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Christian Benteke


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It's just one of many reasons I think we are screwed mate.

We're not screwed. Yeah things aren't looking fantastic but let's just wait and see? It almost seems as if people have already decided what kind of season we're going to have. It's only June.



I guess its like the weatherman......the more and longer you do it, the better you get.


hope and faith can only take you so far.


When you are possibly dieing its a good condition to employ.....when its commenting on your football team its a kinda longshot that could be bordering on desperation to please yourself....or kidding yourself.



It's got **** all to do with "hope and faith", I'm just not willing to write off next season already.


Jesus Christ if you don't take the most negative position possible people automatically seem to assume that you think everything is great. Enough with the condescending analogies - all I'm saying is that writing the season off already is way too premature, not least because a lot could change between now and September.



It depends on a lot of factors. I really don't think it's as simple as that. Even without a takeover we could have a relatively decent season. We just don't know.

I don't see how. There's really nothing going for us to make me think we can improve.

Key players will not be match fit till later in the season. The manager has lost a lot of support and will take the brunt of abuse as the owner that wants to sell us isn't around. I can't imagine any of the players will be highly motivated knowing the club are just trying to survive and I think the atmosphere most home games will be hostile and negative.

I think we're in a mess and it's a very worrying situation IMO.



I never said I think we'll have a decent season, just that we could. Most players barring Benteke should be back fit and as I keep on saying, if Benteke makes a good recovery and stays fit for the rest of the season we'll actually have him properly fit for longer than we did last season.


The atmosphere at most home games is usually hostile and negative anyway so I don't think much will change there.


Yes it is a worrying situation, I'm just not writing off next season already - that would be ridiculous.

Edited by Mantis
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I guess its like the weatherman......the more and longer you do it, the better you get.


hope and faith can only take you so far.


When you are possibly dieing its a good condition to employ.....when its commenting on your football team its a kinda longshot that could be bordering on desperation to please yourself....or kidding yourself.



I think before a ball has been kicked its always nice to be a little optimistic until reality kicks in. As things stand today though its hard to see anything other than a very bleak season ahead.

Getting it slightly back on topic Benteke is a big miss for us but it would be kidding ourselves to forget that even with him in the side we were more often than not serving up utter tripe. Our problems sadly run way deeper than the loss of Benteke for half of next season. Him being out is just a small part of a big mess.

Edited by markavfc40
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I just did a quick points with and without Bentake last season. It's 23 with and 15 without. However we did see him play quite a few games when he was rushed back and clearly not fit. Had he been fully fit I reckon we could have got more from those games.

Now I know it's not as simple as one man but his absence next season is most likely going to hit us hard. As Mantis mentioned our best bet is that he can hit the ground running when he returns and have at least half the season fully fit.

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I just did a quick points with and without Bentake last season. It's 23 with and 15 without. However we did see him play quite a few games when he was rushed back and clearly not fit. Had he been fully fit I reckon we could have got more from those games.

Now I know it's not as simple as one man but his absence next season is most likely going to hit us hard. As Mantis mentioned our best bet is that he can hit the ground running when he returns and have at least half the season fully fit.


You're right, it's not quite that simple, but at the end of the day he's the only world-class player in the squad. Of course we're going to miss him hugely. 

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I just did a quick points with and without Bentake last season. It's 23 with and 15 without. However we did see him play quite a few games when he was rushed back and clearly not fit. Had he been fully fit I reckon we could have got more from those games.

Now I know it's not as simple as one man but his absence next season is most likely going to hit us hard. As Mantis mentioned our best bet is that he can hit the ground running when he returns and have at least half the season fully fit.

You're right, it's not quite that simple, but at the end of the day he's the only world-class player in the squad. Of course we're going to miss him hugely.

Which is why I think we will get relegated if he misses to many games.

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Do you have a crush on Lukaku?  It's okay if you do, we're enlightened people, it's just I'm seeing similarities with the old primary school routine of repeatedly teasing the girl you actually fancy.


*pulls GarethRDR's hair*

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I like how most people in the Prem(Outside of Villa fans) were saying Lukaku > Benteke and now Lukaku isn't proving himself on the big stage they're all saying Origi > Benteke now instead :lol:

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Lukaku only scored 4 more goals than Benteke last season. He played a lot more games and was supposedly in good form while Christian was in bad form.

I was at the Belgium v Russia game, Ogiri looked dreadful until he scored.

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Origi is now being chased by Liverpool, Spurs and Arsenal according to "tabloids"


he is only a kid so cant judge but I think Belgium of qualifiers and Belgium now look different teams and their is only 1 real change and that is Benteke just proves his quality. Best Villa striker since Yorke

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Origi is now being chased by Liverpool, Spurs and Arsenal according to "tabloids"

he is only a kid so cant judge but I think Belgium of qualifiers and Belgium now look different teams and their is only 1 real change and that is Benteke just proves his quality. Best Villa striker since Yorke

Better than Yorke at his age. Just needs to try and stay injury free after this lay off.

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