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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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BluRay zones, just as ridiculous and pointless as DVD regions only a lot harder to get around.

And they think it's a brilliant idea to do it on online services as well. Why can't such consumer-unfriendly companies just implode already.


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It's a repeat entry to the thread but bloody 'parking' (for which read abandoning a car on a public highway).


Have some consideration for other people when you pull up and leave your vehicle.

Dropped kerbs are there for a reason (or, often, more than one); pavements are really for the purpose of pedestrians to avoid having to walk in the road, endanger themselves and subsequently incur the wrath of drivers - they are not there so that you can try and keep your **** car safe from getting bumped by another car (if that's the mentality then maybe pedestrians ought to make sure that they walk around with ben hur style additions to their prams, pushchairs, wheelchairs, &c?); if you don't know how **** wide/long/big your vehicle is then don't sodding drive it - leave it at home, buy something smaller, make your children walk to school or, generally, be more bloody aware of the effect you have on people around you especially when you're parking in front of their sodding drive, you tit bollock (yes, being 6 inches over it is as good as blocking it completely in some (a lot of?) cases).

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The "Christmas food shop", having dinner at my moms this year and then going round my missus' brothers house on the evening followed by boxing day at her parents house out in sticks

All 3 hosts have assured me they have vast quantities of pickled onions, pickled eggs, pork pie, pork pie with egg, sausage rolls, miniature sausage rolls, biscuits, various different cheeses, crackers and cakes.

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It's a repeat entry to the thread but bloody 'parking' (for which read abandoning a car on a public highway).

Have some consideration for other people when you pull up and leave your vehicle.

Dropped kerbs are there for a reason (or, often, more than one); pavements are really for the purpose of pedestrians to avoid having to walk in the road, endanger themselves and subsequently incur the wrath of drivers - they are not there so that you can try and keep your **** car safe from getting bumped by another car (if that's the mentality then maybe pedestrians ought to make sure that they walk around with ben hur style additions to their prams, pushchairs, wheelchairs, &c?); if you don't know how **** wide/long/big your vehicle is then don't sodding drive it - leave it at home, buy something smaller, make your children walk to school or, generally, be more bloody aware of the effect you have on people around you especially when you're parking in front of their sodding drive, you tit bollock (yes, being 6 inches over it is as good as blocking it completely in some (a lot of?) cases).

I absolutely hate it when people block off the driveway, like don't you know that it's in use?
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Might be old news but Computer and Video Games magazine is to close. Along with Powerslam I'll have lost two staples of my teenage years recently :(

What happens when Fiesta closes?


'Fiesta'? Hello, grandad. Would you like to buy a gramophone?

Edited by snowychap
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The "Christmas food shop", having dinner at my moms this year and then going round my missus' brothers house on the evening followed by boxing day at her parents house out in sticks

All 3 hosts have assured me they have vast quantities of pickled onions, pickled eggs, pork pie, pork pie with egg, sausage rolls, miniature sausage rolls, biscuits, various different cheeses, crackers and cakes.

And this pisses you off? Sounds great to me!
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The "Christmas food shop", having dinner at my moms this year and then going round my missus' brothers house on the evening followed by boxing day at her parents house out in sticks

All 3 hosts have assured me they have vast quantities of pickled onions, pickled eggs, pork pie, pork pie with egg, sausage rolls, miniature sausage rolls, biscuits, various different cheeses, crackers and cakes.


Ah yes, stocking up as if the nuclear winter is approaching because the shops will be shut for one day.

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The "Christmas food shop", having dinner at my moms this year and then going round my missus' brothers house on the evening followed by boxing day at her parents house out in sticks

All 3 hosts have assured me they have vast quantities of pickled onions, pickled eggs, pork pie, pork pie with egg, sausage rolls, miniature sausage rolls, biscuits, various different cheeses, crackers and cakes.

And this pisses you off? Sounds great to me!



I love these threads where the kids in their 10's and 20's make me feel so sorted.

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I have to say one thing that pisses me off is when you do the christmas big shop (this morning at 4.30) and people always say, the shops are only closed for a day. Thats the whole point, buy lots of stuff you wouldnt normally buy, thats one of the reasons I love christmas, I am not going to just get an extra loaf in, just in case.

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The "Christmas food shop", having dinner at my moms this year and then going round my missus' brothers house on the evening followed by boxing day at her parents house out in sticks

All 3 hosts have assured me they have vast quantities of pickled onions, pickled eggs, pork pie, pork pie with egg, sausage rolls, miniature sausage rolls, biscuits, various different cheeses, crackers and cakes.

And this pisses you off? Sounds great to me!


No mention of booze, you see.

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The fact that almost every news story, even on respectable sources like the BBC, usually reads something like:


"Something very serious and meaningful happened today. 10 people have died and many more have been injured



Celebrity Number 1 tweeted this about the accident:


Token politician Number 8 had this to say on social media:

etc etc"


That is not news.

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Might be old news but Computer and Video Games magazine is to close. Along with Powerslam I'll have lost two staples of my teenage years recently :(


My cousin was the art editor for C&VG during the mid 80s.




He updated the look from the older metallic logo to the one above.


Got to hang out there for a day, it was cool, they had a PC Engine and I got a stack of games for my ST out it.


On the back of the successful face lift he landed the job of updating the BBC Wildlife Magazine, which was cool for him, but I was less impressed.


Sadly, despite being a quite clean living sort of chap, he died from cancer just a couple of years later in his thirties :(

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BluRay zones, just as ridiculous and pointless as DVD regions only a lot harder to get around.

Don't you just do the same thing as with a DVD and buy a multi region player? Had no problems with mine.



Much more difficult to engineer around it due to the Bluray updating itself all the time. You can by players but they are almost exclusively hardware chipped and you have to keep that under control as well not to break the coding. There are some exceptions I'm sure, like some of the Oppo ones.

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