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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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On 6/17/2016 at 21:38, Tegis said:

To add to this, women complaining over womens rights, sharing feminist views, quoting Pankhurst.........and then taking a vacation in Dubai


I believe in democracy and a free media. I lived in Hanoi and Changzhou for years. 

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Maybe it shouldn't piss me off.....you know. ;)

Feels a bit hypocritical though going to places that treat women in the complete opposite way you are campaigning for. Unless you are going there to make a change of course.

I don't like the way China is run so I wont' go there either. The globe is filled with other options for me.

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People that lie so much that they honestly believe they are telling the truth. Oh, and people in management roles that have no idea how to manage people so there only ploy to getting people to do what they want is to lie, even when the truth is easily found.

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Apostrophes in the wrong places. It's completely manifested as OCD and made it so I can't read any piece of text without ensuring that every apostrophe is correct.

The main one is 'its'. Almost everyone puts an apostrophe in for a possessive, but 'its' isn't possessive, the only time there's an apostrophe is when contracting 'it is'.

I can't ever read anything without it interrupting my flow. Drives me potty.

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1 hour ago, darrenm said:

Apostrophes in the wrong places. It's completely manifested as OCD and made it so I can't read any piece of text without ensuring that every apostrophe is correct.

The main one is 'its'. Almost everyone puts an apostrophe in for a possessive, but 'its' isn't possessive, the only time there's an apostrophe is when contracting 'it is'.

I can't ever read anything without it interrupting my flow. Drives me potty.

Unless 'It' is the person's name :trollface: It's ball went over the wall.  Oh silly It.

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1 hour ago, blandy said:

Not being able to unlock this New Galaxy S6 phone I found at the weekend.

146.  Just, y'know, don't look in my browsing history.

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21 minutes ago, BOF said:

Unless 'It' is the person's name :trollface: It's ball went over the wall.  Oh silly It.

and how do you pronounce that for us non-gaelic speakers?

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1 hour ago, darrenm said:

Apostrophes in the wrong places. It's completely manifested as OCD and made it so I can't read any piece of text without ensuring that every apostrophe is correct.

The main one is 'its'. Almost everyone puts an apostrophe in for a possessive, but 'its' isn't possessive, the only time there's an apostrophe is when contracting 'it is'.

I can't ever read anything without it interrupting my flow. Drives me potty.

Start looking out for comma splices; you'll never read a message board ever again.

(Start looking out for comma splices, you'll never read a message board ever again, LOL).

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17 minutes ago, limpid said:

and how do you pronounce that for us non-gaelic speakers?

Shaymus.  The 't' is silent.

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15 hours ago, Davkaus said:

My mum: "Is Isaac Newton dead?" 

Maybe she was asking about the racehorse, Sir Isaac Newton? He's very much alive and won a race at Royal Ascot last week, 

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16 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

It's weird, but I often think the experience you had with debt is something people SHOULD experience as I think you're right, it makes you careful.

I had similar when I moved into my house. Ran up credit card debts but it told me how to manage my money and, for a while at least, I was very careful with money because I had to be.

I@m better now. I'm lucky that a promotion or two and some pay rises have meant I'm much more comfortable now so can splash out on things more. But I actually value that period when I was haemorrhaging money.

I agree, its definitely made me appreciate the value of money more. However, I've gone too far the other way now! Due to promotions and pay-rises, like yourself, I can afford to be a little more relaxed but I struggle to do that. 

I'm going to end up like one of those tramps who dies and surprises everyone by leaving millions in his will to the dogs home

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1 minute ago, Xela said:

I agree, its definitely made me appreciate the value of money more. However, I've gone too far the other way now! Due to promotions and pay-rises, like yourself, I can afford to be a little more relaxed but I struggle to do that. 

I'm going to end up like one of those tramps who dies and surprises everyone by leaving millions in his will to the dogs home

My gf always gets annoyed because I claim to be "skint" on a monthly basis.

But my definition of skint and her definition vary greatly!

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I consider myself skint if I've had to dip in to my emergency savings of 6 months' salary. If a big expenditure comes up and I have to use some of that, I cut out all luxuries until it's topped up again. I don't understand people who live payday to payday but are happy pissing money up the wall on nights out and new gadgets, it'd give me a panic attack.

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