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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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When I was in Wolverhampton the Bus didn't give change, why not? plus I had to give the money to a robot thing and the driver was behind some sort of bullet proof glass thing. Wolverhampton isn't that dangerous is it.

Edit: It was the part about the bus not giving out change that I didn't like seems like a way of robbing people. On the whole I actually quite like catching the bus as long as their aren't too many people on it.

Where are you from mate? Every West Midlands travel bus is this way and has been for years.

Yeah, when I moved up north, I was gob smacked to see that not only did the bus driver give change, but you could pay for your ticket with a note!
Where 'up north'? In Leeds you can do that in theory; in practice, the driver would headbutt you. Edited by mjmooney
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When I was in Wolverhampton the Bus didn't give change, why not? plus I had to give the money to a robot thing and the driver was behind some sort of bullet proof glass thing. Wolverhampton isn't that dangerous is it.

Edit: It was the part about the bus not giving out change that I didn't like seems like a way of robbing people. On the whole I actually quite like catching the bus as long as their aren't too many people on it.

Where are you from mate? Every West Midlands travel bus is this way and has been for years.



Shropshire, so not far away from Wolverhampton/Birmingham but we don't get West Midlands Travel. The one's around here you just put your money on a tray and the driver isn't behind a screen and they give out change.

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If I'm getting a ticket that's like 6,20 and only have a note I'll give them the twenty pence too, makes it easier. Although I do my best to have the right change. Sometimes on the morning you have to wait until the journey finished before you can get your change because not enough people  gave the driver any money yet.

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When I was in Wolverhampton the Bus didn't give change, why not? plus I had to give the money to a robot thing and the driver was behind some sort of bullet proof glass thing. Wolverhampton isn't that dangerous is it.

Edit: It was the part about the bus not giving out change that I didn't like seems like a way of robbing people. On the whole I actually quite like catching the bus as long as their aren't too many people on it.

Where are you from mate? Every West Midlands travel bus is this way and has been for years.
Yeah, when I moved up north, I was gob smacked to see that not only did the bus driver give change, but you could pay for your ticket with a note!
Where 'up north'? In Leeds you can do that in theory; in practice, the driver would headbutt you.



County Durham, Teesside, Newcastle, Sunderland etc. 

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My mate's being a dick.


4 of us are heading to Leeds tomorrow. We're mates from Uni, haven't seen each other in 3 years, so should be good.


I randomly suggested we go and play Footgolf tomorrow (yeah, it's a real thing) as there's a course in leeds and sounds like it'd be a laugh.


3 of us are up for it, but this one mate decided a couple of years ago that he hates football and everything to do with it. So as a result, he's refusing to play (even though it's not football)

So whilst that's annoying, I respect his decision so I said fine, I don't want to force somebody to do something they don't want to this weekend so we'll just do something else"


But he's now INSISTING that we watch some of the cricket (I know right?) and/or the Rugby tomorrow as he's been looking forward to it and doesn't want to miss it. Neither of the rest of us are remotely interested in what happens in either the cricket or the rugby. And he can't see how he's being hypocritical.


he's a stubborn word removed and won't back down. Last year he missed his mate's stag do because they wanted to start by going to see NEwcastle play and then a night out followed by go karting the next day. He refused to go because of the football


(yes, this is the same mate who then missed our other mate's wedding because he'd already booked tickets to the ballet)


Ignore him, he's being a bell-end! If he doesn't want to join in, then go on without him

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And another thing: I went for two interviews recently, but they were spread out over three weeks, and then a week after that, I found out I'd got the job. Then there was another few days of faff until I could finally get hold of the HR person dealing with the role. I finally got to have a chat about salary and it was at this point that I found it I'd have to take a pay cut compared to my current role.

The HR woman said there was no room for negotiation, so I rejected the job.

They could have had this chat with me at the start and not wasted mine and their time. words removed.

But surely bringing up salary is something you should always ask in an interview??

You'd never do that in my industry. It's considers uncouth and is frowned upon. Many companies ask beforehand what your salary expectations are, but this lot didn't. I assumed it was a certain level because it's market rate, but it turns out they're not in line with the market.

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And another thing: I went for two interviews recently, but they were spread out over three weeks, and then a week after that, I found out I'd got the job. Then there was another few days of faff until I could finally get hold of the HR person dealing with the role. I finally got to have a chat about salary and it was at this point that I found it I'd have to take a pay cut compared to my current role.

The HR woman said there was no room for negotiation, so I rejected the job.

They could have had this chat with me at the start and not wasted mine and their time. words removed.

But surely bringing up salary is something you should always ask in an interview??
You should never talk about salary in a interview unless asked. But surely you should know the salary range of the job you are applying for?
Nah i dont get that. Surely your interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you to see if you can see yourself working for them. Every interview ive ever had ive mentioned salary to confirm it is what I believe so im not wasting my time. I then try and negotiate on the 2nd interview.

I suppose if you're shit hot you can ask what you want. I've never brought it up but the interviewer normally has so never been an issue.

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The midlands really does need an Oyster card system, it's incredibly backward.

No it doesn't. Keep that kind of conformist southern bullshit down there.
It's called the 21st century and one day people North of Watford might join it :)
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