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Did the die hard films last week, one is a classic, two is actually better than I remember and is underrated, three I was a bit null to I've seen it so many times, four again was better than I remembered, five was utter garbage awful film 

Now going through the alien series, one and two are absolute classics, aliens is better imo it's a near perfect film, watching 3 now, it has a fatal flaw in its plot


The gestation period in Ripley is so long, the dog gets the face hugger, alien pops out and kills everyone before hers comes despite her being done first 


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42 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

Did the die hard films last week, one is a classic, two is actually better than I remember and is underrated, three I was a bit null to I've seen it so many times, four again was better than I remembered, five was utter garbage awful film 

Now going through the alien series, one and two are absolute classics, aliens is better imo it's a near perfect film, watching 3 now, it has a fatal flaw in its plot

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The gestation period in Ripley is so long, the dog gets the face hugger, alien pops out and kills everyone before hers comes despite her being done first 


It's also worth seeking out the Blu-Ray of Alien 3 and watching the alternative cut. A different animal is used to a dog for the face hugger and there's plenty extra footage thrown in. Some good, some not so.

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45 minutes ago, Chindie said:

I maintain that the Assembly Cut of Alien 3 is a decent movie.

I would say one of my biggest gripes with it is the cgi alien that has aged horrifically, what does the assembly cut do with it? 

Seems odd that the first 2 films were based around the costume and the "real" special effects work and they got this one so badly wrong 

Other than that it's not a terrible film, it's just never going to be a patch on the first 2, there's too much underdeveloped fodder to kill and the suspense that they went for doesn't quite pay off, at least compared to 4 and then AvP and the 2 prequel films it knows what it wants to be, it does suffer from the same problem all the other films after the first 2 have suffered from though - what is the justification for this film being made other than money? And I don't think there is one 

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10 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

I would say one of my biggest gripes with it is the cgi alien that has aged horrifically, what does the assembly cut do with it? 

It adds a lot of scenes, I think about half an hour longer. The big differences are the alien origin (ox, not dog), greater development of Golic and his plot, a much better ending, and then a load of scene setting/character development sequences.

It's a much, much better film than the theatrical cut.

While the CG has aged badly, like all the CG from that era, I kinda love the look and feel of Alien 3. It has a wonderful grimy, heavy ominous style to everything. And it's kinda the embodiment of the early 90s cool thing for me, if you distilled a lot of what was thought as cool in the industrial 90s fashion scene into a single moment, you'd get Allen 3.

Genuinely a decent film and I've no doubt had Fincher been allowed to make the movie he wanted to make we'd have got a good entry in the series. As is, the theatrical cut is a mess and the Assembly Cut is very admirable attempt at rescuing it.

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On 21/12/2020 at 19:30, maqroll said:

Struggling to get through "Mank". 

I was wondering if it was any good.  I didn't fancy it from the preview plus I'm pissed off that Fincher stopped Mindhunter to work on other things like Mank.  I might give it a go some time. 

I tried watching that George Clooney film on Netflix, it was garbage.

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Won tickets to see Wonder Woman 1984 at a drive in movie. 
Firstly, it so nice to go and see some new content.

Never been to a drive in before, but this was well done. We were on front row which helped. It was a good experience.

As for the film itself, it’s ok. Harmless, kills a couple of hours. Gadot looking lovely. Some nice touches and some funny parts, 


although I did laugh at her “flying” as to how bad it was

Pascal was good, not your usual baddie in that he wasn’t strong or a killer, so a different approach by WW was needed. 
Some huge plotholes and also lacked clarity of information on how 


the wishes worked, and the counter balance “monkey paw ” trait


Edited by mikeyp102
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So, I watched Tenet and think Christopher Nolan went too Nolan with this one and made an unnecessarily overly complicated film. Shame really as the cast were all decent, as was the cinematography. 

I'll Mark this down as being too clever for its own good. 

second up was The Aeronauts - a true story based on the early stages of meteorology using a hot air balloon. It was ok but then I read up on it to find the female lead character was completely fictitious and the feat was undertaken by two men... It was an interesting yarn regardless so didn't see the need to rewrite history for the sake of casting. 

I'm going to insist on watching parasite tomorrow night for NYE!


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36 minutes ago, Rodders said:

North by Northwest on the iPlayer. One of my favourite Hitchcock films. 

I reckon it’s Hitchcock’s most crowd pleasing film, and I mean that it good way. Just a real easy, enjoyable watch. My mate is getting into the Hitchcock back catalogue at the moment and this was one of the few I suggested to get him started.


Always find the edit of the ending odd, from being on top of Rushmore to being on the train in one quick swoop. Then before you know it, the film ends with nob gag.


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27 minutes ago, Mark Albrighton said:

I reckon it’s Hitchcock’s most crowd pleasing film, and I mean that it good way. Just a real easy, enjoyable watch. My mate is getting into the Hitchcock back catalogue at the moment and this was one of the few I suggested to get him started.

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Always find the edit of the ending odd, from being on top of Rushmore to being on the train in one quick swoop. Then before you know it, the film ends with nob gag.


Yes, I've only watched about 9 or 10 of them so far I think and definitely easier to get into than others.  Completely agree on the final shot edit, very strange!

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You've got a bigger plot hole then gestation timelines that kneecaps the entirety of Alien 3 from the get go, Assembly Cut or otherwise (and I actually do like both versions in spite of their flaws, whilst the AC is the clear superior of the two as already stated above); the queen couldn't have laid eggs on the Sulaco (though plenty of the expanded universe comics/games have had different pops at plugging that gap over the years).  Theatrical cut also has us believe the same facehugger implants both Ripley and the dog, whereas Alien had already established the life-cycle of the facehugger being death after impregnation.  Ralph Brown's blog piece on the litany of Alien 3's on-set problems is well worth a read if that kind of thing tickles your fancy.

William Gibson's rejected screenplay for Alien 3 has recently been turned into an audiobook and graphic novel (of which I've read the latter), it's interesting enough (and you can see a couple of the ideas that the studio did eventually use) though it completely sidelines Ripley for the entirety.

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