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Depends if you've got space next to you. If there is a seat free either side, then it's fine. Otherwise it's a nightmare. I enjoy watching all the films ( although you need to watch out for Altitude Adjusted Lachrymosity Syndrome with certain films ) in the process. Although I learned the first time around to avoid alcohol when you're up there. Had a couple of whiskeys first time round and felt remarkably drunk by the end, wasn't pleasant. 

Edited by Rodders
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Has anyone who hasnt flown with wife/partner etc ever sat next to any fit women. in 30 years of flying I can honestly say I have never been set next to any hot women (and I have flown alot by myself)


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2 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

I get hammered and fall asleep midway through films. I do that pretty much every time.

I can never sleep on planes I dont know how people do it. i been told eva air you have  a hell of a lot of leg space so hopefully i can get some sleep

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4 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

Has anyone who hasnt flown with wife/partner etc ever sat next to any fit women. in 30 years of flying I can honestly say I have never been set next to any hot women (and I have flown alot by myself)


I chose to read that in such a way that you fly solely so that you might be sat next to pretty women :D  To answer the question, yes I have been sat next to some beauties.  Makes it all the more important to conceal the inevitable 'flight descent erection*'.




*I can't be the only person who gets these.  Must be something to do with air pressure.

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2 minutes ago, BOF said:

the inevitable 'flight descent erection*'.


I was cursed with BRS (bus rumble stiffy) for a good few years. 

Since I stopped catching the bus and started reading VT it's really only salad that does it for me these days.

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11 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:

I hate flying because it scares the piss out of me.  I think it is amazing and probably man's greatest achievement but I don't like doing it.

Still do it semi regularly though

Same for me, I fly probably 4 times a year, I'm going to Barcelona in just over a month and already dreading it, I don't know why after an 11 hour flight to Vegas in December I'm bothered about an hour n half hop to Spain.

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Homeless guy approaching me in the station and asking me something in polish. I reply in polish that I don't speak polish and he keeps repeating himself over and over again more and more aggressively. 

I don't understand you, repeating yourself louder and more aggressively isn't going to help and I'm not going to give you anything if you're threatening me. 

I feel like that's the polish equivalent of what English people do to people who don't speak English :D

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9 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

I think my favourite was that one (it may well have been another bodybuilding forum) where the guy posted loads of pictures of his car, and his wife doing loads of sexy poses on it. Only his wife was ugly as shit and everybody just rinsed him.

I need to see this thread! :)

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As I've got older the more I dislike flying. It is a necessary evil now.

Dem - don't look for sympathy when you are off to Thailand! :P


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After all the talk on here of the guy who's Dad died on the 29th February, I found out this morning that one of my colleagues passed away yesterday.  She'd gone out horse riding and when she hadn't come home, her partner went out to look for her and found her in a field near the stables.  Just can't get my head around it, she was here yesterday and now I'll never see her again.  It's the first time anything sudden like that has happened to someone I know, touch wood.  Just really sad.

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Last night, I found a small, perfectly round nugget of poop on my bathroom floor.

It has left me completely perplexed as to where the **** it came from.

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