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6 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

REALLY? I think they're all ghastly. I shudder to think what they'd do with a Villa kit (I still consider it blasphemous that it has advertising on it at all). 

As soon as I posted it, I thought 'I bet I'm in the minority here' 

I didn't think it TBF, I said it out loud to the wolf picture patch I've got sewn on the back of my stonewashed denim jacket. 

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3 hours ago, wazzap24 said:

Wasn't sure where to put this.

Some of these are ACE.


The Yeezy inspired Real Madrid one and the Dior France shirt are wicked. Quite like the AC Milan Netflix one too. 

They're all **** terrible, and most of them wouldn't be allowed either by the brand, the team, or governing body - or a combination of the three.

Some things are best left to the experts.


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3 hours ago, wazzap24 said:

Wasn't sure where to put this.

Some of these are ACE.


The Yeezy inspired Real Madrid one and the Dior France shirt are wicked. Quite like the AC Milan Netflix one too. 

They are all incredibly shit imo.

What the f*** is the Man City one with the Swiss Alps all about?

Maybe if they changed their sponsor to Alpen or Evian it might be quite apt then.

They're all hideous.


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Anyone see Katie Price in the Commons ? Who in the world would troll and deaf and blind kid on the internet FFS.

Fair play to her,  might not change anything but she is giving it a go.  It must be heartbreaking for any parent but if the kid is disabled as well.

Some people should not have access to the internet,  same as drink driving,  if you are a nuisance and a danger F*** **f.


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12 hours ago, wazzap24 said:

As soon as I posted it, I thought 'I bet I'm in the minority here' 

I didn't think it TBF, I said it out loud to the wolf picture patch I've got sewn on the back of my stonewashed denim jacket. 

I like them.

I don't think I'd want many, or any, as actual kits.

But as fun mockups they're cool.

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I done my hamstring at football last night.  Felt a pop and something rolled up the back of my leg.  Went to A&E this morning because I can barely move my left leg.  Pretty excruciating to be honest. 

Anyway, the people in A&E - why though? 

1 bloke in a hi-vis looking moody at everyone - he went in with a sore throat. 

A couple with a 6 month old looking baby went in because she hadn't pooped or wee'd for a day.. that's pretty normal sometimes.  Just google it. 

And when I got through to see the physio, there was a guy waiting to be seen who I heard saying "I ent seeing no DR.." - well if that's the case you word removed nugget - why are you in hospital?  

So many time wasters.  We need Karl Pilkington on the wards to tell people with bullshit reasons to be in A&E to **** off - and that's coming from someone who went in with a hamstring injury :lol: 

The bonus was, I was in and out in an hour.. Very good. 

And yes, I did google it before I went in - NHS website said I should have gone! :P  

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1 hour ago, Rodders said:

 If you can't be bothered to put your name / face to comments, you shouldn't be able to express an opinion in a public sphere. Own it or **** off.

I think there might be something to that, its hard to imagine how this wouldn't translate to logging on to the Net via some ID and having your every move tracked, not sure that's a good idea on a broader scale, the anonymity (to a degree) of the net is part of why its so important.

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1 hour ago, Rodders said:

If you can't be bothered to put your name / face to comments, you shouldn't be able to express an opinion in a public sphere. Own it or **** off.

That's VT screwed then.

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I know it's completely unrealistic and unfeasible for all sorts of reasons but I think it is a big contributing factor to the explosion of all the in your face rage ( of which I have been frequently guilty myself, not necessarily of abuse, but just well, more extreme in my emphasis than were we to be chatting in person )

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Its one of those topics that is a lot more nuanced that it seems, its not just a case of people being arses.

South Park actually covered it quite well a couple of seasons ago where Kyle's Dad becomes a troll and that was the over arcing storyline for the whole season.

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53 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

I done my hamstring at football last night.  Felt a pop and something rolled up the back of my leg.  Went to A&E this morning because I can barely move my left leg.  Pretty excruciating to be honest. 

Anyway, the people in A&E - why though? 

1 bloke in a hi-vis looking moody at everyone - he went in with a sore throat. 

A couple with a 6 month old looking baby went in because she hadn't pooped or wee'd for a day.. that's pretty normal sometimes.  Just google it. 

And when I got through to see the physio, there was a guy waiting to be seen who I heard saying "I ent seeing no DR.." - well if that's the case you word removed nugget - why are you in hospital?  

So many time wasters.  We need Karl Pilkington on the wards to tell people with bullshit reasons to be in A&E to **** off - and that's coming from someone who went in with a hamstring injury :lol: 

The bonus was, I was in and out in an hour.. Very good. 

And yes, I did google it before I went in - NHS website said I should have gone! :P  

Karl would be too busy lying in the corner with an ashtray on his belly. 

"old cold"

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