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I picked up Kingdoms of Amalur in the bargain bin about 6 months ago and just started playing last week. It's not as immersive or detailed as Skyrim but the storyline and gameplay are quite good. I'm really enjoying it so far.

It's okay isn't it? A weird game; it's pretty generic, has a sort of WoW template as a single player game but the combat is smooth and satisfying, a distinct art style and quite impressive open world. The studio went under after its release, it flopped sales wise, which I thought was a shame. It's definitely worth picking up if you see it in a sale. 

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I keep meaning to finish it off. It's quite clear it was the precursor to the MMO they wanted to make, and it would have made an excellent one. It's a bit weird playing it, because it is a single player MMORPG, but as a recovering WoW addict, I like jumping in to it every now and then, it scratches that MMO itch without me sacrificing 5 years of my life again.

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FFX Remaster

Fighting Omega weapon 999999 health

He's nothing in comparison to the dark aeons though

I was smashing it then I got to the celestial weapons and I remembered it was almost like the game doesn't like you and it slowed down and then it became a chore and then it became a case of **** off this isnt fun anymore, unintentionally the moment I gave up on final fantasy, playing through 10 is pretty good, mastering 10 and playing through the games since is shit IMO

Can anyone recommend me a game like vagrant story, seriously looking at Diablo 3 but not a clue what it's like, I'm not in to multiplayer sp if that's the case it's a non starter

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In typical Stevo fashion, I've just finished Portal 2.


Lovely game, but a bit of an anticlimactic ending.

Could never really live up to the end of the first game.


Bit disappointed with that, but great overall.

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In typical Stevo fashion, I've just finished Portal 2.


Lovely game, but a bit of an anticlimactic ending.

Could never really live up to the end of the first game.


Bit disappointed with that, but great overall.




Really?  I thought it was perfect. 


You fire a Portal onto the MOON ffs!


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Just finished Starship Troopers Terran Ascendancy for the 4th time, played it about every 3 years since it came out, never gets old. I also started and got to the point of Ravenholm in Half-Life 2 a few weeks ago so need to finish that at some point; looking to buy a PS4 soon so will be good to tie off these loose ends with some past-gen gaming.

Also playing All Star Soccer on the iPhone - must be one of the most addictive little things I've ever played.

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Bioshock Infinite.


Really good game but well, that ending. Not sure whether it was brilliant or a total mess.



It was brilliant.


Type in "Bioshock Infinite ending explanation" in google, and read a couple of articles to understand it fully.

Edited by ender4
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