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1 minute ago, wazzap24 said:

I don't mind the Easter eggs coming out early, it extends Cadburys creme egg season. 

Yeah I didn't realise they on,y did them for Easter until only a few weeks ago. They also have limited edition white chocolate creme eggs, if you find one you  win 2k


Edited by Demitri_C
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2 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

It's for the people who like to buy them in advance while doing the weekly shop, the supermarkets know full well you'll eat them and have to buy more

Yep and they make them smaller so once you finish one you start on the second. Clever bastards. When they going to start doing Aston Villa easter eggs?

Edited by Demitri_C
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Went over to see my dad tonight, got in car and halfway home let out this big sphincter rumbler. Instantly, I knew. Felt that shooting pain around my ballon knot and it felt warm. Stank to high heaven. Proper claggy gagger. Lingered at full strength the whole journey.

Cue a panicked frantic drive home. Parked up, gingerly ran upstairs, kegs down, cheeks met seat and aww baby Mary Jesus of Nazareth it was an all clear. No chunky fart liquid. Not even a skid mark. 

Must have just been an over exerted, extra sensitive, pressurised anal ripper. 

Proper 100% relief.

Edited by Ingram85
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2 hours ago, Ingram85 said:

Went over to see my dad tonight, got in car and halfway home let out this big sphincter rumbler. Instantly, I knew. Felt that shooting pain around my ballon knot and it felt warm. Stank to high heaven. Proper claggy gagger. Lingered at full strength the whole journey.

Que a panicked frantic drive home. Parked up, gingerly ran upstairs, kegs down, cheeks met seat and aww baby Mary Jesus of Nazareth it was an all clear. No chunky fart liquid. Not even a skid mark. 

Must have just been an over exerted, extra sensitive, pressurised anal ripper. 

Proper 100% relief.

Good Lord. Have you ever thought of becoming a fiction writer? That's the most descriptive fart related material I've ever encountered:D

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Please settle a debate VT.

Me and Mrs P are making our way through a TV show at the moment and I recognised an actor in one episode but I couldn't work out where from. Naturally, I loaded IMDB on my phone to have a look. 

I then said "Ooh....oh that's interesting". Mrs P asked what was. I said "Well, it's kind of a spoiler, I've just seen something on IMDB".

She replied...AND I QUOTE..."Ah, I'm not bothered". So I proceeded to explain what I'd seen and told her the spoiler.

Then she got angry, she said, "What are you doing, why are you telling me!?" I said, "You said you wasn't bothered!" She said, "Exactly! I didn't want to know, I wasn't bothered about knowing!"

Who's right VT, it's me isn't it VT?

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3 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

Difficult to tell the tone, ah I'm not bothered who the actor is?

No, she realised I'd spotted something different. I think I actually said "It's a spoiler" whilst pointed at the programme on the telly with a gun finger.

Her "Ah I'm not bothered" reply wasn't panicked, it wasn't like "no, no, don't tell me". It was more like I'd asked if she wanted any more gravy on her dinner.

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27 minutes ago, Paddywhack said:

Please settle a debate VT.

Me and Mrs P are making our way through a TV show at the moment and I recognised an actor in one episode but I couldn't work out where from. Naturally, I loaded IMDB on my phone to have a look. 

I then said "Ooh....oh that's interesting". Mrs P asked what was. I said "Well, it's kind of a spoiler, I've just seen something on IMDB".

She replied...AND I QUOTE..."Ah, I'm not bothered". So I proceeded to explain what I'd seen and told her the spoiler.

Then she got angry, she said, "What are you doing, why are you telling me!?" I said, "You said you wasn't bothered!" She said, "Exactly! I didn't want to know, I wasn't bothered about knowing!"

Who's right VT, it's me isn't it VT?

You're both wrong.

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36 minutes ago, Paddywhack said:

No, she realised I'd spotted something different. I think I actually said "It's a spoiler" whilst pointed at the programme on the telly with a gun finger.

If you used the gun finger then clearly she was in the wrong.

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2 hours ago, Paddywhack said:

Please settle a debate VT.

Me and Mrs P are making our way through a TV show at the moment and I recognised an actor in one episode but I couldn't work out where from. Naturally, I loaded IMDB on my phone to have a look. 

