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On 8/7/2016 at 13:57, Chindie said:

Jay Hernandez is convincing as a conflicted monster, Croc and (shockingly) Boomerang are good with little to work with (I'd actually welcome seeing either having expanded roles in, say, an upcoming Batman movie... Never thought I'd say that about Jai Courtney).

I'd go as far as to say that Jai Courtney's Boomerang is not only just a positive, but one of the best things about the movie. While I do agree that he was good with what opportunity he had, it also says an awful lot about the film as a whole.

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I feel I need to put this in here as a warning.  Do not watch 'Lucy'.  It's astonishingly bad, and that's despite having both Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman in it.  2.5/10.

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1 hour ago, BOF said:

I feel I need to put this in here as a warning.  Do not watch 'Lucy'.  It's astonishingly bad, and that's despite having both Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman in it.  2.5/10.

It was a 5/10 until the last 20 mins or so when it then resembled a dogs dinner. 

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18 hours ago, kurtsimonw said:

I'd go as far as to say that Jai Courtney's Boomerang is not only just a positive, but one of the best things about the movie. While I do agree that he was good with what opportunity he had, it also says an awful lot about the film as a whole.

I'd agree with that.

He's got 20 lines at best and he's still one of the best things in the movie. He also does next to nothing.

And yet he outdoes one of the films big draws in Leto's Joker. Easily.

Hopeless movie.

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Into the Forest - film poster.jpg

Pretty much watched this without knowing anything. It was..... alright. You essentially spend the whole film with Ellen Page and Evan Rachel Wood and they are both decent but despite having a decent concept (the whole city seems to have lost power and they are living in the woods with their father) it just never goes anywhere with it. 5/10


600 Miles POSTER.jpg

I can't recommend this one at all. Starts off quite promising but again goes absolutely nowhere. Its the directors first film and he spends far too much time lingering on shots of nothing. Tim Roth is here but god knows why, complete with a very hokey American accent and a young Mexican kid who spends the whole film switching between Spanish and English for some reason. The film goes nowhere and the ending is very underwhelming, in addition to that Roth and this Mexican kid seem to develop an unbreakable bond over the course of a 2 hour drive and its not believable in the slightest. 4/10

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Batman vs Superman, meh 5/10

Bridge of Spies 7/10

Bone Tomahawk 7/10, Banshee Fargo crossover casting wise, also made me feel quite ill. Poor Nick.

The Nice Guys, loved it 8/10. Was a big fan of Misty's Mountains.

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Suicide Sqaud tonight

the film gets a meh rating , sorta of the dirty dozen meets every boring superhero cliche you've ever seen before ... Bad guys with amazing powers but somehow they decide that a fist fight is the best way .... 

Margot Robbie's shorts get 10/10 and were the star of the film ....I'll go see the sequel if they promise that outfit makes a reappearance 



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That could go either way by the looks of it.  I note that the director is one Denis Villeneuve who (upon mooneying) was born in the same town as the legendary Gilles.  Suuuurely must be related in some way.

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Jared Leto seems to have just copied Johnny Depp in Black Mass even the hairstyle is similar

also found it funny they made Deadshot out as the greatest shooter in the world and 2 minutes into the movie he missed Batman from about 6 inches

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25 minutes ago, MellbergsBeard said:

The nice guys was my film for tonight, not seen on trailers or read on spoilers so I wasn't sure what to expect.

Throughly enjoyed it, made me laugh a bit, I don't tend to find much comedy in new films. Guess I'm beginning to get old.


Have you seen Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang? Another Shane Black movie and very much in the same vein as The Nice Guys, but even better IMO.

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I saw Suicide Squad yesterday. I will rate is along side the last comic book movies I can remember seeing

Big Hero 6 > Age of Ultron > X Men Apocalypse > Suicide Squad > Batman v Superman

Which says a lot really

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Finally saw suicide squad last night. It was a poor movie with very little redeeming features.

The plot was complete rubbish even for the genre and suffered from a lot of massive holes.

killer croc looked very poor and seemed to shrink in size and times.

The joker was very disappointing and while he obviously had a lot to live up to he didn't even come close. A lot was done with him being crazy just for the sake of being crazy. His backstory with Harley was done very poorly. They really could have done something with this.

I thought the action and especially the special effects at time were below standard for such a big budget movie especially when it came to the two main villains.

Will Smith came out of it well effectively playing Will Smith and not Dead shot and obviously Margot Robbie shined as the film was waited very heavily in her favour. 

Sometimes you come out of a film thinking I could do better. This is definitely one of them.

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Saw suicide squad, first of all.... WTF was with the soundtrack? Felt awfully misplaced throughout. Really really poor choice of music through this film.

Secondly, the villains were pathetic, what was with that woman dancing as she was building whatever it was she was trying to build? :lol: 

Overall, the film sucked, badly, I actually preferred BvS, which is saying something. The forced humour in Suicide Squad just doesn't hit at all,I think I smirked at bits that I had already seen in the trailer, and that's it.

Lastly, this might be a controversial opinion but... I quite liked this version of the Joker. They had to do something completely different, and it doesn't come close to Ledger's Joker, but.... I dunno, considering what they had to live up to, I thought they did a good job on it. 

4/10 from me. Purely for the hot pants. 

Oh... and the woman with a sword, what a way to shoehorn a character into a film, who the **** was she? Why was she working with the American gov? The only reason I remembered her name was 'cos it's the same from a character in Halo. Most pointless character in a film ever?

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