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Game of Thrones (Spoilers)


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10 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

It's a nice idea, I'd like it to be true, but to wear someone's face you have to kill them.

And if you kill a WW they shatter into nothing so there's no way she could wear their face.

I think they spent enough time setting up how stealthy and sneaky she was that it was simply that she snuck in there without anyone noticing.


This 'undetected sneaking' is still irritating me..... It's just not plausible. People are giving various reasons how it happened but, I'm not buying it. 

Very few, if any, moments in GoT have made me feel like this. Irked to say the least.

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2 minutes ago, Straggler said:

In an episode that had an army of the dead, dragons, swords being magically set alight, giants, a lady who died because she aged a ton when she took a necklace off, the giant being killed by a junior school girl, a bloke in a wheel chair that can see through the eyes of other animals whilst taking control of them, storms being conjured by some sort of ice wizard king, it was a girl moving quietly that tipped you over the edge?

The rest of that is part of a 'fantasy' series, which is fine but the scene I'm talking about was just a poorly put together scene. It's not the unbelievable aspect of it that has me so irked, it's the the scene itself was just rubbish.....

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14 hours ago, Villan_of_oz said:

It's just not plausible

Of the many things that happen in GoT, Arya, a trained ninja assassin essentially, sneaking up on the NK when his attention was on Brann is probably one of the most plausible things ever

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14 hours ago, Villan_of_oz said:

The rest of that is part of a 'fantasy' series

but part of that fantasy series is that Arya is a highly trained stealthy ninja assassin.

It's not plausible that any old girl could sneak past all those whitewalkers. But I think it's perfectly plausible that someone with her "skills" could.


My problem with the scene was just that it felt a little quick and anticlimactic.

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19 hours ago, jacketspuds said:

Cleganebowl would be odd after last season when the Hound told his brother "we both know whose coming for you."

Based on that I would be surprised if it was the Hound, but you never know.

Arya. Arya is coming for him.

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Are we all of the same view now that Bran warging throughout the episode was his way of distracting the NK so Arya could do what she did? Bran knew that Arya would kill the NK but he had to shield her so she could get to him.

Wouldn't be surprised if he navigated the crows to her and they carried her to battle.


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20 minutes ago, Dante_Lockhart said:
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Are we all of the same view now that Bran warging throughout the episode was his way of distracting the NK so Arya could do what she did? Bran knew that Arya would kill the NK but he had to shield her so she could get to him.

Wouldn't be surprised if he navigated the crows to her and they carried her to battle.


People have suggested the birds were to alert the NK where Bran was.

Or it could have just been that he was watching the battle unfold from all over the place so he knew exactly what was happening.

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23 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

People have suggested the birds were to alert the NK where Bran was.

Or it could have just been that he was watching the battle unfold from all over the place so he knew exactly what was happening.

Isn't it that the Night King can see where bran is when he's warging? He had to warg into the ravens so the night king could find him.

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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

but part of that fantasy series is that Arya is a highly trained stealthy ninja assassin.

It's not plausible that any old girl could sneak past all those whitewalkers. But I think it's perfectly plausible that someone with her "skills" could.


My problem with the scene was just that it felt a little quick and anticlimactic.

Sorry, this is what I have meant the whole time..... I have no problem with the plot my issue is with the scene. It was rushed, over without any suspense.... Just a total rubbish scene!

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It seems a little odd to me that Mr Fire Sword's grand purpose in life was to kind of save Arya, when there was someone else there who could have done it. He got brought back to life 20 odd times for that? :D 

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1 minute ago, choffer said:

I’m glad it’s not just me that doesn’t remember anyone’s name in the show. 

Just you wait until the Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan) TV-show starts.

There is about 1 million named major characters :D 

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1 hour ago, Davkaus said:

It seems a little odd to me that Mr Fire Sword's grand purpose in life was to kind of save Arya, when there was someone else there who could have done it. He got brought back to life 20 odd times for that? :D 

Beric? His purpose was to protect the one who will kill the Night King, sounds OK to me.

Edited by Dante_Lockhart
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46 minutes ago, sne said:

Just you wait until the Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan) TV-show starts.

There is about 1 million named major characters :D 

No chance. 

Names are unimportant when you can assign them your own nicknames.

Currently (some) GoT characters as denoted in my house:








Puff, Puff2 and Puff3 






The see you next tuesday.



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2 minutes ago, choffer said:

No chance. 

Names are unimportant when you can assign them your own nicknames.

Currently (some) GoT characters as denoted in my house:








Puff, Puff2 and Puff3 






The see you next tuesday.




And I might have exaggerated a bit. According to Wiki there are only 2782 named characters in the Wheel of Time so should present no problem to keep track.

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