I then said "Ooh....oh that's interesting". Mrs P asked what was. I said "Well, it's kind of a spoiler, I've just seen something on IMDB".

She replied...AND I QUOTE..."Ah, I'm not bothered". So I proceeded to explain what I'd seen and told her the spoiler.

Then she got angry, she said, "What are you doing, why are you telling me!?" I said, "You said you wasn't bothered!" She said, "Exactly! I didn't want to know, I wasn't bothered about knowing!"

Who's right VT, it's me isn't it VT?

Mrs P is wrong as she said she should have made it clear she didn’t want to know, not that she “wasn’t bothered”.

You’re wrong because you know damn well what she meant ;)

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8 minutes ago, Shropshire Lad said:

Mrs P is wrong as she said she should have made it clear she didn’t want to know, not that she “wasn’t bothered”.

You’re wrong because you know damn well what she meant ;)

Nooo, I didn't, I was perplexed when she threw the wobbly. 

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3 hours ago, Paddywhack said:

Please settle a debate VT.

Me and Mrs P are making our way through a TV show at the moment and I recognised an actor in one episode but I couldn't work out where from. Naturally, I loaded IMDB on my phone to have a look. 

I then said "Ooh....oh that's interesting". Mrs P asked what was. I said "Well, it's kind of a spoiler, I've just seen something on IMDB".

She replied...AND I QUOTE..."Ah, I'm not bothered". So I proceeded to explain what I'd seen and told her the spoiler.

Then she got angry, she said, "What are you doing, why are you telling me!?" I said, "You said you wasn't bothered!" She said, "Exactly! I didn't want to know, I wasn't bothered about knowing!"

Who's right VT, it's me isn't it VT?

You're wrong because 'you wasn't bothered' suggests you can't make subjects and verbs agree in the past simple :P

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The scene opens and there's Paddy enjoying the fact that he actually got a bit of time to veg on the sofa in front of one of his favourite programmes despite his busy lifestyle when Mrs P starts wittering on about some guy in some show or other and talking over the dialogue to the point where she starts reading imdb instead of watching her favourite telly show. She says something about something, but lets face it Paddy's watching telly so he murmours a response "yeah whatever love" as if she's just asked him whether he wants any more gravy on his tea. At which point she tells him that big dave there is gonna die at the end of this episode because his aunties dog just ran over a tadpole in an alternate universe and that's why the demons are chasing him down the high street after all. Whats wrong with her? he thought to himself, who does that? he pondered. I mean randomly in some chat room is one thing but while the programme is actually on? That's some next level **** right there he thought as he battled the anger from within.

"wish she came with a spoiler tag" he grumbled as he sloped off to make a cup of tea now he knew what was going to happen.

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6 hours ago, Paddywhack said:

Please settle a debate VT.

Me and Mrs P are making our way through a TV show at the moment and I recognised an actor in one episode but I couldn't work out where from. Naturally, I loaded IMDB on my phone to have a look. 

I then said "Ooh....oh that's interesting". Mrs P asked what was. I said "Well, it's kind of a spoiler, I've just seen something on IMDB".

She replied...AND I QUOTE..."Ah, I'm not bothered". So I proceeded to explain what I'd seen and told her the spoiler.

Then she got angry, she said, "What are you doing, why are you telling me!?" I said, "You said you wasn't bothered!" She said, "Exactly! I didn't want to know, I wasn't bothered about knowing!"

Who's right VT, it's me isn't it VT?

End it now, it'll never last. 

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Wasn't sure where to put this.

Some of these are ACE.



Fan-made football kits that are arguably better than the real thing

The Yeezy inspired Real Madrid one and the Dior France shirt are wicked. Quite like the AC Milan Netflix one too. 

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6 minutes ago, wazzap24 said:

Wasn't sure where to put this.

Some of these are ACE.


The Yeezy inspired Real Madrid one and the Dior France shirt are wicked. Quite like the AC Milan Netflix one too. 

REALLY? I think they're all ghastly. I shudder to think what they'd do with a Villa kit (I still consider it blasphemous that it has advertising on it at all). 

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