman.

Edit - even if it is Dave Woodhall. If you guys (whoever you are!) Really want to make a difference get a mouthpiece. They don't even have to be likeable.

Edit 2 - I have noticed Limpid mention that he received one email from some chap called Tim and then nothing. Where is this Tim, where is the rallying cry?

Regardless - if you're protesting the chairman I'm not really sure what you're hoping to achieve, he's put us up for sale. There is no fight to be had. If you're protesting against the manager, I'm out. I think it's too detrimental.

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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When I see headlines in the media like 'we want our club back' I do nothing but cringe massively.

I've supported aston villa for 25 years. It's never been anyone's, other than Doug Ellis' or randy lerners.

And 'we want it back'? Back from where? What did we do with it when we last had it exactly?

A nonsense statement, made by fans (who are nowhere near as important as they think) when don't get their own way.

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When I was reading the Sun report on this, they claimed it would be on 8 minutes to mark "8 season of frustration under Lerner."


Really? 2006-10 I was not criticising Lerner, I'm not sure what more the bloke could've done backing MON (too much as we knew deep down at the time) so that was a strange wording if the protest is due at 8 minutes on Saturday.

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When I see headlines in the media like 'we want our club back' I do nothing but cringe massively.

I've supported aston villa for 25 years. It's never been anyone's, other than Doug Ellis' or randy lerners.

And 'we want it back'? Back from where? What did we do with it when we last had it exactly?

A nonsense statement, made by fans (who are nowhere near as important as they think) when don't get their own way.

The fan base are the customers, but unlike customers in any other situation they can't just fook off somewhere else. This is their way of protesting and whether I agree with them or not I defend their right to do so. Many of them are more loyal than the likes of you and me and go home and away religiously.


The fans are the club, not the owner - they're just dodgy businessmen in the main with huge egos. They piggy back on the people who made the club in the first place - the fans and their ancestors and the founders.

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When I was reading the Sun report on this, they claimed it would be on 8 minutes to mark "8 season of frustration under Lerner."


Really? 2006-10 I was not criticising Lerner, I'm not sure what more the bloke could've done backing MON (too much as we knew deep down at the time) so that was a strange wording if the protest is due at 8 minutes on Saturday.

I think it's more to do with the eight years of financial mishandling regardless of the good intentions. There was an awful lot of shorttermism in there.


To be honest I think there's a massive economic storm coming that's going to finish off the business that started in 2007-8 before all the funny-money printing started (QE). People like Randy have been busy positioning themselves for a few years now for when the soggy turds really do hit the fan and the stock and property markets implode.

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Why don't we all all go villa park in pj's and pillows that will show lambert we think about the lame football and the fact we forgotton what goals actually are


That's the kind of Petition for Change that we need at this stage: Make the point about the goalless football without calling for the sacking of someone who isn't going to be sacked.

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Well support from the fans has done nothing for 2 and a half years. I can't see why it would make a difference now.

Why? did we get relegated during those 2 and a half years? We need to get behind the team now. Changes need to come in the Summer at the top.
I thought we stayed up because Lambert was doing a good job on a tight budget. Glad to hear it was down to us cheering.

We need to replace the manager now. I think new ideas and a new approach will have much more impact than the small crowds that still bother going cheering.

Yes, the fans have no impact whatsoever on how a team plays.

Get down there and protest your little head off then and lets see how long it takes before Lambert is sacked. I'll focus my energy on supporting my club.

God I'm arrogant in one post and now I've got a little head. Make your mind up.

You got some head? It's not all bad news then?

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We desperately need the Holte behind the team on Saturday, not outside helping the opposition IMO.


Quite right there I think,  the Liverpool management know we can't score and the crowd is well,  not that happy.


They will just keep the ball for the first 20,  get the crowd frustrated and then win from there.


I am and always will be of the believe that the crowd down the Villa can impact the game to a certain extent.  I was there when Collymore destroyed the scouse scum.  

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Why don't we all all go villa park in pj's and pillows that will show lambert we think about the lame football and the fact we forgotton what goals actually are

I really like that to be fair. A touch of gallows humour that also makes a point without being too divisive or damaging to morale. Well done Dem!

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Why don't we all all go villa park in pj's and pillows that will show lambert we think about the lame football and the fact we forgotton what goals actually are

I really like that to be fair. A touch of gallows humour that also makes a point without being too divisive or damaging to morale. Well done Dem!



Get it done, Villa fans :)

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