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7 surgeries, two new ACL, MCL, PCL torn, patella ruptured.


I think that's most stuff in a knee you can break!







pics or GTFO :D



And some of you knee as well 

Edited by Meath_Villan
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7 surgeries, two new ACL, MCL, PCL torn, patella ruptured.


We already did knees. There's another VT Poster who has that sewn up anyway, if he's name's anything to go by.



Have never broken a bone in my 6ft7in body! Take that 8pints!!


:D Well done Titch.



'say my name'


...I thought that was just for our private alone time?

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I broke my hand once, punching a wall, circumstances behind it are a little embarrassing. I was kind of seeing a girl, she carried a little timber, It was essentially a port in a storm. She ended it and I felt afronted by this and a little angry, on my way out of her room I punched a wall and broke my hand. I then didnt let it heal properly and still hurts in cold weather. This was in 1993 so I can laugh about it now but at the time etc.

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On a work night out once, we were in a bar with one of those punch-bag machines, where you get a score for how hard you hit it.

Amongst the group were my two housemates at the time (one of which, is also a VTer).

The three of us had a go on this punch-bag machine.

I, having had a few too many turbo-shandys, basically missed the punch bag, slightly brushing it and getting a score of '9' (the average was about 700).

My non-VTer housemate punched it and got about 700, but then realised that he had it on the female mode.

Finally, my other housemate (the one on VT) punched it and spent the rest of the night holding his wrist (which, after a trip to hospital, turned out to be broken).

I slept easy that night, in the knowledge that if our house got broken into, I would be able to swing and miss them, one of us could hit them and break his wrist and the last one could only hit them if the burglar was a girl!

The shame.

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The other VTer is Paddywhack by the way :crylaugh:


I did one once and broke the machine.. oviously 8)


I've done something to my knees over the years, they move sideways now, apparently a physio told me they shouldn't.


I broke my tibia in 2 places and my fibia in 1 place - at the same time, rodeoing my brother to impress a girl when I was about 7.


I have snapped my banjo - didn't hurt at the time because I was full on cumming like krakatoa, the ease in which I can slide my foreskin now is an absolutely pleasure, i recommend you all go and get a butter knife and get hacking.


I fractured an ankle - that wasn't too bad.


I just have little niggles that do my head in, and are slow to heal. I think I've hurt my achilles at the moment, it's a sharp pain when I over stretch, I'll still play football - after the world cup. :)

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I've done something to my knees over the years, they move sideways now, apparently a physio told me they shouldn't.

You should know whether a physio told you something. I'm suspicious. I bet you haven't even got any knees, you liar!

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ribs whilst getting a wedgie on a stag do... i was lifted like a rugby player by about 6 lads, felt them crack, i was pretty pissed at the time, £5 tesco boxers didnt give in!


i also managed to pull my handle bars in to my face and then land on my face during a bike accident, broke my nose and smashed my teeth to bits

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I've done something to my knees over the years, they move sideways now, apparently a physio told me they shouldn't.

You should know whether a physio told you something. I'm suspicious. I bet you haven't even got any knees, you liar!



It was suspected ACL damage, I went for a full on MRI scan, but never went to the doctors to see the results because the physio said if they operated on it, the recovery would be 4/5 months and I couldn't play football for 6.


So I just ingored everyone and wasted a load of NHS money, sorry folks.

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Anyone ever snapped their banjo string? Rugeley, I'm looking in your direction...

yeah man, twice! On both occasions we just carried on and there was blood absolutely everywhere. Was in my late teens when this happend, single and out shagging every weekend. So as you can imagine it took a while for it to heal properly as I wernt resting it. Great days!
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