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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Apparently seven of the top ten countries with the highest quality of life in the world are constitutional monarchies.  It's not really that backwards to have a Royal Family. 



Your mistake is assuming that they have a high quality of life because they have a constitutional monarchy. Correlation is not the same as causation.

Edited by Davkaus
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It's a boy BTW. 


I trust they will be calling it Brad Matthew Jores Ron Antonio Ashley Yacouba Leandro Gabriel Andreas Christian Mountbatten-Windsor-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha?

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There's about a dozen mangled corpses to pick off the ceiling, just from last two nights.


The spider I left on the lampshade is only interested in moths.

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talking head and 'monarchy historian and expert' on the news:


'The fact that it is a boy is very very significant, that can't be over played. Although it would have been equally significant if it had been a girl'


calm the **** down, take a breather, stay rational

anyway, I think that's my personal last on the subject of the baby, best of luck to them

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It's a boy BTW. 


I trust they will be calling it Mark Earl Paul Shaun Steve Tony Graham Andy Kevin Dalian Dean Mountbatten-Windsor-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha?





That was the era when my interest in Villa was at its lowest. 


If were down to me it would be called Jimmy Kenny Allan Ken Colin Dennis Gordon Des Tony Peter Gary Mountbatten-Windsor-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

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Why does anyone give a shit how much a person's baby weighs? Not just this royal one, the women at work are the same whenever someone has a child, I just don't get it, what does it matter unless they want to know how far they could kick it?

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The media coverage is just like an overenthusiastic first parent rubbing pictures in your face and demanding you say how **** wonderful their baby is.


It isn't. There have been billions of them. Most of them turn out shit.


Now **** off.



however one can also take the approach of saying nice things about the baby and generally being nice to people


Do I really care about what people who work for me did at the weekend  ..not particularly  , but I'll still ask , I'll still listen  and I'll still pretend to be interested .. yes I'd love to see pictures of their baby / cat / new car


and that's why the staff here will go that extra mile  , because quite simply I'm nice to them


some of the grumpy sods on VT  should try it some time :)

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It's not baby hate (in my case, anyway). I like babies. Those of my family and friends, anyway.


What annoys me are all those silly women (and they ARE mostly women), gathering around the hospital getting all Justin Bieber about someone they have never met, and never will  - and being whipped up to do it by the sycophantic media scum.


Opium for the masses again.

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It isn't hate. I've nothing against babies. They just sit there and blub-blub their way through life.


What I hate is the culture surrounding them. They aren't special, or wonderful, or a 'miracle' (I really hate that one). It's just a baby. Well done, you **** someone and your reproductive organs worked. Good for you. You have done what billions of other people have managed to do. Sod that, you've done what just about every creature on this planet manages to do every single day. You've performed a basic function. Well bloody done.

Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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