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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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5 hours ago, dAVe80 said:

With the whole Bradley Lowrey thing, and people wearing football shirts in work today (which I fully support), is the amount of Manc supporting rats there appears to be in my office. Also disappointing to see who some of the hot lasses support too.

Seeing Chelsea and Citeh shirts around Brum makes me cringe. 

Glory hunting tools. 

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I've never even heard anyone talk about football in my office, never mind wearing a football shirt in to work.

There are a few e-sport shirts most days though. I like working in a software house. :P

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Very much a first world problem, but payng to travel 'first class' with East Midlands trains, to be sat in a filthy, smelly  carriage with stains and crumbs on every seat, and nobody serving drinks. Absolute pisstake. 

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8 minutes ago, dAVe80 said:

Little, bastard flies. I've just had to have a word with the spider, who lives in my kitchen, for not doing his job properly.

Probably drosophila, aka fruit flies. 

If you've got any old fruit or veg lying around in your kitchen, that'll be the culprit. 

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1 minute ago, mjmooney said:

Probably drosophila, aka fruit flies. 

If you've got any old fruit or veg lying around in your kitchen, that'll be the culprit. 

Not a bad shout. I'll have a clear out of the fruit bowl.

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Those people at Wimbledon who shout out between points and just before someone is about to serve. words removed. 

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9 hours ago, Davkaus said:

Very much a first world problem, but payng to travel 'first class' with East Midlands trains, to be sat in a filthy, smelly  carriage with stains and crumbs on every seat, and nobody serving drinks. Absolute pisstake. 

Same with Southern, the train back from Southampton was packed and we were looking at the First Class seats and they were exactly the same as all the others, not even really that separate to the rest of the carriage.  We ended up just trying our luck and sitting down but got kicked out after a few minutes by the staff.  The extra ticket price must go on a CCTV feed or some other commoner's-arse detector rather than any kind of refreshment service.

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I live in the middle of nowhere. Small finch type birds, plenty of them, fine, no bother. Noise? Under my radar, nice even. Mess? Never notice. 

Raven type birds occasionally, fine, impressive looking things... noise? No bother. They don't hang about, no mess. 

F-----g pigeons. W t f. Constantly flapping in the hedges and trees really annoying. Then the stupid annoying blood boiling calls and general noise they make. All the time. Take off, fly a few yards land. Stupid noises. Repeat. And shit. Everywhere. Recently cleaned my conservatory. Looks like Stone Roses album cover. So does my truck. 

I leave no food out for these gits I don't know why they like it here. Both other houses here are much bigger and better gardens with more trees etc. My little gaff, why do these gits hang about. 

Rant= everything about pigeons. The noise, their shitting everywhere. And their stupidity. When I'm driving and they're in the road they always take off at the last minute and instead of flying left or right, or above me, no, they just fly forward confused and eventually veer off. Always reminds me of that bit in the sinpsons opening credits where homer is running into the house, head forward but looking left and right as Marge pulls on the drive. I'll get one one day! 


In the bird world, they are the true underclass. Scumbags. 

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23 hours ago, dAVe80 said:

Not a bad shout. I'll have a clear out of the fruit bowl.

Replace the fruit with something edible like salami and chorizo whilst retaining the rustic charm you so obviously were seeking with the fruit :D

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Sunday night blues. 

I know tomorrow at work is going to be horrible. Got so much to do to hit a deadline that i'm fretting about it already. 

I deliberately left my laptop at work as I knew if I had it at home I would log on. I'm ruing that decision now! 

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