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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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I have seen enough of Grealish to know that when that cowardly attack happened it would not unsettle him for long but drive him on to get the win for Villa. The guy is pure class and destined for the top.

I was so sure I chucked a tenner on him to get the winner at half time at 21/1. Never in doubt!

I hope Deano is using this incident to inspire the team on for a big finish to the season. Grealish is the captain and heart of the team and this was an attack on Villa itself, not just Grealish. An attempt to unsettle the team and scare us into a poor performance. What could be more inspiring than Grealish’s and Villa’s second half reaction to that attack - we must carry that motivation and attitude into every remaining game!

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18 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

Is it mainly due to the areas that most blue noses are bought up in?   You don’t just become a scumbag because of the team you decide to support. 

See the Nick Hornby quote I posted in the Ratings and Reactions thread. 

EDIT: Actually, here's a longer version of the same section (copied from the Kindle edition of 'Fever Pitch'): 


It seems to me, and this is not a theory that I can support with any hard evidence, but never mind, that bad teams attract an ugly following. Only boneheads entertain serious doubts nowadays about the link between social and economic conditions and football violence, but why is it that, say, Birmingham City fans have a markedly worse reputation than Sunderland fans? Even if we accept, for the sake of argument, that the West Midlands suffers from the same kind of social and economic deprivation that plagues the North-East, then how does one explain the impeccable behaviour of the Villa supporters? Two teams from the same city; but one plays in the First Division, and the other languishes in the Third. When Leeds, Chelsea and Manchester United were in the Second Division their fans terrified everybody; when Mill wall came up to the First their reputation for monstrous, evil violence evaporated a little. And I don’t think that poor football actually changes the way people behave; it’s not that, although there is an element of compensatory pride involved (‘We might not be much good at football, but we can give you a good kicking’); it’s more that – how can I put this tactfully? – there is a higher proportion of nutters among the never-say-die, we’ll-support-you-evermore hardcore than among the sod-that-for-a-lark floating punter. So among crowds of twenty-five thousand, you’ll find a few hundred troublemakers; when you’re getting crowds of five or six thousand, the same few hundred will still be turning up, and suddenly the tiny minority have become much more significant, and the club are landed with a reputation. And once you’ve got a reputation, you start to appeal to those who are attracted by the promise of violence inherent in that reputation. That, I think, is what happened with Chelsea and Millwall in the late seventies and early eighties; it is also what happened with England between elimination from the World Cup in 1974 and qualification for Italy in 1990. For most of that time they were a desperate side, and they attracted a pretty desperate crowd. The problem here is that unless a team is playing well, winning things, filling their stadia, clubs simply cannot afford to alienate the very people they are supposed to be purging. 


Edited by mjmooney
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Firstly jack is a class act on and off the pitch but I’m wondering this. Did the on pitch assault by Kliftonbellend after 4 minutes stock the flames for the muppet running on. It was quiet clear by that first foul (I want to calm it an assault but I don’t want to confuse the two) that the game plan was take out Grealish any way we can. 

I would love it if that backfired and he went on to score the winner. Oh hang on maybe he just did.


i really think we need to use what happened yesterday to unite all of us players staff fans and have a real run for the play offs. I’m thinking with  our first choice team we would win it just not sure we have left ourselves enough time to get there.

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59 minutes ago, sidcow said:

Having watched the footage back in slow mo I am wondering who he is. 

I don't buy that his equipment is being damaged, if you watch it he starts from miles away with about 4 people and a load of space between him and where Grealish jumps over the hoardings.  He just gets stuck straight into Grealish trying to haul him back from the crowd. 

However the police can be seen carrying some camera equipment out with him when they cart him off. 

He has a yellow high viz so wasn't a normal steward who were in orange.  The other photographers were in similar yellow vests BUT their vests seem to have 'Photographer" on the back but his had a JD logo. 

So I am wondering if he is a senior steward or a club photographer?

Whichever he clearly just got deliberately stuck in and it doesn't appear to be his job. 

Maybe he is just a photographer and instead of taking the photos of the celebrations he decided he would have a go because he's another Paul Mitchell type character ie bluescum. 

Senior steward for me, had an ear-piece in. Perhaps works for the club, as opposed to the company they contract stewarding out to. 

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14 minutes ago, GENTLEMAN said:

Senior steward for me, had an ear-piece in. Perhaps works for the club, as opposed to the company they contract stewarding out to. 

Don't JD Sports sponsor the Sha Kit?

