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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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On 18/11/2017 at 20:58, leemond2008 said:

Yep, its amazing how quickly it has all happened as well, literally in the last 5 or 6 years.

The thing that gets me is that each shop is a carbon copy of the others, how many Supermarkets that cater specifically to the Polish community do you need on one road?

Erdington does loads of stuff to try and get the community spirit going, Erd'os are a proud bunch, there are also a **** ton of idiots and bad bastards as well though.

You do realise that if the shops owned by and catering for Eastern Europeans weren't there, they'd most likely be empty decaying shops or charity shops by now.

Embrace the Kabanos and the Tyskie without them you'd have nothing

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52 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

I don't see the problem, if that was a footballer then the trainers would be pink with flames licking the side of them and neon green laces, spring activated soles and an LCD display which tells you the time.

They look like a nice pair of plain white trainers if you ask me. The laces look a bit silly but I think I would wear them.

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6 minutes ago, leemond2008 said:

I don't see the problem, if that was a footballer then the trainers would be pink with flames licking the side of them and neon green laces, spring activated soles and an LCD display which tells you the time.

They look like a nice pair of plain white trainers if you ask me. The laces look a bit silly but I think I would wear them.

It was more the notion that he's being oh so generous by handing out signed tat when in reality he lives in Monaco as a tax exile. 

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The tragic case of Gaia Pope (19yr old went missing in swanage and was subsequently found deceased - may she RIP).

What is peeing me off but shouldn't  (cos it almost seems the norm for this type of moron to exist, sadly) is the twitterati who had an almost ghoulish fascination with possible "whodunnit" scenarios; the father's apparent lack of tears in his tv appeal; the "things just don't add up" feeling.....and now as it apparently appears no one else was involved in her sad demise, they seem almost disappointed at the lack of sinister factors.

These amateur keyboard sleuths and wannabe Poirots are inevitable but come on, a young girl is dead ! I'm also disgusted but again not surprised when the press tried to sex up the case stating a Dunkirk actor was a suspect. Sells more papers i suppose. Scum !

....and yes, I've had a brief, passing association with Gaia and some of her family; nothing now but within the last 7 or 8 years, so it sharpens my mind and emotions.

I guess I'm pissed off at myself for being pissed off, but i cant help it.

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Listening to the radio over the last few weeks there seems to be a huge campaign to stop people abusing antibiotics in an effort to maintain their effectiveness. 

Now whilst thats an important subject, aren't they firing at the wrong target here? As far as I'm aware you can't buy antibiotics over the counter, they are prescribed by a GP. And when they are you are always informed to complete the course even if you start feeling better. 

I'm probably missing something here (it wouldn't be the first time) but shouldn't GP's be looking at themselves and what they prescribe instead of placing the onus on those of us that don't have a Degree in medicine?

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6 minutes ago, av1 said:

Listening to the radio over the last few weeks there seems to be a huge campaign to stop people abusing antibiotics in an effort to maintain their effectiveness. 

Now whilst thats an important subject, aren't they firing at the wrong target here? As far as I'm aware you can't buy antibiotics over the counter, they are prescribed by a GP. And when they are you are always informed to complete the course even if you start feeling better. 

I'm probably missing something here (it wouldn't be the first time) but shouldn't GP's be looking at themselves and what they prescribe instead of placing the onus on those of us that don't have a Degree in medicine?

There is a much greater equivalent campaign aimed at GP's, but this is also to try to persuade people to stop badgering their GP. 

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2 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

There is a much greater equivalent campaign aimed at GP's, but this is also to try to persuade people to stop badgering their GP. 

Fair enough. I said I'd probably missed something :P

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4 minutes ago, Meath_Villan said:

Black Friday. ..... A load of shite 

I miss seeing the videos of scumbags fighting over kettles and toasters.

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Adverts for companies saying look at us we are changing gender roles

 On the radio I keep hearing one with mum taking her girl to play football and another with Dad wondering if he left the iron on and another one where Dad is watching a weepy whilst mum watches football in the other room , complete with an awful “get in” as her team score 

perfect for this thread , shouldn’t piss me off but it does ... 


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Bank adverts. All of them.

You aren’t our friend, you don’t care about us, you aren’t on our side, there for the little things or the journey or whatever other piece of PR bullshit you’ve paid Rupert hundreds of thousands to come up with.

You are a parasitic organisation, bottom feeding from society and more than likely robbing the nations collective pocket. While you close local branches, push everything online so you don’t need to face us unless you invite us in for review so some clearing in the woods called Kelvin can try and sell us some shit.

I hate your adverts, I hate that you think weveall forgotten what some of you did or that you think we don’t know we are still paying for it.

I hate the Absolute arrogance that they think they can spout such bullshit and expect Joe public to lap it up. I hate even more that for a large percentage of the population they are probably right.

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Not that I'm a big twitter fan at all, but this crap about removing blue ticks for people whose views they don't like (today various right wing groups).

I, perhaps mistakenly, thought the tick was a verification to say that the person/organization was what it said it was. I didn't think that it was about the views being espoused meeting a particular twitter moral/political standard.

If they don't meet that standard then surely, as twitter is a private arena, twitter should just bin/ban them?

Edited by snowychap
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43 minutes ago, snowychap said:

Not that I'm a big twitter fan at all, but this crap about removing blue ticks for people whose views they don't like (today various right wing groups).

I, perhaps mistakenly, thought the tick was a verification to say that the person/organization was what it said it was. I didn't think that it was about the views being espoused meeting a particular twitter moral/political standard.

If they don't meet that standard then surely, as twitter is a private arena, twitter should just bin/ban them?

Couldn't agree more. Removing verification gives dickheads an extra get out clause

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