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$200 Million Takeover


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Guys Mendi's story totally checks out.

When Ellison was first mentioned, people said he was a tough businessman who would have the vast majority of his wealth tied up in Oracle stock.

It makes sense that he can't easily pay what Lerner is asking (and have enough to Man City us) so he's playing hardball with Lerner





I can't believe how many VT members have been suckered in by Mendi

I believe this is what's called 'feeding the troll' Sometimes it's just good for a laugh.


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Guys Mendi's story totally checks out.

When Ellison was first mentioned, people said he was a tough businessman who would have the vast majority of his wealth tied up in Oracle stock.

It makes sense that he can't easily pay what Lerner is asking (and have enough to Man City us) so he's playing hardball with Lerner





I can't believe how many VT members have been suckered in by Mendi.


Keith Harris is the guy trying to broker a deal which means that Mendi is probably Orville.


If it looks like bullshit. Smells like bullshit. Tastes like bullshit then it must surely be





Normally I try my best not to reply to V-R's posts as our views differ greatly but on this I can agree 100%, well said mate.

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Haha well this has been an entertaining read this morning.


FWIW I'd be wary about owners from developing countries (having lived in some), as business owners often lack any sort of future planning or foresight. Obviously this is a sweeping generalisation and doesn't apply to everyone but I'd still be wary.

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Ok everyone out of this thread, let's change the straw and air it out for a couple of days and then we won't all be knee deep in BS anymore and someone might have something to say.

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Tech City: Godalming

Tech State/Province: Surrey

Tony you little rascal ^

Tony is anything but a troll. Would make no sense at all don't think it's nice to accuse people with no proof.

Be interesting to see what happens now. The articles gone but I still thin there are legs in this. Just a horrible feeling.

Sorry mendi I just don't buy Ellison wants us

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You know out of all the links to potential owners the Tata one makes the most sense - they own JLR so have local interest - and Aston Villa could be a great advertising vehicle for them. Its probably rubbish but I could see this.

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Just caught up. Er..what the hell is going on? I'm more confused than before I started reading this thread.

Me too!

Me three, though had a thought, if Indians do take us over it could make for some cracking half time food.

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