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Jimmy Savile And Other Paedophiles


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So your alibi for the coppers was that you were shooting speed with your mates?

nah never told them what I was doing up there,that would of been foolish. Just told them where I was,gave them the address and the names I was with.
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**** hello Rugeley you make my previous escapades seem tame as an Enid Blyton book

haha, been in some dodgy situations but them days are mostly over thank god. Don't hang around with people like that now and also don't do those kind of things now.
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I remember being accused of rape, some girl who I kind of knew got raped in town one night and for some unknown reason one of the bouncers at one of the late night bars started spreading my name about saying I'd done it. The girl who got raped knew it wernt me but it went all around town and CID had to come up and interview me because it had spread that much. CID knew I had not done it but they had to rule it out, that night I was up my mates shooting speed and the plan was to go into town later but we got that messed up we just stayed up his house all night thank god. I'd always had run ins with the bouncers over the years but why this one said it was me I don't know. As soon as I found out who had mentioned my name I went into town with a hammer in one hand and a axe in the other, as I was walking up towards the late night bar where this bouncer worked they were all standing outside. As soon as they saw me they ran inside and the shutters went down,good job they did because back then I would of just gone straight for the tosser with what I had in my hand. That wernt the way I normally went about things but I was in a rage and rightly so. Obviously I done one pretty quick because I knew they had rang the police, I threw what I had in some bushes and carried on with my night. Anyway guess what happend next, I pull this girl and she had heard about these rumours but like everyone she knew it was bullshit. Her phone goes while were at mine and its her old man giving her grief about watching what she does because of this so called rapist who goes by the name of me. Then to top it off we catch a taxi from mine in the morning into town and the taxi driver is on about this rapist who goes by the name of me. I just snapped and put him right and to be fair the girl I was with did. Luckily for me I got on with most people in town so they stuck up for me but I still can't get my head around why that bouncer said that.

I can tell you why that bouncer said that.Because bouncers do not have to pass an IQ test, or if they do then a score of 3 is good enough.

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I saw a picture in the paper last week of saville and harris together, just beggers belief how they got away with it for so long.



Probably because it sounds like it went a lot higher than a few celebrities.


We had the cash for honours scandal, this time it's noncing for knighthoods.

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establishment to lead inquiry into, er, the establishement



With the accusation today that the Baroness leading the inquiry may have already previously covered up paedophile allegations against a Bishop, who could head such an inquiry?


It would surely be almost impossible to find a figure beyond all possible suspicion that has the gravitas and nous to cut through establishment smoke and mirrors.


Really not sure who it could be, almost needs to be a non-national, possibly somebody drafted in from truly 'outside'. By outside I mean the EU, or Interpol or the USA etc., but you can just imagine the shitstorm in some parts of the press if we had some johnny foreigner EU type looking through our grubbiest of files.

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If the many rumours (with plenty of anecdotal evidence) can be proved to be true, this really could be the death of the Tory Party as we know it, the Royal Family won't come out of it smelling of roses, the judiciary will be highly suspect… could be a real Watergate moment in British politics. Which is why it won't happen, which is why Baroness Whatserface has been chosen, her brother stands accused of losing the dossier, in fact if I read one story in the Mirror I think, correctly, actually now stands accused of being one of them, from another dossier completely ignored, this time by the Witch herself.

This could turn out to be a huge watershed in British politics

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If the many rumours (with plenty of anecdotal evidence) can be proved to be true, this really could be the death of the Tory Party as we know it, the Royal Family won't come out of it smelling of roses, the judiciary will be highly suspect… could be a real Watergate moment in British politics. Which is why it won't happen, which is why Baroness Whatserface has been chosen, her brother stands accused of losing the dossier, in fact if I read one story in the Mirror I think, correctly, actually now stands accused of being one of them, from another dossier completely ignored, this time by the Witch herself.

This could turn out to be a huge watershed in British politics

Which one is this ? Is it the one that then goes on to say the Dunblane massacre was used to cover it all over or is that a different ring altogether ??

Sickening stuff all in all so I hope that they see this through to its conclusion

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If the many rumours (with plenty of anecdotal evidence) can be proved to be true, this really could be the death of the Tory Party as we know it, the Royal Family won't come out of it smelling of roses, the judiciary will be highly suspect… could be a real Watergate moment in British politics. Which is why it won't happen, which is why Baroness Whatserface has been chosen, her brother stands accused of losing the dossier, in fact if I read one story in the Mirror I think, correctly, actually now stands accused of being one of them, from another dossier completely ignored, this time by the Witch herself.

This could turn out to be a huge watershed in British politics

Which one is this ? Is it the one that then goes on to say the Dunblane massacre was used to cover it all over or is that a different ring altogether ??

Sickening stuff all in all so I hope that they see this through to its conclusion

No thats a completely different rumour, that one's actually Labour Party people

The one I'm talking about is the story published by the Mirror yesterday, with allegations by a bloke called Gilberthorpe, that he procured underage boys for Tories including Michael Havers, brother of her thats going to head the enquiry, quite clearly she should be removed from it now

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