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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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53 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

No, you're not, all that is true. The missus and I never knew our grandparents, so this relationship is special to us. And our daughter definitely can't afford any more paid childcare. BUT, it restricts our retirement leisure time massively. 

The biggest sacrifice in life is having kids and that sacrifice never ends. Unconditional love and care and a lifetime of worrying. With a bit of luck the kids will take care of us when and if we need it. Good on you and your wife.

Edited by Rugeley Villa
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I resent my job currently because of the amount of time it saps from me being with my son.  I see him about 45 - 60 mins Monday to Friday because his bedtime is 7pm max.

I see him about 20 mins in the morning, but it's no quality time.  This is why I love my weekends so much, OUR time to play etc.

It gets tiring, because you're never "off", but apart from the job I wouldn't change anything. 

As previously said, you could work 10-3 or 4 and productivity wouldn't change at all.  It would make me MORE productive.  I think it's quite funny how when you start a job and for about a year you're given your tasks to perform, then you become very efficient at that and find ways of saving time etc so MORE is expected of you, for the same amount of money/time at work.. So you're essentially just doing things to keep you at a desk until an arbitrary time. 

I'm not client facing, I don't do sales etc I just do my little bit as part of a wider team, I could probably work 25 hours and do the same job. 

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I think so many jobs are like that.

I think you could make core hours 5 hours a day. You have to do that. If you're job is done then you go home. if your job isn't done then you stay and get it done.

The drawback is you'd have to manage it effectively. A weak manager would mean the system was abused.

I admit there are some jobs where it wouldn't work, and hours at your desk does correlate to productivity.

But for a hell of a lot of office jobs, you have a remit and you get the job done. Tying to your desk until 5pm every day is pointless if your work for the day is done at 3:30

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Re: Childcare. I don't have any first hand experience, but it does seem like something that is hugely expensive, maybe more so than it used to be.

A friend of mine recently had a baby. She has a decent job, I would guess she's paid around £30-35k a year (she works at my old company so I have a rough idea)

She recently went back to work after maternity, but she reckoned going back to work and paying for nursery/childcare meant she was only £100 a month better off than if she quit her job and did the childcare herself.

That seems mental

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In the last three weeks I've done about 6 hours work as there's nothing to do at the moment. The day drags but I don't want to complaint too much, getting paid to do nothing is fine by me.

What's annoying is getting up at 6:30 and rushing to get to work on time for 8...because I don't want to be late for my day of nothingness do I?

I leave at 4:15 and the last 15 minutes is pretty odd, sitting, doing nothing but waiting to be able to go home. It feels like detention.

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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

Re: Childcare. I don't have any first hand experience, but it does seem like something that is hugely expensive, maybe more so than it used to be.

A friend of mine recently had a baby. She has a decent job, I would guess she's paid around £30-35k a year (she works at my old company so I have a rough idea)

She recently went back to work after maternity, but she reckoned going back to work and paying for nursery/childcare meant she was only £100 a month better off than if she quit her job and did the childcare herself.

That seems mental

No, that's bollocks.

Childcare is for me about 550 a month. That's full time, 5 days a week 7.30am until 6pm (we drop him off at 8am and pick up at 5.20ish), including a hot meal and snack (we put his tea in his bag).

We use childcare vouchers, which most decent companies use, it's all pre-tax so we save something like £100 a month just by doing something very simple and very obvious.

It sounds loads, but my wife isn't on 30k a year, so unless your mate is single she's just over exaggerating to be honest.  We don't really even notice the money going now.. I'm not sure if that means we're doing ok financially, or that childcare isn't really that mega expensive. 

That said, I'd rather be a Swede :)  

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8 minutes ago, Xann said:

New carpet yesterday.

She got given ONE instruction.

Cat 6 cable to run from the hub, under the carpet, under the door to the connected devices.

Did it happen?


Then carpet comes up.  Lesson learned.

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26 minutes ago, BOF said:

Then carpet comes up.  Lesson learned.

I went to get the pry bar. She freaked out.

Apparently the carpet was glued at the edges and hit with a magic shovel(?).

If it becomes an inconvenience, it'll be coming up.


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Just now, Xann said:

I went to get the pry bar. She freaked out.

Carpet.  Comes.  Up.

Simply remind her whose fault it is :thumb: That should resolve all remaining issues :trollface:

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saw a bit of click bait on Facebook with the headline "Martin Kemps storms off just minutes into talent show"

for reasons I'll never fully fathom I clicked it and it links to this story on the Daily Express

which goes on about how Kemp didn't take the joke well , got out of his seat and began to walk away ..and was begged to sit down


watch the video  , it doesn't take long I promise and see if you can spot the difference  (hence why It pisses me off  (I followed the link ), and it shouldn't (cause I really shouldn't have given a flying monkeys about the article / show )



Edited by tonyh29
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11 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

saw a bit of click bait on Facebook with the headline "Martin Kemps storms off just minutes into talent show"

for reasons I'll never fully fathom I clicked it and it links to this story on the Daily Express

which goes on about how Kemp didn't take the joke well , got out of his seat and began to walk away ..and was begged to sit down


watch the video  , it doesn't take long I promise and see if you can spot the difference  (hence why It pisses me off  (I followed the link ), and it shouldn't (cause I really shouldn't have given a flying monkeys about the article / show )



**** hell

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1 hour ago, tonyh29 said:

saw a bit of click bait on Facebook with the headline "Martin Kemps storms off just minutes into talent show"

for reasons I'll never fully fathom I clicked it and it links to this story on the Daily Express

which goes on about how Kemp didn't take the joke well , got out of his seat and began to walk away ..and was begged to sit down


watch the video  , it doesn't take long I promise and see if you can spot the difference  (hence why It pisses me off  (I followed the link ), and it shouldn't (cause I really shouldn't have given a flying monkeys about the article / show )



That's ridiculous. I was hoping to see chairs thrown.. 

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I can't see the video but read the article.

I'm guessing it was all done in totally good humour, Kemp wasn't angry in the slightest and the Express have spun it to make it sound like he was?

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I've read about women going back to work and basically working for nothing as their childcare eats up their wages. I think they do it to keep themself sane and also get them back out  in the working environment. I also know a couple of women who are not expected to work and stay at home tending to the house and kids whilst their bloke goes out to work.

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