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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I know someone mentioned this a few days back but BANTER. I hate, it is so annoying.

Any particular type?....or just the general blokey loud type?






Housemates teasing me about supposedly fancying the new female who has moved in. Started off as a joke, but started to get repetitive. Will try and switch off next time.



Shag her, that'll shut them up.

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I know someone mentioned this a few days back but BANTER. I hate, it is so annoying.

Any particular type?....or just the general blokey loud type?






Housemates teasing me about supposedly fancying the new female who has moved in. Started off as a joke, but started to get repetitive. Will try and switch off next time.



don't take that shit 

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My father has a live in girlfriend. She doesn't have money, but makes him very happy so he provides for her. That's fine. He pays for all of her expense etc and her daughter's expenses. She does have some savings from a case she won, but the idea is that she doesn't use those funds profligately, but just has for maybe major expenses, like maybe a new car or something like that. Anyway, her daughter goes through phones very very quickly. She loses them very often. Generally she has an inexpensive phone. A basic blackberry or similar. She had been using my father's smartphone for snapchat etc and generally he lost access to his phone because she always had it with her in her room etc. So that wore a little thin and so her mother bought her a smartphone. (Let's ignore for the moment what sort of pictures a 15 year old may be sending over snapchat from a 60 year old man's phone and the related potential for a standard issue kicking in our front door)


Fine. She can use snapchat on a shitty €60 samsung smartphone. She took photos at a party my father threw the other day and he wanted me to put the photos onto his facebook. So she gives me her phone so I can do that, as I have his facebook password. I ask my father where she got the phone. He says his gf bought it for her. How much? €99. I ask if he still tops up Megan's phone (or is she on bill pay..). He says she still needs to be topped up...


She has the new Sony Xperia Z. Which is €550 worth of phone. So he has been lied to. I don't like it. He is supporting his gf who has no regular income, while she buys her daughter a €550 phone from her little nest egg and lies to him about it. It stinks

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She has the new Sony Xperia Z. Which is €550 worth of phone. So he has been lied to. I don't like it. He is supporting his gf who has no regular income, while she buys her daughter a €550 phone from her little nest egg and lies to him about it. It stinks


Nasty vile golddigger behaviour.

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Blokes who take golf too seriously, particularly those who pull u up on 'etiquette' then proceed in walking all over ur line on the green!

Love the game but hate the pr*cks that play it!


I had to phone someone today and i said I can get an engineer out to see their vehicle on Tuesday Thursday or Friday of this week between 9 and 10 in the morning, they said that there is no way they can do that because they play golf on those day's I said I can do any day next week but they are on holiday then they complain that their car wont be inspected for 2 weeks


just don't play golf for one day or go and play golf an hour later than you normally do, it's not difficult is it

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Moving. And how I had almost zero help. And I moved to help my younger sister who is eternally pissed off. (I helped her move just a week ago.) And my older sister no showed on helping. And I'm allergic to dust so my right eye swelled beautifully. And the ac still works but the thermostat for it broke and it's 78 degrees in the apartment. And I had to come to work because 2 people are on vacation and one is pregnant.


It should be noted that in all of this pissy bs I'm posting I'm still in a pretty good mood. Just tired really. And then I was given a speech on how apparently my closest friends and family get annoyed easily with me because I'm "too nice and happy" ............That statement gave me a head ache. I'll be sure to periodically smack them in the face or tell them they look old.

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Not a bad rant, Jaime. Not quite Leemond level yet, but sounds like you're getting there.


You're allowed to shoot people who annoy you over there, aren't you? ;)

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And then I was given a speech on how apparently my closest friends and family get annoyed easily with me because I'm "too nice and happy"

Tell them it's only put on and that you're actually very pissed off on the inside about the fact that when you needed help moving house, they didn't give you any.
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What is snapchat?

Isn't it that app where you can send someone a temporary photo (i.e. it's deleted within a minute or something*).

* even though it really isn't deleted if you're technically capable of grabbing it beforehand.

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What is snapchat?

Isn't it that app where you can send someone a temporary photo (i.e. it's deleted within a minute or something*).

* even though it really isn't deleted if you're technically capable of grabbing it beforehand.



Yup - You send a video or photo which is only viewable for a pre-determined length of time, usually 5-10 seconds.


It's quite good IMO.


(You can ofcourse screengrab the photo, though that isn't really in the spirit of Snapchat, and it'll let the sender know if the sendee does so)

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and it'll let the sender know if the sendee does so)

Which is probably scant consolation, considering the probable nature and content of photos that you've set up to delete almost as quickly as you've sent them ...
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