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Paul Lambert


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If we don't get rid of him now, I am convinced we will go down, I have absolutely no faith in Paul Lambert keeping us up. It really is the last opportunity to do it, we still have some winnable fixtures plus there is an F.A Cup match to give us a little more time.


We were abysmal again today, he has no clue on how to change that. Currently, we are comfortably playing like the worst team in the league. 


Please resign. 

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I asked earlier if Lambert had lost the dressing room, it was a bit of a loaded question as I have been told that the players are miserable and haven't a clue what they are supposed to be doing.

Now I am not naming names and you there will still be some who will call it as bull and that's fine. I think the performances of those players speak volumes.

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Really hard to see where we go from here with Lambert still in charge. 

He has no assistant FFS, Hull just hired Phelan. Him working alone should be enough of a worry even if results weren't so incredibly bad. Fact is they are, he has no assistant to help shoulder the coaching burden, to give some new ideas. 


The root problem is Lerner, but short term Lerner is going nowhere, short term it's looking like Lambert takes us down, so Lambert has to go. Really hard to see who can replace him, but any change, replete with an assistant and a new coach or too is just what the doctor ordered. Do it now, then hope the feelgood factor is enough to get 3 wins out of the next 5 winnable games. Then perhaps we won't go down.

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I would take Sherwood if QPR decide on Laudrap. These players need confidence, the stupid mumbling twit isn't giving them any. Just go Paul, resign now.



Agreed ..but frankly I would take ANYONE at this point.

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Not entirely sure what to say that hasn't been said over and over and over, but man, this is a level of poor management that I wasn't even sure could exist, particularly one managing this football club. I'm at a loss for words as to why he can still be in charge, I just do not understand it, I can't believe it. 

I'll never be able to accept that sort of pathetic, half-arsed performance, particularly one in such a crucial game. It was an absolute embarrassment. We won't get out the bottom 3 until there is a change - a boost. We are crying out for change. Lambert is a loser, his players have adapted his losing mentality. It's extremely hard to take that performance tonight. The guy is snoozing us down into the Championship, going down with a whimper, which is an absolute joke for this great club.


Leave. Now. 

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The best argument is that it can't get any worse. It's just not possible.


I actually think he'll resign tonight.


It could get worse if he stays our manager and invariably gets us relegated.

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