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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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15 minutes ago, bcarpet said:

Just playing devils advocate here, but maybe he is a landscaper - it's the last week of grass cutting and hedge trimming. Maybe he is worried about not being able to earn a living this week?

I mean he might just be a word removed, but he also might not be?

Maybe. Its not a landscapers car though? I'd expect them to have a van or a pick-up to carry the tools needed for the job? 

Even if he is, he's just becoming part of the problem, after being told not to panic buy as there is no shortage of fuel in the refineries. 

To be honest I blame the press as well for fuelling (pun intended!) the problem. 

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I do a few miles in a week, my job depends on it. I work for a small company and the work I do directly pays the salary of a few of the staff. money in, money out. No big parent company, no pay from the big government computer in the sky.

When I heard the start of talk of how there was no problem a few days ago, I made sure my car was kept full, and the pool cars were full.

That’s not panic buying. That’s seeing what was about to come, knowing I’m in Birmingham, Chesterfield, and Salisbury next week, and making sure the job goes ahead.

I’ve got a thousand miles of fuel in advance of doing about 800 miles next week. There’s a thin line between panic buying and planning.

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The rich words removed who own the field next to us are having a party for their daughter. In the field. In a marquee.

Approaching seven hours of unadulterated **** shite.

Selfish words removed could have hired a proper venue instead of making all the residents here suffer.

Hope they all get syphilis. Shit eaters.

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4 hours ago, rjw63 said:

The rich words removed who own the field next to us are having a party for their daughter. In the field. In a marquee.

Approaching seven hours of unadulterated **** shite.

Selfish words removed could have hired a proper venue instead of making all the residents here suffer.

Hope they all get syphilis. Shit eaters.

I see neighbours are still words removed, just a different class of word removed. 

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1 hour ago, Seat68 said:

I see neighbours are still words removed, just a different class of word removed. 


Wife somehow managed to stop me driving round with a baseball bat.  At 2.30 am.That wouldn't have ended well for anyone.

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4 minutes ago, Robtaylor200 said:

my mate at work pissed me off. he said he had gone to a garage on the way in and they had Petrol. I said good for you, he said yeh I managed to £82 in the tank :(


The Nation gets more and more selfish by the day.

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11 hours ago, Tegis said:

I missed today's game, thought it was a late kick-off. Good thing a win against them at that temple of doom is a often occurring result.....:rant:

I missed it too. Thought it was a late kick off as well and made other plans for the morning that I couldn’t just cancel when I realised my mistake.

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46 minutes ago, El Zen said:

I missed it too. Thought it was a late kick off as well and made other plans for the morning that I couldn’t just cancel when I realised my mistake.

Consensus is we are never allowed to watch a live game again?

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3 hours ago, Tegis said:

Consensus is we are never allowed to watch a live game again?


2 hours ago, El Zen said:

Probably. Let’s not tell anyone about this ever again. 

Yes - this is your punishment for not double checking kick off times!


(Although given the scarcity of wins at Old Trafford, maybe you’re actually lucky charms…?!)

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3 hours ago, El Zen said:

I could have swore it was listed as late kick off until fairly recently, though.

They moved it because of a concert at the cricket ground. So could be that decision was made after you checked the listings

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I have been watching the show Survivor ever since I first learned to download via dial up, it's first season in 2000. It's up to its 41st season this year. It's a dumb show but one, I without fail, watch. 

Over the years they have embraced diversity, gay, lesbian, trans, rich, poor. From goat herders to burlesque performers, to NFL players, Hollywood script writers to neuro scientists. They have a broad cross section of people. 

Survivor has always had it's little quirks, Jeff Probst, the host, for example pretty much has always worn a shirt that is a shade of blue. The times he doesn't are few. He always welcomes contestants in to challenges and tribal council with "come on in guys".

This is where I get pissed off. This season he put it to the contestants should he change it. Initially the contestants said nope. Then one guy said Yes. It needs changing and because of that after 20 years. An innocuous phrase, no one was ever offended by has been changed to come on in. This shouldn't piss me off but this is like people who buy a house next to a music venue and petition to have it closed down. 


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People who live in Birmingham being incredibly critical of Birmingham.

David Baddiel posted on twitter the other day with a couple of photos saying how he hadn't walked round Birmingham during his previous tours and how he had this time and how beautiful it was.

The majority of the replies are people, from Birmingham, telling him how shit it is

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1 minute ago, Stevo985 said:

People who live in Birmingham being incredibly critical of Birmingham.

David Baddiel posted on twitter the other day with a couple of photos saying how he hadn't walked round Birmingham during his previous tours and how he had this time and how beautiful it was.

The majority of the replies are people, from Birmingham, telling him how shit it is

I saw Jimmy Carr in Woking once and he asked what Woking was like and got greeted with replies  of "its a shit hole"  ( tbf old Woking is a bit grim but even allowing for dirty Northerners that have interloped in the area , its hardly Middlesbrough) .. 

He laughed and said you lot really need to redefine your definition of a Shit hole 


I guess its just that self deprecation thing that people do  ... 

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9 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

People who live in Birmingham being incredibly critical of Birmingham.

David Baddiel posted on twitter the other day with a couple of photos saying how he hadn't walked round Birmingham during his previous tours and how he had this time and how beautiful it was.

The majority of the replies are people, from Birmingham, telling him how shit it is

I only go into Birmingham a couple of times a year and i always come away with the feeling that it’s a dump. 

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As something of an outsider on the Birmingham shit hole question, I have an opinion.

There is something in the psyche around the Midlands that it doesn’t big itself up, quite the opposite, there is a definite air of the negative about things.

Many of you have recently been critical of how wonderful Manchester thinks it is. Well you guys are the other end of the scale. There was one of the earliest posts regarding the Commonwealth Games here on VT, it wasn’t a conversation about an opportunity to see great sport or get investment in local sporting venues, it was the worry that commuting would be shit for a couple of weeks. Same with the new Library, same with New Street.

You don’t need to be happy smiley people 24/7. But give yourselves a break. There’s some good stuff around Brum. The shopping, the station, the canals, the football the easy central location, a big airport the surrounding countryside.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s no Barry Island. But it’s fine.

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