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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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OK fairy nuff. To me they're both just cheating yourself. If you can't do a full ROM then you're lifting too heavy. If you're half-repping because of an injury then that's about the only acceptable reason IMHO. Basically, proper form or GTFO! :)

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I tend to pyramid my benches a little.


I start off at a comfortable weight, absolutely nailing the form, nice and slowly. Then I build it up over 2/3 sets to a weight where I'm struggling to get it all the way down, then I ease it back down again over the next 2 or 3 sets. I get some good form in there, but I always have atleast 1 set where I'm trying to push my body beyond it's current capabilities, which is where my form isn't so great.

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I can see where DDID is coming from.


If you haven't got a spotter, it's a good way to work your way up to a lift if you're at a point where you can lift a certain weight, but the minimum increase to the next weight is slightly beyond you.


Personally, I'd rather keep the form solid and have the spotter take some weight off.


As long as you're not progressing until you can lift it with perfect form I don't see the problem either way.

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I'd extend that to any 'Like' on Facebook. Oh wow, you like it... great stuff. Thanks for clicking a button instead of actually taking the time to write a message to me person I barely spoke to ten years ago in High School.

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Even if you've only remembered someone's birthday because of facebook, always send them an SMS. It means a lot more. This obviously only refers to people you give a shit about :)

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Even if you've only remembered someone's birthday because of facebook, always send them an SMS. It means a lot more. This obviously only refers to people you give a shit about :)

I actually always do that.

Or a google chat for the people I work with.

Facebook birthday messages mean nothing

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On topic.


People who "like" every single 'Happy Birthday' message that they get on Facebook.

I do that. For the reason that I do not like Facebook and instead of having to put something on that mess I just like the comment to let the person know I saw and, well, like their comment. **** off am I spending half an hour on Facebook just to respond to everyone!

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