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From personal experience I am going to disagree, using the wrong type of shoes has caused myself and others from my club all sorts of issues. Some people can wear anything but they are few and far between, there is usually a number (of miles a week) where people break.

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On 03/12/2018 at 20:30, Paddywhack said:

Seems VT has stopped running, or at least stopped talking about it.

Everyone getting fat for Christmas and starting again in January? That's exactly what I'm doing.

I've pretty much lost my interest in football so no checked this site too often, but still very much running. On track to hit 3000k by the end of the year.

Ran (or least ran, walked and hiked) 50km at Annapurna 100 race at the end of October. Seriously tough but the views, wow. Next race not until February though:(


On 06/12/2018 at 04:44, Hornso said:

What watches/shoes does everyone prefer/trust?

Watch I use Garmin Forerunner 30. Pretty cheap and does the job for 99.9% of my runs, although the battery isn't enough for the ultras.

Shoes are the one thing I spend a lot of money on. I used to think they didn't make a lot of difference but changed my view after getting properly assessed and into the right pair of shoes. Currently Saucony Ride 10 for the road and either Saucony Perrigne 8 or Salomon Elevate XA for the trails. Got a pair of On Cloudflash on the way that I'm seriously excited for as I loved my Cloudventure Peaks until the tread started falling off.


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  • 2 months later...

Did the English National XC champs yesterday; I can’t recommend this highly enough. 2000 guys running round beautiful 11.8km course just outside Leeds on a perfect day*. Literally every kind of runner from the elite, to some superb veterans, each running their own race. Just have to be a member of an affiliated club to do it, and I think the fee was £7 (none of that £50 to run 10km around some city centre). 

* If next years XC champs is at Parliament Hill, London, avoid. Its a horrible course

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2 hours ago, PauloBarnesi said:

Did the English National XC champs yesterday; I can’t recommend this highly enough. 2000 guys running round beautiful 11.8km course just outside Leeds on a perfect day*. Literally every kind of runner from the elite, to some superb veterans, each running their own race. Just have to be a member of an affiliated club to do it, and I think the fee was £7 (none of that £50 to run 10km around some city centre). 

* If next years XC champs is at Parliament Hill, London, avoid. Its a horrible course

Did you win, Paul? Or is it all about the taking part (loser!!!!) 😛

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50 minutes ago, PauloBarnesi said:

Friday night declared I would be in the ‘middle of the pack’. Saturday 1029 out of 2006. Mid table mediocrity achieved.

Sounds like Villa's season 🙄

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12 hours ago, PauloBarnesi said:

I did Southerns. Totally rubbish, it was a good 1km under 15😀


Yeah I had just over 14km too although other years on the same course seem to have come up further, they must have cut some corners along the way.

I shouldnt of raced it actually, I had a bit of a cough before it and ended up ill for weeks (anti-biotics) and only started running again a week ago - feel like Ive lost a month of marathon training as going by this weekend Ive gone backwards from where I was before.


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I'm not a particularly great runner at all. I do a few 5ks a week and I've done a few official 10ks. I'm doing the 10 mile (Lichfield) Cathedral to (Tamworth) Castle in April, do the experts in here suggest that I'm able to do the 10 mile run beforehand, or is it something I should build up to and the day of be the first time I complete that distance?

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I think if you're a regular 5k runner then you'd be fine for 10 miles. I'd put in a couple of practice runs around the 8 mile range and build up to April. 

Good luck mate.

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Beaten my Parkrun PB (it had been 23:07 for almost a year) the last three weeks on the bounce - will be a stretch to do so again this week I think. New pb is 22:13, would like to get a sub22 by the summer.

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Newbie question. I prefer to get my cardio from rowing, but in the summer months I like evening runs, but last year I kept getting this stabbing pain in my hip. I stopped running and it went away. Is this cause I can't handle asphalt, I have shit shoes or shouldn't I run period? Some people said keep running and it will go away, but that wasn't the case. And it was the type of stabbing pain that tells me something is not right, if you know what I mean. I am not overweight whatsoever, so don't think it's weight related. 

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On 27/02/2019 at 17:29, KenjiOgiwara said:

Newbie question. I prefer to get my cardio from rowing, but in the summer months I like evening runs, but last year I kept getting this stabbing pain in my hip. I stopped running and it went away. Is this cause I can't handle asphalt, I have shit shoes or shouldn't I run period? Some people said keep running and it will go away, but that wasn't the case. And it was the type of stabbing pain that tells me something is not right, if you know what I mean. I am not overweight whatsoever, so don't think it's weight related. 

