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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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10 hours ago, Midfielder said:

Oh and while I'm at it here's another one. When you're in Morrisons or Tesco or wherever, and you go to checkout, and some #@}% hasn't put the #@)&%$ divider down, you know the next customer thing, on the checkout conveyor belt. That really %&£@{ off. It doesn't take much does it. Especially in busy times when they know someone will surely add on and start to check out too.

If that's you, I'm that one that comes along, and slaps that divider down that hard it makes everyone jump and says something petty like "thanks, by the way" and gives the LOOK. THAT LOOK, that says just because you didn't put this thing down I want to destroy you, that kind of look. It usually leads to an uncomfortable silence and tension but speeds their packing. I'm always nice as pie to the checkout staff though. Everyone on here, put that damned divider down for the next person! I've had enough!

You've got to be a woman :)

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I am of the opinion that its the duty of the next person to put the divider down on the conveyor. Conversely I play  a game with the person in front of me by not putting the divider down, does it bother them, and if it does at what point they will put the divider down. 

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11 hours ago, Midfielder said:

Here's one. When you're using a tablet / ipad and youre surfing the net.... you have decent speed internet connection and say you're on a news site. The page loads up, and as you place your finger on the selection, the page does a rapid reload, and in that very split second, where you placed your finger became an advert. Then before you know it, you're taken to a new page altogether in a new tab for some random ____ that you're then waiting to cancel but sometimes have to wait for it to load just to cancel.

Sometimes I'm positive it's done by them on purpose. Or that the tablet itself should just not display anything at all until the page was fully loaded. Don't give people some half arsed page that then rejigs and reformats again, just show it fully when it is ready . Such a minimal thing to get p'd off at. I never learn ether, but when you see what you are going to click on, you click on it as it is there, not as it suddenly jumps an inch down the page. Birmingham Mail page is one for this. The amount of time I've spent closing windows on random hairdryers, holiday companies, new car adverts. Gits.

When I started reading this post the first thing I thought of was the Birmingham Mail website! 

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26 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

I am of the opinion that its the duty of the next person to put the divider down on the conveyor. Conversely I play  a game with the person in front of me by not putting the divider down, does it bother them, and if it does at what point they will put the divider down. 

Nah definitely the responsibility of the packer to put the divider down for the next shopper. If i'm next in the queue and you don't put the divider down i'm going to destroy you (with my mind) 

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3 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

"Because of brexit"

yesterday I saw that Harvard had overtaken Cambridge in the annual world university rankings, guess what Cambridge blamed...

Meh Cambridge barely warrants mention alongside those other great universities Oxford or  Hull  anyway 

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I'm not sure if I'm pissed off at this guy or I'm jeleous... 

At a busy forecourt, one entrance, one exit. A few of us are queueing for the lefties when a (leftie) van drives round the lot of us and uses a right pump facing the wrong way.

fair game or word removed? 


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2 minutes ago, Ryan. said:

I'm not sure if I'm pissed off at this guy or I'm jeleous... 

At a busy forecourt, one entrance, one exit. A few of us are queueing for the lefties when a (leftie) van drives round the lot of us and uses a right pump facing the wrong way.

fair game or word removed? 


I think fair game, same as the people who stretch the cord over their car.

I'm like you, I will just wait in a queue for the easiest option for me.. in my case a pump on the right. On that note I thought 90% of cars have the petrol cap on the drivers side? In my local petrol station they are the only ones with queues... the passenger side petrol cap drivers never have to queue

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At supermarket petrol stations there is a sign which says, use both sides or something, indicating that you shouldn't wait in a queue to use the pump on your petrol cap side of the car.

If you do so, you're simple.  All petrol pump pipes stretch now to cover both sides of the car.

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The majority of European cars have the filler on the driver's side and generally the exhaust on the opposite side.

The popularity of Japanese and Korean cars, including the American/European cars which are built on Asian platforms, means that it's about 50/50 now with filler side.

I used to love having a Celica in the 90s when I was the only person using right facing pumps.

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33 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

At supermarket petrol stations there is a sign which says, use both sides or something, indicating that you shouldn't wait in a queue to use the pump on your petrol cap side of the car.

If you do so, you're simple.  All petrol pump pipes stretch now to cover both sides of the car.

Not all vehicles can reach both sides... So we have queues from both sides and make it a free for all?

Its this sort of culture thats making the roads more dog eat dog by the day, there's an epidemic of selfish words removed that don't want to wait their turn, and it's only getting worse. 

It's like when a new till opens at the supermarket and the word removed Behind you dives in, instead of saying you was here first, on you go...

whatever happened to courtesy?

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4 hours ago, Ryan. said:

I'm not sure if I'm pissed off at this guy or I'm jeleous... 

At a busy forecourt, one entrance, one exit. A few of us are queueing for the lefties when a (leftie) van drives round the lot of us and uses a right pump facing the wrong way.

fair game or word removed? 


Fair game to me. A word removed would be classed as the idiot I had to encounter the other day. A van was in the middle part of the station (a whole other type of word removed who thinks it's OK to do a weekly shop after filling up petrol) and the angle was too tight to get round him. So the person in front of me sat there for 10 minutes instead of pulling up to the right side of the station with the long hose on driver side of his car which was completely empty, while blocking off my access to it. Then when the van finally moved, the idiot drove round to that side anyway. There was a very British stare of disgust that followed as I pulled into the spot the van had vacated. I was on the verge of a head shake and tut but thankfully I counted to ten and calmed myself down. 

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6 hours ago, Seat68 said:

I am of the opinion that its the duty of the next person to put the divider down on the conveyor. Conversely I play  a game with the person in front of me by not putting the divider down, does it bother them, and if it does at what point they will put the divider down. 

Dave Gorman? I play this game too

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20 hours ago, Ryan. said:

The phrase 'going forward' really **** me off. No one ever uses that phrase outside of work, and the rocket polishers that use it in work are the sort of smug jobsworth words removed that are trying too hard in life.

The other phrase that does my head in is "buy in to...."

Words removed, indeed.

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22 minutes ago, mottaloo said:

The other phrase that does my head in is "buy in to...."

Words removed, indeed.


'singing from the same hymn sheet' & 'touch base' to the corporate bullshit bingo 


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