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Gabby Agbonlahor


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For all the talk of a local lad done good, I won't be sad at all to see him leave. He's not good enough. He's spent half a decade being a 1 decent game in 10 player. If he's leaving, I'll be shocked if it's for anyone better than a PL relegation struggler.


No hard feelings, he clearly loves the club, but so do I, and I don't get a game.

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Good riddance  :wave: 


He's part of the old guard, corrupted to the core by the utter ineptitude of recent yrs. The club would be a far better place w/o him, and the newer lads might actually get a chance to grow and define this new team in their image.

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Good riddance :wave:

He's part of the old guard, corrupted to the core by the utter ineptitude of recent yrs. The club would be a far better place w/o him, and the newer lads might actually get a chance to grow and define this new team in their image.

I'm sorry to single you out, but I think this is an awful post.

It's opinions like this that make me think that that rather than Gabby, the club would be better off without fans like you!

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He's the only player we've had since Mellberg left who i'd be willing to get on the back of a shirt.


I don't really care if he makes the first team on a regular basis or not, but i'd be really gutted to see him playing for someone else. From a purely unemotional footballing perspective it doesn't make a heap of sense to hang onto him at the moment, but to have a guy who is as big of a Villan as any one of us in the side is heartwarming and really rare in modern football.


It doesn't have to be rational. It's football. Being rational would be ridiculous.

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I don't think he's lost "mush of his pace" has he?


He's always been all about pace, then he got some more power. He's *starting* to age a bit now, but he's not exactly Pires is he? OTT criticism of him is du jour as was all the chuckle brothers bullshit last year. Gabby is a modern Villa legend, scored some very big goals at some very crucial moments for us, is from Erdington and is one of us. That shouldn't mean he starts every week (Personally I think at the moment if he's not playing off a striker on the shoulder of the last defender he shoudl be on the bench as plan B to do just that). That also shouldn't mean he gets dogs abuse. Simples.

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I don't come on here very often anymore but Trent that post summed up my thoughts perfectly 

I know Gabby's limitations, everybody does.


But generally speaking I find some of the attitudes towards Gabby infuriating if I'm honest.


Here is a guy who is truly one of us, if he hadn't been lucky enough to make it he would have been sitting next to one us at a game on a Saturday if he could saved enough from working at Domino's. Yet he doesn't feel the need to shout about it, to play on it or try and cash in on it or curry favour with it  like oh I don't know.... our former captain.


But more than that this is a guy who has made more the 300 appearances for us, is our leading PL scorer and has a 1 in 4 ratio despite being misused by a progression of managers. A guy who in better times, with better players around him was an exciting player and who in terms of games against Small Heath should be considered a bit of hero.


Before people start typing furiously about his limitations, I know them as I said everybody does.


But at least Gabby gives a shit, he genuinely does and that isn't something you can say about everyone who pulls in a fat weekly wage. Watch the cup final back, if you can bear it, Gabby is the only guy in that second half who looked like he cared. Gabby was shouting at Benteke when he couldn't be arsed to mark on a corner any more. Sherwood ripped into the players after the game about their attitude and has spent the summer trying to replace just about every one of them while making Gabby club captain, which should at least make people pause for thought.


I'll say another  thing about Gabby. Aside from some potent swimmers and inability to wear a rain coat when do you ever hear Gabby's name in the press, picture in the papers or as the source of tittletattle or rumour.

He isn't the way getting pissed ala Collins, he isn't the one walking off the pitch laughing when you've just got hammered ala Dunne the prick. He isn't the one more interested in shopping ala N'Zogbia or cars like Carew or bitching and moaning when he isn't in the team. He doesn't 'pretend' to be injured either like some others....


No Gabby for all his limitations (see I'm using that word again so please don't feel the need to tell me what they are) has plenty of positives about him. 


Should he be in the starting line up? No, almost certainly not. Should he get stick from the fans? Absolutely bloody not.

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