Maybe try going to löplabbet. They’ll be able to tell you if you have the right kind of shoe (although with a vested interest in trying to sell you new ones) but also if you need to make technique ajustments. I’ve bought my last two pairs off them and it has been very helpful. 

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On 27/02/2019 at 11:29, KenjiOgiwara said:

Newbie question. I prefer to get my cardio from rowing, but in the summer months I like evening runs, but last year I kept getting this stabbing pain in my hip. I stopped running and it went away. Is this cause I can't handle asphalt, I have shit shoes or shouldn't I run period? Some people said keep running and it will go away, but that wasn't the case. And it was the type of stabbing pain that tells me something is not right, if you know what I mean. I am not overweight whatsoever, so don't think it's weight related. 

All sorts of weird alignment issues could be present. They'll never bother you until you engage in the repetitive straight line motion that is running.

You can get an idea from your trainers, i.e., is the wear pattern symmetrical?

This could be something easily diagnosed/fixed by a physio, i.e., loosen your hip flexors, start using your left glute, etc., etc. Or it could be something more fundamental with your hip/pelvis that has never bothered you before now. Pain normally means stop, so it's something worth having a pro look at as if your able to hammer away at a rowing machine, running should be straightforward.


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Hoping to do my first parkrun this weekend (if I can find a printer that works beforehand!). Absolutely no idea what time I should be aiming for - I’m in pretty good shape (25 y/o) but haven’t really exercised in ages, or done timed running before, especially outside.

Is 30 mins a good starting point? Or should I be aiming a bit lower?

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1 hour ago, Carlos_the_third said:

Hoping to do my first parkrun this weekend (if I can find a printer that works beforehand!). Absolutely no idea what time I should be aiming for - I’m in pretty good shape (25 y/o) but haven’t really exercised in ages, or done timed running before, especially outside.

Is 30 mins a good starting point? Or should I be aiming a bit lower?

30 minutes is a great starting point if you have no previous timed runs under your belt. My best is around 28 minutes for 5k and I've been running regularly for 3 + years now, I'm also a drinker and smoker so there are obviously limitations. Sub 25 and you can class yourself a decent runner and anything around 20-22 you should probably be considering running clubs and proper training.

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10 minutes ago, AVFCDAN said:

30 minutes is a great starting point if you have no previous timed runs under your belt. My best is around 28 minutes for 5k and I've been running regularly for 3 + years now, I'm also a drinker and smoker so there are obviously limitations. Sub 25 and you can class yourself a decent runner and anything around 20-22 you should probably be considering running clubs and proper training.

Thanks! That’s really useful to know - I certainly won’t get disheartened if I go over 30 then. I’m pretty sure I can do 5k that fast on a treadmill, but I always find running outside infinitely harder so will see how it goes... Thanks again!

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1 hour ago, Carlos_the_third said:

Hoping to do my first parkrun this weekend (if I can find a printer that works beforehand!). Absolutely no idea what time I should be aiming for - I’m in pretty good shape (25 y/o) but haven’t really exercised in ages, or done timed running before, especially outside.

Is 30 mins a good starting point? Or should I be aiming a bit lower?

It's good to have a target, but I wouldn't worry about your time too much on your first one. Whatever you get will be your PB, so I'd just enjoy it and it'll make it easier to beat next week. :)

Just don't do what I did on my first one where I completely burned myself out after the first mile and was nearly sick. I was far too eager!

Enjoy it, let us know how you get on!


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On 03/12/2018 at 14:45, Paddywhack said:

Seems VT has stopped running, or at least stopped talking about it.

Everyone getting fat for Christmas and starting again in January? That's exactly what I'm doing.

I have not long come out of winter hibernation. I stopped running out doors in October, ticked over on a treadmill for 3 and half months, and started running outdoors again 2 weeks ago.

I am surprised out how well I have maintained decent fitness as I never went further than 6 mile on the treadmill a couple of times a week and was doing no better than 10 minute miles. In last couple of weeks I have done 6 runs outside of 7 - 7.5 miles and all under 9 minute miles. 

I don't know if others find treadmill running indoors tougher but I do and can't do anymore than an hour or so before boredom sets in.

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