Wonder what they would think of their brand being brought into disrepute like this? Shame they don't get wind of it as i doubt any owners of a large company would be very happy about it

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11 hours ago, The_Rev said:

I think the game gets abandoned if the ref sends any Villa off. I know I'd withdraw my side from the pitch and formally complain that I didn't feel the safety of the players could be guaranteed if they got punished for standing their ground.  There had to be a lot of goodwill from Villa for that incident to not get really nasty and I'm pretty sure the referee was fully aware that diffusing the tension was definitely the way to go. 

Yep you're right. I think the ref did well in that situation.

But there are several incident you can see on YouTube of fans attacking players, the players turning on the fan and then getting sent off themselves. Had the ref not used his head there it could have been similar.

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Old boy senior steward in the Trinity wears a yellow hi fiz and it always amuses me how he talks to the young kids on steward duty. Dragging them around and talking to them like shite.

You know you **** your life when this is your only source of power, you're 60 and you're having to do this shite job.

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8 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

Yep you're right. I think the ref did well in that situation.

But there are several incident you can see on YouTube of fans attacking players, the players turning on the fan and then getting sent off themselves. Had the ref not used his head there it could have been similar.

I hadn’t ever seen a fan attack a player before in this country and then someone showed me the Leeds shef wed incident. I’m surprised that didn’t get as much coverage.  I can’t think of any others.

Are the incidents you’re referring too from leagues abroad?

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Just now, Vive_La_Villa said:

I hadn’t ever seen a fan attack a player before in this country and then someone showed me the Leeds shef wed incident. I’m surprised that didn’t get as much coverage.  I can’t think of any others.

Are the incidents you’re talking about from leagues abroad?

Yeah they are.

I'm at work now so can't do it but if I remember later I'll link a few in here.

To be fair I do think the players' in the clips I mention are much more violent than any of our players were. But the principle is the same. If you attack a fan it's a red card.

(and again, just for clarity, I am not for one second saying any of our players should have been sent off. Just that when it happened I feared that it was a possibility)

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4 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

Yeah they are.

I'm at work now so can't do it but if I remember later I'll link a few in here.

To be fair I do think the players' in the clips I mention are much more violent than any of our players were. But the principle is the same. If you attack a fan it's a red card.

(and again, just for clarity, I am not for one second saying any of our players should have been sent off. Just that when it happened I feared that it was a possibility)

I was more worried that all the players that jumped in to the crowd were going to get booked. Fortunately it was just Jack. I’m not sure on the rules but I reckon the ref could have booked them all if he wanted to be a **** about it.

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10 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

I hadn’t ever seen a fan attack a player before in this country and then someone showed me the Leeds shef wed incident. I’m surprised that didn’t get as much coverage.  I can’t think of any others.

Are the incidents you’re referring too from leagues abroad?

Ian Walker escaped a ban when he pushed a fan who confronted him at Leicester . I am pretty sure we were the opponent that day

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I just hope that this doesn't affect Jack in the next few days- I am sure Adrenaline kept him going yesterday but I do hope that , having now had time to think about and it see for himself what happened, he doesn't now start to worry.  He was awesome yesterday the way he handled it all.

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So after all the hype of the attack by a mindless idiot--Yesterday I wanted the ground shut down and make it a stopping off point for Gypsies 

Today, I want the guy fined and a period in custody , But also the Football club must be hit hard by point deduction.

This is not because I hate the scum, its because the only way to stop idiots like this being made into celebs,  is for the rest of their chums to see that his actions hurt their club. Then maybe he wont be cheered on and have celeb status in the future.

He will go down as the idiot he is and all he achieved by his actions is to have hurt his club

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Jack Grealish attacker Paul Mitchell's family move out of home "in fear of death"

The Aston Villa midfielder was punched by Paul Mitchell during the first half of Aston Villa's win at Birmingham


“This is a high profile case, captured on national television," Mr Whistance said in court.


“My client’s young family have had to leave their home and move out of Birmingham in fear of serious harm or death.”

Grealish dusted himself off to have the last laugh as he struck Villa's second-half winner to complete a famous derby double over their most fierce rivals.

There have been calls for Birmingham to be punished after the incident, with Alan Shearer calling for the Blues to play behind closed doors.

“Absolutely disgusting, I think they should have the harshest possible punishment, that means a points deduction or play behind closed doors because someone is going to get hurt, either a player or an official,” said the pundit.



Well at least you're now a "Top Boy" with your mates who probably encouraged your buffoonery.

Was it all worth it, wasteman?

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